Category: California

California Sinking Deeper in the Hole.

California Sinking Deeper in the Hole.

As I’ve stated many many times: If you want to see Barack Obama’s second term, the example for the nation is California.

Shortfall in California’s Budget Swells to $16 Billion

LOS ANGELES — The state budget shortfall in California has increased dramatically in the last six months, forcing state officials to assemble a series of new spending cuts that are likely to mean further reductions to schools, health care and other social programs already battered by nearly five years of budget retrenchment, state officials announced on Saturday.

Gov. Jerry Brown, disclosing the development in a video posted on YouTube, said that California’s shortfall was now projected to be $16 billion, up from $9.2 billion in January. Mr. Brown said that he would propose a revised budget on Monday to deal with it.

“We are now facing a $16 billion hole, not the $9 billion we thought in January,” Mr. Brown said. “This means we will have to go much further and make cuts far greater than I asked for at the beginning of the year.”

Now lets break this down for those who don’t live in California. California is a HUGE state. It has numerous counties that break down kind of weird in the political world. In a normal state California would be a red state. BUT the population centers of the state are VERY LIBERAL. Therefore the state is extremely blue.

The population centers (Big city’s) carry the weight of the votes in this state. The state hasn’t had a majority REPUBLICAN Legislation since 1995-1996. The assembly has ALWAYS been Democrat controlled.

So when people say “Arnold was a Republican” he was working with FULL DEMOCRAT CONTROL (As well as his wife) So he doesn’t count. Reagan was the last one who led CA with a conservative belief value system. And he was supporting some Democrats. To be fair, the Dems back then are a lot like the 2000 Republicans.

What we have here is a total Democrat experiment happening. We’ve got a leadership that panders to the illegal alien crowd, the gay crowd, the transgendered crowd, the environmental crowd, the labor unions, the teachers unions… Every special interest known to man except the business crowd.

We have the greatest resources in the nation second only to Alaska. We’ve got some of the smartest folks in the world among the population. Those that are still here…

When someone says I vote DEMOCRAT and are proud of it, show them California.


California Tax Revenues fall by 22%

California Tax Revenues fall by 22%

Yeah, who could have seen this coming?… Well Everyone who lives here and 60% of Americans who do not subscribe to liberal/socialist/progressive ideals…


State Controller John Chaing continues to uphold the California Great Seal Motto of “Eureka”, i.e., ‘I have found it’. But what Chaing is finding as Controller is that California’s economy as measured by tax revenues is still tanking. Compared to last year, State tax collections for February shriveled by $1.2 billion or 22%. The deterioration is more than double the shocking $535 million reported decline for last month. The cumulative fiscal year decline is $6.1 billion or down 11% versus this period in 2011.
While California Governor Brown promises strong economic growth is just around the corner, Chaing proves that the best way for Sacramento politicians to hurt the economy and thereby generate lower tax revenue, is to have the highest tax rates in the nation.

Best part of the article:

Spectrum Locations Consultants recorded 254 California companies moved some or all of their work and jobs out of state in 2011, 26% more than in 2010 and five times as many as in 2009. According SLC President, Joe Vranich: the “top ten reasons companies are leaving California: 1) Poor rankings in surveys 2) More adversarial toward business 3) Uncontrollable public spending 4) Unfriendly business climate 5) Provable savings elsewhere 6) Most expensive business locations 7) Unfriendly legal environment for business 8) Worst regulatory burden 9) Severe tax treatment 10) Unprecedented energy costs.

Now what the article doesn’t seem to mention is the labor force in the state. While there is an abundance of “College educated” people here, they are also the laziest bunch of SOB’s in the nation. As far as skilled labor, well that’s not exactly great either. Anyone who is worth a damn in most areas requiring basic mechanical knowledge, or electrical skills has a job. Those who are looking for experience are finding it very tough to fill positions.

