California Sinking Deeper in the Hole.

California Sinking Deeper in the Hole.

As I’ve stated many many times: If you want to see Barack Obama’s second term, the example for the nation is California.

Shortfall in California’s Budget Swells to $16 Billion

LOS ANGELES — The state budget shortfall in California has increased dramatically in the last six months, forcing state officials to assemble a series of new spending cuts that are likely to mean further reductions to schools, health care and other social programs already battered by nearly five years of budget retrenchment, state officials announced on Saturday.

Gov. Jerry Brown, disclosing the development in a video posted on YouTube, said that California’s shortfall was now projected to be $16 billion, up from $9.2 billion in January. Mr. Brown said that he would propose a revised budget on Monday to deal with it.

“We are now facing a $16 billion hole, not the $9 billion we thought in January,” Mr. Brown said. “This means we will have to go much further and make cuts far greater than I asked for at the beginning of the year.”

Now lets break this down for those who don’t live in California. California is a HUGE state. It has numerous counties that break down kind of weird in the political world. In a normal state California would be a red state. BUT the population centers of the state are VERY LIBERAL. Therefore the state is extremely blue.

The population centers (Big city’s) carry the weight of the votes in this state. The state hasn’t had a majority REPUBLICAN Legislation since 1995-1996. The assembly has ALWAYS been Democrat controlled.

So when people say “Arnold was a Republican” he was working with FULL DEMOCRAT CONTROL (As well as his wife) So he doesn’t count. Reagan was the last one who led CA with a conservative belief value system. And he was supporting some Democrats. To be fair, the Dems back then are a lot like the 2000 Republicans.

What we have here is a total Democrat experiment happening. We’ve got a leadership that panders to the illegal alien crowd, the gay crowd, the transgendered crowd, the environmental crowd, the labor unions, the teachers unions… Every special interest known to man except the business crowd.

We have the greatest resources in the nation second only to Alaska. We’ve got some of the smartest folks in the world among the population. Those that are still here…

When someone says I vote DEMOCRAT and are proud of it, show them California.


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