US House of Reps pass Debt Deal bill..

US House of Reps pass Debt Deal bill..

Then leave.. Kind of like a teenage boy after prom.. He Just wrecked the chick and is bailing out of the limo!!!!

As I look at the no’s and yea votes I can’t help but feel the knife twist in my back a bit. I understand the vote, I understand the need to “Save us from disaster” But I’m sure getting sick of it.

Tarp was framed in “Disaster is coming”…The healthcare debates were framed  “A disaster is coming” The stimulus was painted in “Economic disaster if it doesn’t pass”…. Seems like the only way democrats can govern is in crisis.

IS there maybe a chance we can just maybe pass something before it’s a crisis? You know a little “Foresight” instead of “hindsight?”

In business it’s very important to be proactive rather than reactive. A reactive company will be closing it’s doors if it doesn’t predict market changes… Our government can only govern if it frames everything around “For the children, old people, retards, cripples, grandma, grandpa, poor, rich, minority, religion etc etc”…

Why does Washington believe that the only way we’ll support something is if the alternative is “Disaster” Why not come out before hand and say look this is the direction we’re headed and we need to alter course? Why not come out and tell the people the truth? Because as Colonel Jessup said in “A few Good Men” WE CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH.. I guess.

I find it totally disgusting and repulsive that “Shamnesy” Graham is the lone voice of reason in the senate. He spoke on Greta today saying that “This bill puts our nation at risk, we are under enormous threats that I can’t even tell you about right now” Um.. like an invasion from the south? Um.. maybe? Um just maybe there Lyndsey it was you who put us at risk?…

All in all I’d say this vote wasn’t terrible for America. It wasn’t the best possible, but it was the best we could get I guess. The alternative was what? “Economic disaster” which I was okay with too…. Personally had we got “Economic disaster” I’d be pushing harder in support for every candidates NO vote cast. Now, not so sure. I’ll see how it goes in September.

The reality is we only controlled 1/3 of government. Not enough power to affect much more change than what we got… Kudos to those who were ready to take it to the wall. Kudos to those who felt compromise was the way to go. Defend your vote in the next election either way.

5 Replies to “US House of Reps pass Debt Deal bill..”

  1. I’ve got to disagree with you on this post, robert. You’re absolutely right that we only have one third of the government. But which third? What spending bill, tax increase, debt increase, or budget get’s passed without the house voting on it?

    If our new representatives (the ones that caved on the vote) were of any moral fibre, they’d have been willing to take it between the eyes before compromising their promises. They didn’t and that showed more than anything that they aren’t willing to take the fight to the gates of hell when it is absolutely necessary.

    If the house was populated by a huge number of Greywolves, this is how it would have happened. Let’s take the bill that got the most votes, Cut, Cap, and balance…. I’d have reintroduced that bill over and over and over, until it passed both houses. No other bill would even be looked at in the house (originating in the Senate) until it passed. I’d have made sure that in the current spending levels were frozen and real cuts in current levels made (say the 1% per year that the talking heads have been floating) every year until we were again in the black.

    Or how about this, you just lock down the spending at the current debt levels and starve the beast into submission. The 14th amendment mandates that our debts be paid, so if default were to happen, it would be an impeachable offense and we could make a case for getting rid of the bum.

    Either way, the debt ceiling was raised by record amounts on little more than a promise. A promise that I garantee you will never truly see the light of day.

    1. Okay Greywolf, that’s fine. All I’m saying is the tea party and the House tried, they fought and if it wasn’t for what we did in 2010, the debate wouldn’t have even occurred. The fact that we got more than 60% of what we wanted is pretty damn amazing. We got NOTHING we wanted between 2006 and 2010. So pretty much I consider this a win. I’m seriously thinking the alternative would have given the democrats way too much ammo in the upcoming election. IF the house stood firm and didn’t pass anything other than the CC&B bill. I would have been fine with that too. But it was risky. Very Risky. They could then be painted as the destroyers of the economy. NOW however, the blame is all on the Senate. Most free thinking people understand that reality those that don’t are Obama voters and they can’t be swayed.

      We’ll see I guess. All I know is I’m not abandoning ANY senator, or House Rep for voting Yes or No on this vote if they were consistent. IF they switched their vote to appear more “Conservative” when they knew the compromise would pass, I have a real problem with that type of politician.

  2. Ok, so if you can’t bring out the guns on this fight, what fight are you willing to hold them accountable for. 2 trillion dollar increase… For a load of promised cuts in spending increases down the road. Let’s look at this. Without going back in your posts I’m pretty sure that you dislike illegals having a free ticket here in the states. The annual cost (according to a study published last year) is 113 billion dollars annually to the american economy. This bill does 1000x the damage in the next 2 years. Hell, I’d rather that they took the risk on this than on illegals and I HATE illegals.

    What’s the fight that you’ll hold them to account for in the future?

    1. I think the problem is you see this as a game of 52 pick up. I see it as game of Chess. I see the big picture of some serious changes if we can get the house and Senate in 2012. we have only 73 Strong Conservative (Supposed to be) house reps. We have 10 or so Senators. We need a few more to affect real change and this was the first volley in a long war. We have gained ground, We have changed the discussion, we have GOTTEN some real change. Our economy is wrecked already. But look I understand the desire to throw it all in on the first fight. And I’d have stood by those who stood. I get it. But at the same time we got to hang on to the ground we are on with the eye on the prize. The prize being a return to fiscal conservatism. We will get there if we don’t eat our own. This isn’t something worth fighting within our own people. We have done something terrific. We didn’t give Obama the 4trillion he wanted he got half. And Obama will shoulder this blame. In 2012, you watch the tea party come together and put MORE folks in congress. That’s the way we affect change. The first troops in have done okay. We need to send them back up.

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