The ugly truth about the state of California is illegal immigration has destroyed this state.  Let me explain to those who think I’m just bashing poor little illegals:

The most common cries here in the state is MORE MONEY for schools because there’s not enough teachers or class rooms or teaching materials etc.. The second most common tax reason is cops/fire dept. Then the 3rd is Roads and infrastructure. Because there’s so many “People” here to protect everyone we need more, more more….. So taxes on the rich go up, taxes on business go up… See the problem?

Now if you removed the “Illegal” population, schools all of the sudden have plenty of room and teachers, prisons are no longer overcrowded, police are not as needed as they are now and our roads are less crowded. You remove those who ARE NOT EVEN PART OF THE TAX PAYING CITIZENRY and you solve CA’s issues.. But that’s not the only issue, there’s much more wrong here than right. The only RIGHT left in this state was made by GOD himself and that’s scenery. Other than that this state is horrendous.

California: Clean air rules for Vehicles….

California: Clean air rules for Vehicles….

Well, CA is taking the lead again in idiocy.

California adopts “clean car” rules California adopts ‘clean car’ rules

California air regulators passed sweeping emission standards Friday that will require one in seven of the new cars sold in the state in 2025 be an electric or other zero-emission vehicle.

The policy adopted unanimously by the California Air Resources Board mandates a 75 percent reduction in smog-forming pollutants by 2025, and a 50 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from today’s standards.

Supporters said there are health and global political implications with the new policy.

“Moving in the direction of energy independence, along with the health benefits, which are enormous, really warrant this,” said board member Ron Roberts, a San Diego County supervisor.

“There seems to be almost universal support — or at worst, acceptance — that there really needs to be regulations that will drive advanced technologies that will get us off of our petroleum diet.”

Now listen, I’m all about clean air and water. I’m a nature buff, I love the sea,the desert and mountains. But what is going on is NOT going to help this state’s economy, the air or the water. It’s a farce in its truest sense. Ask yourself this:

Why would CA do this now? CA is BROKE, people are going to be leaving this state in droves if Brown has his way with the tax hikes on businesses and the private sector. Who owns the VOLT? Ahh, And this state is so blue it’s almost invisible on the political scene. CA is wrote off as a “D” no matter WHO is running for national office. And here we go with a new REGULATION that will force us to buy what the government tells us to.

I think this is a grave error on the part of CA. It’s similar to the gun regulations. We will simply be going to AZ to buy vehicles. IF they place restrictions on driving in this state it will kill tourism. Many of us use AZ as a residence to get around the ridiculous laws here. It’s not that difficult to do. We routinely register our vehicles in AZ rather than CA so we avoid the state tax here which is the highest in the nation. Some don’t know the “Loopholes” some do. Others will simply move the hell out.

Any true American who lives behind enemy lines (CA) looks for these regulation/laws and figures out how to get around them if they have to stay here. Just sayin.

Wait for the nest flood of businesses to flee this restrictive state. Its coming.

Obama’s 2nd Term Can be viewed…

Obama’s 2nd Term Can be viewed…

In the state of California.

California’s Not Dreamin’: This Is the Nightmare of an Obama Second Term

I live in California.  If you were wondering what living in Obama’s second term would be like, wonder no longer.  We in California are living there now.

California is a one-party state dominated by a virulent Democratic Left enabled by a complicit media where every agency of local, county, and state government is run by and for the public employee unions.  The unemployment rate is 12%.

California has more folks on food stamps than any other state, has added so many benefits and higher rates to Medicaid that we call it “Medi-Cal.”  Our K-12 schools have more administrators than teachers, and smaller classes but lower test scores and higher dropout rates with twice the per-student budget of 15 years ago.  Good job, Brownie.

This week, the once and current Gov. Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown had to confess that the “balanced” state budget adopted five months ago was billions in the red because actual tax revenues were billions lower than the airy-fairy revenue estimates on which the balance was predicated.

