Attention House Representitves…

Attention House Representitves…

This is a trap.. This “Deal” is as much a POS as the Boehner plan (the 2nd one) was. Obama’s is playing cards again. He and his Harry Reid’s are hoping YOU kill this in the house. He’s hoping that the tea party stops this deal before it gets to the senate. They are banking on our outrage so they can point fingers. This bill is NOT the best bill for our nation however. IF you vote it down in the house, it is a guarantee that Obama gets 4 more in the WH. The Democrats will pick up seats in the house. The media will paint us all as extremists (More so than now) and it might not go well…

I will NOT hold ANY Representative responsible either way on this deal.. I can understand the urge to kill this bill until we get DC back to “We the People” not “Them the Government”…. And I can understand the reasons for a YES vote. It may be the best we could hope for with 1/3 of government…

One thing I’d like you all to answer is: IF there was a Republican in the WH would you all be so serious about “Changing our spending habits?” Would this even be debated?… Because if you were in DC during GWB you share in the blame for where we are.

Remember this and let it sink in. When we change the leadership of this nation back to the RIGHT, WE WILL NOT FORGET our mission. We will be as ruthless and unyielding toward YOU if you fall back to your old ways.

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