Category: Politics

Another Tyrant DEAD! Libya Celebrates.

Another Tyrant DEAD! Libya Celebrates.

Well I’m not real sad that Kadaffy is dead. I couldn’t really care less. But (You know there would be a BUT didn’t you?)

Libya is a lot like Egypt and Tunisia. The “Arab Spring” is all good now right? Lets do something that leftists have a hard time doing, look forward a bit.

Libya, Egypt and Tunisia were all ruled by dictators and were deemed “Tyrants” by their populace. However; The very same “rulers” kept their dangerous elements within their borders at bay. So now what?

Egypt is already falling into the same “Radical Islamification” as Iran, Syria, Somalia and the like. in 5 years (if we’re lucky it will take that long) we are going to see a lot of chaos over in that part of the world. More than normal and there’s a better than 60% chance that it will be a major war involving Israel.

Syria is a HUGE gain for the Muslim Brotherhood. And now that Kadaffy is gone, the new enemy is going to be… You got it, Israel.

Islamic radicals and our own LEFTISTS need an enemy at all time. Now that the revolution is over and governing must ensue, how do you keep the population happy when you have no structure to rule from? Well, they will take a page from Obama’s book.. BLAME SOMEONE! Israel is always the fall back…

Just wait. 5 years tops. Israel will be in a fight for her very existence. IF we don’t remove Obama from office, Israel stands alone and will be tested like never before.

Back when we were Negroes…

Back when we were Negroes…

I found this little gem at Free North Carolina

Presented in its entirety because it’s very important to let this set in.

‘Back when we were Negroes’

There was a time until the early 1960s when the terms to describe those of African decent, like me — African-American or Black or Afro-American — were almost unheard of.

I remember a distinct conversation with a friend discussing descriptive terms for ourselves in 1963 or ’64. The term “black” was just coming into vogue and he didn’t like it one bit. “Call me a Negro,” he said, “but don’t call me black.”

Now, the word “Negro” (publications used a lower case “n”) has almost become a pejorative, so I was a little surprised when my pastor, the Rev. Willie Reid, used it during Thursday’s revival. “Back when we were Negroes,” he said, and listed several things that were different about black life in America back then.

That got me to thinking. Back when we were Negroes in the 1950s, “only 9 percent of black families with children were headed by a single parent,” according to “The Black Family: 40 Years of Lies” by Kay Hymowitz. “Black children had a 52 percent chance of living with both their biological parents until age 17. In 1959, “only 2 percent of black children were reared in households in which the mother never married.” But now that we’re African-Americans, according to Hymowitz, those odds of living with both parents had “dwindled to a mere 6 percent” by the mid-1980s. And check this, in Bibb County, more than 70 percent of the births in the African-American community are to single mothers.

Back when we were Negroes and still fighting in many parts of the country for the right to vote, we couldn’t wait for the polls to open. We knew our friends, family and acquaintances had died getting us the ballot. Dogs and fire hoses were used to keep us away and still we came. But now that we’re African-Americans, in a city of 47,000 registered — predominately black voters — more than 30,000 didn’t show up at the polls July 19.

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The Pendulum Swings….

The Pendulum Swings….

Every election year, it seems we deal with swings from one side to another. The pendulum theory is something we in manufacturing (There’s actually a few of us left here in America) deal with on a daily basis.

Basically it’s goes like this:

A problem occurs on the production floor. A quality issue is the most common. We have all kinds of procedures in place already to avoid the issue, however something or someone failed. So instead of taking care of the mechanical problem or the people problem, we institute MORE safeguards, more redundancy, more procedures that are not only benign but cause more problems down the line due to time spent on NEW procedures. A visual diagram of this would resemble a pendulum. The center being normal, after the issue the pendulum would swing HARD to one side, once that becomes normal the pendulum comes back until the next issue…..

I liken the pendulum theory to our Presidential elections:

Lets say our pendulum was centered prior to Carter (I know that is a piss poor time frame, but hey I’m not old enough to remember much about the prior POTUS’s) Carter moved the pendulum hard left, all the way up. Four years later we got Reagan, who moved the pendulum from the far left position to center right. It was a big swing in the area of the pendulum, but it didn’t move it all the way right. Reagan who we’ll call the nominal center, being this nation has always been center right. Although it was not dead center it was not too far right as to defy gravity. We stabilized over 12 years with various small moves one way or another. We then swung the pendulum left, past center again with the election of Clinton. Although, again not such a swing as Carter, it defied gravity a little at first but we got it back to left of center through various elections… So we sat slightly left of center for 8 years, then we got GWB and while many thought we were swinging wildly right we actually only moved it to center right, again defying gravity a little bit but still not wildly right. For 8 years we danced around the dead center of the pendulum radius…. Obama came in and we moved the pendulum far left another BIG swing, further than CARTER moved it at the beginning and here we sit…

The question is how far do we wish to move the pendulum this time? IF you put Obama far left, and I would say Ron Paul is the far right.

Do you think moving the country that far would actually solve anything?

We are a center right nation. At NO TIME in our history has the pendulum stayed at the furthest left position and our country been better off. What makes you think all the way RIGHT would be any different?

