Category: Politics

Wake up Republicans..

Wake up Republicans..

A message to the MAJORITY in the US House of Representatives:

We sent you there to do a job. Your job was NOT compromise, nor was it only to pass bills that will pass the senate. We sent YOU to start the process. We sent YOU to get to work saving our nation. We didn’t expect it to be easy. We expected it to require courage of your stated convictions. You have so far disappointed many. It’s early in the game and you have a chance to make a comeback. Don’t let us down.

Here’s a start, a few DONT’s that will be a momentum swinger:

DON’T RAISE THE DEBT CEILING. Stand your ground, demand the cuts that are needed. Explain them without defending the Democrats charges. MOST Americans see the Democrat’s use of “Scare tactics” as just that.

DON’T believe the poll numbers, don’t worry about your jobs.

DON’T be more concerned about your job than the well being of the nation.

DON’T tell us you are getting all you can get passed by the Senate, that’s not your job. The American people will hold those senators accountable for THEIR Votes.

Now let’s talk about what you should DO.

Do stand up and fight for what America stands for. Fiscal responsibility, the rule of law and the facts. Show the facts often. The facts DO most of the work.

Do challenge the alternative message. DO it with vigor and get in their face with FACTS.

Do remember the people that put you in office are the same people that will see you removed.

Do realize that cutting peoples “GIMME’S” will result in SOME people getting face time in front of camera’s. You won’t see the MAJORITY in front of camera’s. Realize you will have to defend your solutions and realize if you can’t defend them, they are probably BAD solutions.

DO realize you didn’t create this mess. Realize you were sent in after the fact to clean up a mess that took YEARS to make. Realize most FREE thinking people understand that fact. Courage will be rewarded, cowardice and compromise against your values will be punished at the polls.

DO realize seniors are the most level headed voting block. Seniors are the most likely to vote. Seniors will see modest cuts in funding resulting in pin prick type pain now is much better than butcher knife pain later. Seniors will not abandon you over some minor cuts as long as cuts to the BIGGEST area’s of our deficit result in a viewed fairness.

I hope this helps a little. Now get to work Boehner and GOP.

A little more help:

See California for a look at the future if you fail. We have been under “Democrat” control for a very long time. We have the one of the worst education systems in the nation, although we spend the most money on it. We have one of the highest prison populations. We have one of the highest UNEMPLOYMENT percentages in the nation. We have one of the highest energy costs in the nation. We have one of the largest deficits in the nation. We have one of the worst crime rates in the nation…

Do you want to mirror that for the nation?

Well Damn.. Allen West Let Me Down Today.

Well Damn.. Allen West Let Me Down Today.

IF our mission in 2010 was to hold our elected officials accountable for their actions. Then Allen West just became a target. We must not allow ANY of our elected officials think we will carry their water when they falter on their mission. You were sent to do a job, do it. You were sent to stand on principle, DO IT. IF you believe a bill is good/bad vote that way. It doesn’t matter if it will pass the senate or not. Mr West has thrown a big monkey wrench in his political career because of this action:

Quit wasting time on ObamaCare rollbacks, says … Allen West?

Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.), who has emerged as an outspoken conservative voice among GOP freshmen, cast a surprising vote last week against a bill to scrap part of the 2010 healthcare overhaul. The legislation would repeal $100 million in funding for the construction of school-based health centers. West was one of just four Republicans to vote against the measure, which passed 235-191.

West spokeswoman Angela Sachitano said in an email that the congressman “believes there are bigger funding issues to be focusing on right now including the numerous developments in the Middle East, concerning Pakistan and whether there is a link to [Osama bin Laden] and the recent unity agreement with the [Palestinian Authority] and Fatah and Hamas.”

He also questioned the House’s continued efforts to dismantle the healthcare law on a piecemeal basis, she said.

“He voted to repeal Obamacare, and it was dead on arrival in the Senate,” Sachitano said. “He questions what the goal is of chipping away like this if it’s almost certain that the Senate is not going to take it up.”

Mr West, you were elected to the HOUSE, the HOUSE is where bills originate for OUR National interest. You can’t worry more about Israel, and foreign affairs than you do our nation. You are NOT POTUS yet (Or ever) with this kind of action on your record. You need to stand your ground, it’s not your worry if it will pass the senate or not. Let them defend their action, you defend yours. Your action on this issue can not be defended by “Integrity, honor or Patriotism” it is a sell out of the highest order. I will not quit supporting you over this one issue. But you have took ONE strike that you didn’t have to take.

Don’t go down this path Mr West, you will be unemployed if you do.

Condi Rice, Well done Lady.

Condi Rice, Well done Lady.

And I mean that with the most respect I can muster. Regardless of how you feel about “Why” we went into Iraq, or whatever. You gotta admit she handled the idiot Laurence from the “Mao Socialist Network Broadcasting Company”

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The only question I have is, Where was this fight 6 years ago? If our intelligence was flawed in the WMD arena, then so be it. IF we acted to rid the world of a dictator, fine so be it. IF we did it for humanitarian reasons, fine so be it. The narrative had been lost by the GWB administration because they allowed it to get away from them. They decided it was best to stick to the WMD line. Either way, she handled this interview well.

Did you notice when Libya was brought up, all the sudden ol Laurence had to STFU?