After trimming legislators’ perks and reducing the number of cell phones provided to state civil servants, the governor intoned that drastic budget reductions had already hollowed out state programs for the needy, law enforcement and our schoolchildren. California government needed more money.

Echoing the Occupy movement, the governor proclaimed the rich must pay their fair share.  Fair share?  The top 1% of California income earners currently pays 50% of the state’s income tax.

As I’ve said since the Democrats took over Congress in the 2006 election. We would see California leadership style for the nation. Was I wrong? In 2006 what was the economic indicators? the stock market? unemployment numbers? Yeah thought so. It’s real easy to sit back and say “Bush did this and that” and while some of it truly the fault of GWB a large part of the responsibility lies with DEMOCRATS.

You will notice that California has MORE LAWS regulating the freedom of it’s people than any other state in the nation. You will also notice that those laws are very selective. While Sacramento has no problem at all making laws to take things away from you. They have a big problem taking things away from their voting base. Illegals, State employees, Homosexuals/transgendered, welfare recipients, so-called Minorities and even criminals are a coveted group of folks that do not suffer hardship in this state. Hence the financial state of affairs here.

California is the perfect example of Obama’s second term. The writer of this article hits it out of the park. You want to visit California and see it for yourself? It’s a beautiful state ruined by it’s leadership. You can’t enjoy this state’s beauty without noticing the over reach of state government. You will be inundated with regulations the minute you step foot in this state and that’s exactly why so many are leaving here.

Lord Willing soon I will be a member of the exodus party leaving this state until the Democrat party thoroughly destroys it. At that point the state may be inhabitable again if it’s not a Chinese or Mexican state first.


California: Going to be Sanctuary STATE

California: Going to be Sanctuary STATE

Anyone who lives here knows this is a disaster. Read this:

Initiative would let illegal immigrants work in Calif. legally

SACRAMENTO, Calif.-Nearly 1 million undocumented immigrants could live and work openly in California with little or no fear of deportation under an initiative unveiled Friday by a state legislator and others.

Assemblyman Felipe Fuentes, a Democrat, is helping spearhead the measure, called the California Opportunity and Prosperity Act.

The proposal was filed Friday with the state Attorney General’s Office, marking a first step toward a drive to collect the 504,760 voter signatures needed to qualify for the ballot.

Fuentes called the measure a “moderate, common-sense approach” necessitated by the federal government’s inability to pass comprehensive immigration reform.

“I hope this shows Washington, D.C., that if they fail to act, California will take the lead on this critical issue,” Fuentes said in a written statement.

Read more:

“nearly 1 million” is BULL EXCREMENT. We got at least that many in a 50 square mile area around here. IF you count KIDS brought over who haven’t been “Counted” and I’m betting the numbers across the nation are B.S too.

But lets get to the crux of the matter shall we. My support of this measure:

Please California DO THIS. Allow a blanket amnesty for Illegals, allow them access to everything you’ve decided to be a RIGHT. Please California shut down all checkpoints from TJ to Temecula and transfer all border patrol to AZ/Nev and face them the west. With all the money California will save and their great society group think, this can’t do anything but help right?


I’m supporting this measure fully. As a matter of fact can we make it retroactive? Can we bring back all the criminals that have been deported. I’m sure both of them would really like to come back. Oh, and make sure there is reparations paid to them for their hardship. Lets also increase taxes on the evil 1% of Californians. I’m thinking 90% is a good number. That should do it….

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California sets the bar LOW again…

California sets the bar LOW again…

California, the state with the second most natural resources and highest unemployment has struck again. The reason California is DEAD can be traced right to the liberal leadership of this state. The liberalism mantra is basically “I know what’s best for you, and if you don’t do as I want, I’ll make a law against it”…. So here we go:

First up: Brown signed the “open carry gun ban”… Not a big deal to me personally because I see this as a GOOD thing. Here’s why. There’s a HUGE push nation wide to get our gun rights BACK. The law in CA was Legal open carry of UNLOADED firearms. This appeased many and kept the “MAY ISSUE” status of California’s CCW’s at bay. NOW without the ability to carry open at all, we see a legal challenge to the “MAY ISSUE” status based on the Heller ruling. Fight on.

