California: Going to be Sanctuary STATE

California: Going to be Sanctuary STATE

Anyone who lives here knows this is a disaster. Read this:

Initiative would let illegal immigrants work in Calif. legally

SACRAMENTO, Calif.-Nearly 1 million undocumented immigrants could live and work openly in California with little or no fear of deportation under an initiative unveiled Friday by a state legislator and others.

Assemblyman Felipe Fuentes, a Democrat, is helping spearhead the measure, called the California Opportunity and Prosperity Act.

The proposal was filed Friday with the state Attorney General’s Office, marking a first step toward a drive to collect the 504,760 voter signatures needed to qualify for the ballot.

Fuentes called the measure a “moderate, common-sense approach” necessitated by the federal government’s inability to pass comprehensive immigration reform.

“I hope this shows Washington, D.C., that if they fail to act, California will take the lead on this critical issue,” Fuentes said in a written statement.

Read more:

“nearly 1 million” is BULL EXCREMENT. We got at least that many in a 50 square mile area around here. IF you count KIDS brought over who haven’t been “Counted” and I’m betting the numbers across the nation are B.S too.

But lets get to the crux of the matter shall we. My support of this measure:

Please California DO THIS. Allow a blanket amnesty for Illegals, allow them access to everything you’ve decided to be a RIGHT. Please California shut down all checkpoints from TJ to Temecula and transfer all border patrol to AZ/Nev and face them the west. With all the money California will save and their great society group think, this can’t do anything but help right?


I’m supporting this measure fully. As a matter of fact can we make it retroactive? Can we bring back all the criminals that have been deported. I’m sure both of them would really like to come back. Oh, and make sure there is reparations paid to them for their hardship. Lets also increase taxes on the evil 1% of Californians. I’m thinking 90% is a good number. That should do it….

In case you are totally confused about my stance let me help:
I want this state to hasten it’s move to the bottom. I want this state to collapse worse than the Greeks did. I want these liberals to get exactly what they want and I want them to get it fast. California has been teetering on the cliff for many years it’s almost fallen off several times, it’s time to do a front flip with a half gainer into anarchy and mayhem..


Right now Brown has already signed college tuition acceptance/assistance to illegals. Now we have the next nail which is total amnesty.

Here’s a glimpse into who is coming in:

Let’s use the Ron Paul logic here. These guys only hate us because we have not made friends with them…


I would really like it if in 2012, California didn’t elect ANY “R” to state legislative office. I would like the entire state to be 100% progressive/Liberal. Evidently we have some “R’s” still fighting the fight. Stop it. Make a statement about what the consequences are if you support this measure then ABSTAIN from the vote. Be absent or vote “present” GIVE IT TOO THEM.


I want this fighting to stop. No need to fight anymore California. Let it go. When the gun grabbers start up… Give them what ever they want… IF they say no more guns, allow it. If they say it’s now legal to confiscate all firearms in the state… Let em have it too (They will have to kill me before they get mine believe it) … I don’t care what it is. GIVE IT TO THEM. It’s time to let them run this state free of Right thinking minds in leadership (There’s been a lack of it for a very long time)…. The reason is simple. The people of this state seem to be blind to reality. They need to be woken up with a hammer.


Arizona and Nevada may want to put that fence on the CALI border soon.

2 Replies to “California: Going to be Sanctuary STATE”

  1. So if the Supremacy clause of the U.S. Constitution is the basics for all the law suits against the States that if passed anti-illegal immigration laws like Alabama, Arizona, and others why shouldn’t the Attorney General of the United States Eric Holder file suit against the state of California if the “California Opportunity and Prosperity Act” becomes law? Either the federal government is in-charge of and responsible for Immigration issues or they are not.

    So that being the case the federal government would have to file suit against the state of California or drop all the others suits against all the others States. What would really put the Obama administration and the Attorney General in a quandary would be if the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of the federal government on one or more for the pending suits already filed. If that happened then the president and the Attorney General would be left with no choice.

    1. That’s true too Ordman, but it has to be passed here first. And I’m hoping it passes fully. Let em in, let them suck the system dry, let this fkn state sink into the abyss and maybe just maybe we can actually rebuild it with lessons learned. IF not, screw it sell it to China.

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