Are YOU Ready?

Are YOU Ready?

For the fight? Do you have what you need to proceed? The first salvo’s of the Obama campaign have been fired, were you paying attention?

We’ve got the DOJ investigation Ted Nugent and Suing Joe Arpaio. We’ve got the LBGT outraged at the “Christian Right” for North Carolina’s vote on Amendment 1. We’ve got the media “Praising” Obama for his heroic “Evolution” over his support for Gay Marriage. We’ve got College Students being spoon fed talking points about how the “R’s” are trying to double their tuition. We’ve got the POTUS flying around to 50k fundraisers with his elite friends on our dime. We’ve got the “Racism” charge out there on the edge. We’ve got the “War on women” charge on our flanks.

We’re surrounded by made up issues that have little to do with our nations condition and direction.

So are you following this? Do you know how to combat it? Does the GOP?

If you are a “Republican” you probably have NO IDEA how to deal with the upcoming assault on reason and common sense. IF you are a GOP’r at all cost you have NO IDEA how to handle this onslaught that is coming.

IF you are a conservative. A TRUE conservative with a back bone and a set of nuts. YOU KNOW how to handle what’s about to be the most vile and disgusting election in our history.

A conservative is going to go for the throat. A conservative is going to let the bullshit roll of his shoulders while pummeling the ISSUES. A conservative is NOT GOING TO APOLOGIZE for something done 40 years ago. STOP Apologizing for stupidity in your youth, it doesn’t seem to matter to the enemy and all you do is validate their claim.

When a charge of sexism/racism/gay-ism or whatever rears it’s head, ignore it. Remind folks that R’s are the party of FREEDOM, civil war, to civil rights to the individual liberty we all enjoy. Show them the restrictions to their freedom in places like France and CA. And force their ass back to the economic/world affair issues that are putting our nation at risk.

The best way to shut up a progressive is to show them the road we’ve traveled and the end of it under their control.

Romney better pick someone with some nuts or Obama wil have 4 more years to finish the destruction he started.

One Reply to “Are YOU Ready?”

  1. I have NO faith in Romney, he is NOT a Conservative, and picking a strong VP may be beyond his pissy middle of the road capabilities..

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