Second up: The California dream act, yep we don’t give enough to the illegal’s here in Cali so we need to give them more… Aren’t we broke? All Illegals in AZ and Texas please hurry and get to California. Soon we’re going to offer free sponge baths and land in Malibu for 3 peso’s.

Third up: Ban of teenagers using Tanning beds… Yeah that’s a needed thing. Them damn tanning beds are dangerous. Well wait, didn’t Obama care tax them more too? I think this is a racist ban and tax. How many minorities use them?… just sayin.

Fourth up: Ban of cities banning circumcision… Damn, this is a bill that should be signed I guess but WHY THE HELL DOES THIS EVEN NEED A BILL? Any government that is large enough to stop you from cutting off your kids penis is large enough to cut yours off I guess…

These are just the big ones. Any one who thought Brown was going to do anything to help this state’s job prospects was smoking pot on election day.

I don’t feel sorry for anyone in California, I live here and I pray everyday that this state falls into complete chaos. I hope that this state falls off into the Pacific or shakes so bad that it wakes the sheep up. I’m here so it will affect me too, but I’m very well armed and a damn good shot. I’m thinking my family and I will be fine. We will be very entertained too. Watching these MORONS try and live without their starbucks and Burger Kings will be fun for hours…… FK YOU ALL.


California Jobless Climbs to 12%…yawn.

California Jobless Climbs to 12%…yawn.

I guess this surprises some folks…

California unemployment rises in July to 12%
California’s unemployment rate climbs two-tenths of a percentage point in July, the U.S. Department of Labor says, to 12%. The state has the second-highest jobless rate in the nation, exceeded only by Nevada at 12.9%.

The only thing that surprises me about this is that Nevada is WORSE. Then I realized, Nevada is fueled by income generated by gambling. Obama told folks not to go to Vegas and I guess people listened. Also on the “Reason” front, Nevada had a BOOM in housing. A lot of “Illegal” labor was used and those laborers are draining the system in Nevada now. And another “Who’d have thunk it” moment… The State legislature went to the Democrats in 08

California has been ran by mostly democrats since the 80’s. Our states beauty and temperatures have kept the job losses in line with the nation, until 08. Now, with the competition from other states and California’s tax/regulation/fee structure, jobs have fled. The jobs remaining are quickly filled and lower paid than ever. 12% is actually damn lie. Not even close to what it truly is. People have been out of work since 2008-9 and have given up. The homeless are all over the place now, where they used to be few and far between. Churches are overfilled, food programs are very short on food. Things are really bad in this state. Trust me when I tell you, How California goes, so goes the nation… IF it aint there yet in your neck of the woods, it’s coming if you don’t change soon.


California Gun Grabbers at it again…

California Gun Grabbers at it again…

What we have here is the liberal mindset that believes GOVERNMENT agencies can protect you better than YOU can. Its a disease in the state of California. For those of you that don’t know I live in California. I am a very strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment right. I have gone out in public carrying my sidearm openly. I have NOT had an issue with LEO or Public when I did. But I live in a “Red” area. The people that are pushing Open Carry in this state chose to do it in San Francisco.

This particular video came from an incident in San Diego. Which is also a Red area for the most part. Watch the video please. My commentary will follow after the jump:

HT to the Daily Gator for the video:


California is closer to Europe than it is to Most of America. What has happened here over the last 50 years is criminal. Reagan in the 60’s did sign the “Mulford act” in response to the Black Panthers patrolling the neighborhood with guns. This was the first step in a long line of gun control issues here. Since then California has become one of the least Gun Friendly states in the nation and with that came one of the highest crime rates. Unintended Consequences or willful ignorance is up for debate.

A few thoughts on Open Carry Unloaded:

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