What I’m asking is, would it be better to swing back to the NORMAL, rather than the extreme? IF you support Ron Paul, you believe that a radical change is needed. I can agree with that. But at no time in our history have we went from one extreme to another in one fell swoop. That kind of swing may make some folks bat shit crazy and it probably won’t last more than 2 years. I’m thinking someone like Paul, who’s ideas are pretty far out there pertaining to foreign policy would be a shock to the system we’ve never had. However; a move from center right, to far right would be more acceptable to the masses…

As of now I can’t see Ron Paul winning the nomination. However; to those Paulies that will come here and parrot the Paul views, I’ll throw out this caveat: IF you honestly believe Paul’s views are the correct views for our nation. Tell Paul to drop out of the race and ADVISE another candidate. He could do more from that position than he will ever do where he is now. His son Rand may see the inside of the White House but I’m betting Ron wont.



US House of Reps pass Debt Deal bill..

US House of Reps pass Debt Deal bill..

Then leave.. Kind of like a teenage boy after prom.. He Just wrecked the chick and is bailing out of the limo!!!!

As I look at the no’s and yea votes I can’t help but feel the knife twist in my back a bit. I understand the vote, I understand the need to “Save us from disaster” But I’m sure getting sick of it.

Tarp was framed in “Disaster is coming”…The healthcare debates were framed  “A disaster is coming” The stimulus was painted in “Economic disaster if it doesn’t pass”…. Seems like the only way democrats can govern is in crisis.

IS there maybe a chance we can just maybe pass something before it’s a crisis? You know a little “Foresight” instead of “hindsight?”

In business it’s very important to be proactive rather than reactive. A reactive company will be closing it’s doors if it doesn’t predict market changes… Our government can only govern if it frames everything around “For the children, old people, retards, cripples, grandma, grandpa, poor, rich, minority, religion etc etc”…

Why does Washington believe that the only way we’ll support something is if the alternative is “Disaster” Why not come out before hand and say look this is the direction we’re headed and we need to alter course? Why not come out and tell the people the truth? Because as Colonel Jessup said in “A few Good Men” WE CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH.. I guess.

I find it totally disgusting and repulsive that “Shamnesy” Graham is the lone voice of reason in the senate. He spoke on Greta today saying that “This bill puts our nation at risk, we are under enormous threats that I can’t even tell you about right now” Um.. like an invasion from the south? Um.. maybe? Um just maybe there Lyndsey it was you who put us at risk?…

All in all I’d say this vote wasn’t terrible for America. It wasn’t the best possible, but it was the best we could get I guess. The alternative was what? “Economic disaster” which I was okay with too…. Personally had we got “Economic disaster” I’d be pushing harder in support for every candidates NO vote cast. Now, not so sure. I’ll see how it goes in September.

The reality is we only controlled 1/3 of government. Not enough power to affect much more change than what we got… Kudos to those who were ready to take it to the wall. Kudos to those who felt compromise was the way to go. Defend your vote in the next election either way.

Senator Marco Rubio OWNS the SENATE!

Senator Marco Rubio OWNS the SENATE!

I, along with many who follow this man believe we are watching a future President of the USA….

I love it when John Kerry asks a question. He basically tells Mr Rubio the votes that the senators have made in the past were because they knew the bill would pass anyways so their vote didn’t matter… Watch the response. The NEW senator SCHOOLS Lurch and leaves him a puddle in the hall… Mr Rubio allows Kerry to ask questions. Because he knows exactly WHY DC is broke and it’s John Kerry type politicians that broke it.

Senator Marco Rubio OWNS the Senate. Well said Senator Rubio.

Norway Shooting, Right Wing Terrorism…

Norway Shooting, Right Wing Terrorism…

Let me add a few more salient thoughts on the murder of 93+ people in Norway yesterday.

The anti-gun zealots seem to be latching on to this incident as a reason to add more stringent gun control measures in the USA.

This is not new, they’ve been using every murder by gun as a reason for advancing their agenda of disarming American Citizens.

What I have a real problem with is them telling me I can not protect myself from those who wish to do me or my family harm. We have seen it time and time again, the victim was unarmed the assailant was armed.

In a criminal action: Those with the gun make the rules. Those with the gun have the choice between mercy or violence, death and life. I prefer to have that choice myself. I prefer to have the ability to vote on the choice. IF you don’t feel the need to participate in that scenario its entirely up to you. IF you have such faith in your fellow man that you are willing to put your life in his hands, knock yourself out. I am all for your choice to do just that.

