Gay Marriage Dies, TeaParty revival and Inmate Gains.

Gay Marriage Dies, TeaParty revival and Inmate Gains.

Yesterday was a good day for common sense.

NC inserts DEFINITION of MARRIAGE into its constitution.

That’s all it was folks. It was to DEFINE Marriage as between a MAN AND A WOMAN. It was common sense. It was a huge defeat for the LBGT agenda driven morons. But, as it happened in CA, some activist judge will likely rule that the people don’t matter.

Tea Party Backed Candidate Spits out a Lugar.

80 yrs old senator Dick Lugar got roundly defeated in the election. He hasn’t had a DEMOCRAT to run against him in a very long time. Any reason why? Obama and Biden LOVED the guy. He was right up there with Olympia Snowe and Scott Brown IMO. Good Riddance

Felon in Prison gains over 30% of the Democrat Primary votes agains Obama.

That’s funny right there. It tells me a couple things. One, West Virginia would rather have Boyd Crowder running the nation than Obama. It also tells me that WV pays attention to what matters. Obama has put the coal industry on life support. WV needs that industry.


2 Replies to “Gay Marriage Dies, TeaParty revival and Inmate Gains.”

  1. If you are in a long-term homosexual relationship, you will need the help of a gay marriage lawyer at some point. There are many things this type of attorney can do for you that a traditional legal expert might not be able to. You should find out just how one can help you.

    1. Okay Andy, I’m sure this is a plea for business. But personally I don’t give a shit. Gay Marriage is just another step in the wrong direction. The gay agenda has a plan. The next step is what worries me and since DADT was repealed we see that next step. Forcing CLERGY to marry gay in the church. This is the problem. Once you allow it, then they can mandate clergy to perform it. And it goes against the CHURCH and humanity. The BLOOD LINE STOPS with a gay marriage. without the help of science. NOT CREATION. Give em civil unions and that’s it.

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