Did Obama Step in a trap?

Did Obama Step in a trap?

Obama played his base perfectly. He bilked the democrat faithful like a professional snake oil salesman. Just check this out:

Obama said this in his ABC interview that the LBGT freaks are happy about:

“At a certain point, I’ve just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married,” Obama told ABC News’ Robin Roberts

Now, what else did he say?

“The president stressed that this is a personal position, and that he still supports the concept of states’ [sic] deciding the issue on their own,” reported ABC, which has aired excerpts of the interview but has yet to release it in full.”

So that gives dear leader an out doesn’t it?

Time for a couple of questions:

1. IF NC voted down Amendment 1 and opened up Gay Marriage in NC. Would “Dear Leader” have come out in support of gay marriage or would he be a “STATES RIGHTS” Proponent first?

2. Since he came out PRO Gay marriage BUT Pro-States rights at the same time, will he give a shout out to NC for voting on it at all?

3. Will the African-American Black community see Obama for what he is? A Pandering SCFOAMF.

4. Did Obama step in a trap? He cancelled a trip to NC because of the vote (Prior to the vote) He made no statement prior in support of those in NC who opposed Amendment 1. He waited to see the political winds before he weighed in. He has constantly done exactly this as a leader and it’s being viewed by the world. IS this a trap he is about to be snared in? IF Romney plays it like McCain did in 08 he’ll lose. IF he goes on OFFENSE this could drop Obama like a rock in the polls.


One Reply to “Did Obama Step in a trap?”

  1. If Romney doesn’t go on the attack, if he doesn’t hang this no good son of a bitch Obama out to dry, America is in DEEP shit, no matter who wins, because if Romney doesn’t attack, he’s a useless wimp..

    Time will tell, and it won’t take long either..

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