In the incident in Norway, a lone gunman for whatever reason took 93+ lives because HE COULD. IF you dispute that simple truth you are an idiot. Had there been some basic security in place and followed HE wouldn’t have killed anyone or very few. Another truth that is indisputable. Now comes the fun part…

The attacker came upon the camp dressed as a cop. A police officer in uniform is immediately deemed non-threatening. Therefor, it’s understandable to some degree that he was able to kill many. IF an armed cop, gave commands to a captive obedient audience, telling them to get into a perfect range and alignment for “Head count.”  It would be the perfect kill position. I can buy that scenario. I can even understand them obeying the commands because they are not going to QUESTION AUTHORITY right off. Even though there should have been questions. “Why was a cop there, we didn’t call one” But then again there was the truck bomb. So the cop saying something like “There’s been an attack in Oslo and I need to count heads” could diffuse any “Questions”

Truth be told this scenario would probably play out better in a CONSERVATIVE gathering than a liberal gathering here in the states. WHY? Because by ideology alone we view cops as the good guys. Yes there is a libertarian streak that doesn’t like some of the cops duties or actions. But as a whole Conservatives are LAW ABIDING. You don’t see conservative rally’s where the cops are called and we’re throwing rocks. You don’t hear of Rightwing Anarchist rallies. You don’t see it here in the states YET.

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Candidate Qualifications… Anti-Obama, Pro American.

Candidate Qualifications… Anti-Obama, Pro American.

Kind of a redundant title.

IF you are Anti-Obama you are PRO-America. By Obama’s administrations actions they have proved to be MORE Against America than Iran, NK, and Venezuela combined. So if you are against Obama’s policies and actions, you are an American. STAND UP.

I think the experiment we conducted in 08 proves that a president needs to have ran something prior to running the most powerful and most influential nation the world has ever seen. The evidence is all there to see. Remove the spin, check the facts and see for yourself. All the “Blame” has been removed from the prior administration. Obama OWNS everything after the first year. PERIOD.

And how you doin?

So this particular election will be the most vile election ever in American history, we need to set some standards. We need to realize that running a state should be a prerequisite to attaining the white house as a residence. We need to elect people based on their record not on their speeches.

So in that light we need to inspect the GOP candidates for their potential. We failed miserably in 08 by electing a man that never ran anything. Obama was a senator that voted PRESENT on major issues or didn’t vote at all. He voted party line when it was for his voting base’s ideology and he has been the worst president EVER.

Romney ran Mass. (His record of Romney care, and several social issues dooms this man in my book)

Tim Pawlenty ran Min. (Very good record, also a pretty strong conservative)

Rick Santorum was a senator (Conservative candidate but never actually ran anything. He didn’t vote present on tough issues so that’s a plus)

Michelle Bachmann House Rep. (Conservative, thorn in the side of liberals/progressives and votes in accordance with the tea party mostly, A better than Obama choice but never ran anything)

Newt Gingrich. former speaker of the house (RINO, never ran anything other than the house. Never had to make tough decisions at state level. Better than Obama but that’s it)

Ron Paul- House rep for over 20 years (Far right conservative, mostly a good mouthpiece for soundbites, never ran anything has only been a critic. His criticism is tempered by ear marks. After criticizing them inserts his own when the bill is expected to pass. Better than Obama)

Herman Cain. (Never ran anything other than a business. He has made decisions in the business environment but nothing at state level. He’s a good sound bite and he makes sense but no record to inspect at government. Better than Obama)

Rick Perry. Governor of Texas (Runs a state, has a great economic story, suffers a little “RINO” record but nothing that can’t be over looked in the big picture. He’d be my favorite if he entered the race. WAY better than Obama and could actually be one of the best Presidents ever. In the image of Reagan for us on the right.)

Allen West. (Never ran anything, except men in military. That’s a bit different than government, the punishment for disagreement of his underlings is severe. In DC there is a lot of disagreements that must be handled differently than in combat. I truly like this man and I would vote for him if he entered the race. He would be my first choice because I know he could win and I know he’d remove the Obama stains from this nation faster than anyone else mentioned. But again I only base that on his speeches. No record to base it on. Better than Obama by far)

Chris Christie. Gov NJ (Hell Yes. if he entered the race he automatically becomes the front runner bar none. I don’t expect him to enter, but his record speaks volumes to the nation. Way better than Obama)

Sarah Palin. Ran AK (She did an outstanding job for Alaska until she quit. The reasons she walked away from Alaska have been debated for ever and will continue. She’s a strong conservative voice, she unhinges the left, she’s a great American cheerleader. Better than Obama)

So in the scheme of “Where’s the record” we have Five candidates that have actual experience in government. The minor league for the White House is STATE Governors. That’s where we need to start the cutting process. All the speeches, all the soundbites are great but where’s the record? We elected Obama on speeches and soundbites, that didn’t work out so well.

Oh and just so you know color or sex doesn’t matter. It’s ideology and record that should be the deciding factor.

It’s time to fire Obama, but lets not replace him with another moron. I’m sure we will here this line from the left:

You guys want to fire him because he’s black“…

Um No, evidently we hired him because he was black, we are firing him because he’s worthless.


Tucson School Board Meeting: Excerpts from a Book.

Tucson School Board Meeting: Excerpts from a Book.

WOW… Yeah this is a book I want my kids to read in School.


Hear the school board member say: “I’m gonna ask that the language be not mentioned during public meetings. There are young people in this room. It’s inappropriate.”

Hello IDIOT, they are teaching that in CLASS…. Talk about clueless.

Homeschooling never looked so good. I used to think folks that home schooled their kids were over protective nanny’s. No longer do I feel that way. I think every American Parent should make other arrangements for their kids education. Especially in cities of the south west.