Ted Nugent: ‘Obama White House Is ‘Mao Zedong Fan Club’

Ted Nugent: ‘Obama White House Is ‘Mao Zedong Fan Club’

You gotta love Ted Nugent, tells it like it is and leaves no doubt where he stands on ANY issue. You want to see how to give an interview? Here ya go:

Ted Nugent: Obama White House Is ‘Mao Zedong Fan Club’

President Barack Obama and his followers are “anti-freedom, anti-gun, anti-Constitution and anti-Bill of Rights,” gun-loving rocker Ted Nugent blasted during an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV.

“And I’m anti-them,” he added. “But we’ll be clearing house soon, so it’s merely a bump in the road right now.”

Nugent spoke to Newsmax.TV at the NRA’s annual convention in Pittsburgh, where he gave a speech titled “I Still Believe.” He described the Obama White House as “the Mao Zedong fan club.”




My favorite part of course was TRUTH:

“If Allen West became president of the United States of America, we would be on the fast track back to that Shining City on the Sea and I pray to God that we can elect this man.”

Allen West is the one and only hope we have of righting a sinking ship. There was another time we were in this position. We got Ronald Reagan for our efforts. Then in typical American fashion we forgot the lessons learned from that era. NOW we have a chance apologize for our errors and fix it. Very few get this chance without bloodshed. We must take this opportunity and not let it pass without action. Please for the love of GOD, sign the petition to draft Allen West to run in 2012.


Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate… Let it go…

Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate… Let it go…

Today was a golf day for me, I got a chance to enjoy the links on a great 72 degree day. On the way to the golf course I was listening to Rush Limbaugh, he had Mark Steyn filling in for him. I don’t usually listen to Rush much, mostly because I’m generally not on the road during his time on the air.

Today was different and I decided to listen. I’m real glad I did. Here’s why: The question came up from a caller about the “Long Form Birth Certificate” Obama released. Steyn went into a bit of a rant and he made complete sense. Basically he said this:

Obama’s birth place is not the issue. Obama is a symptom of the issue. The real issue is 53% of our fellow Americans voted for a person whom they knew very little about. 53% elected a man based on some speeches that were cleverly administered to an ignorant public. Where he was born is the least of the problem here.

When people elected Barack Obama they did because they were brainwashed by a media intent on “Hope and Change” after almost 3 years, how’s that Hope and Change working out?

I’ve been pretty absent from any birther issue here. I’ve stated many times that if the only way could get rid of the socialist/marxist/communist in the white house, was through the birth certificate issue then we have already lost this nation. The GOP is sitting firmly on high ground here. The last 3 years of Obama have proven that the left’s policies are a disaster and are failing to capitalize on it. WHY? The facts are overwhelmingly in our favor. The “Emotions” as always lay at the feet of lefties.

We have an opportunity to fix this nation. We have this year to weed out the RINO’s and put a man or woman at the top of the ticket for 2012. We better not screw it up.

Why is America so divided?

Why is America so divided?

It’s a trust issue. I firmly believe it’s because the American people have lost trust in leadership. Not only lost it, but everyday become more cynical. This is dangerous, but expected.

We trusted Reagan, and he really never lost that trust.  We trusted Bush #1 and his read my lips “No new taxes” ruined that trust. We trusted Clinton and he destroyed that trust on a couple of fronts. One of which was Monica’s…We trusted Bush#2, and we got a few slaps for that, although in each of the previous POTUS’s it took a while to for the betrayal. Obama has stomped our trust from about day 2. But on top of the POTUS, we had a congress that was the MOST UNETHICAL in history. Is it any wonder the country is falling apart at the seams?

If you can’t trust your leaders to be honest about problems, how in the world can we expect them to solve them? We have very few folks in Government, state or Federal that I would trust. They could tell me the sky is blue, I’m going to check.

The question is WHO in Congress has your trust? Who would you take at their word? Is there one or more in the halls of the senate or the house, that you would believe? I’m having a very hard tome buying any of the B.S ANY of them are shoveling these days. Although we have 87 new House Members, and a couple NEW Senators.

As of Now I trust Allen West, Marco Rubio, Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan and perhaps a few others. But I say, if you were in congress during the Bush years and you voted for MORE spending in the 2004/5 years you are part of the problem and are partisan. IF you are a new fish, you have trust but verify status.


Speaker of the House Blinks…Again.

Speaker of the House Blinks…Again.

Well here we go, we started with 100 billion in cuts now we’re down to 40 billion. WTF? Did he not get the message? Well Boehner, you sir are writing your own resignation letter on your first test. All you had to do was hold the line. You set the line it shouldn’t have been that difficult.

A compromise is what Democrats want. It’s not what the people sent you there to do. You have the ability to set the bill on the doorstep of Obama. You choose to cave? I thought you had nuts. Oh well, time to give another crew a shot. Anyone on the RIGHT side of the aisle that votes for a BUDGET that doesn’t include at the very least 61 BILLION dollars in cuts must be removed. IF they are compromising they are putting their career in front of what’s best for the nation and that’s what we wanted CHANGED.

I would be okay if you “Compromised” from 100 to 61 Billion. I don’t like but I understand the politics. From 100 to 40? Now that’s a serious loss. Bye Bye.

Paul Ryan has it right. Cut it all, cut and reform. Yep the Senate can stop it. Let them. The house is where the purse strings are and YOU WERE ELECTED to stop the bleeding. Put it out, stand your ground and it comes to it, shut it down. We’ll live.


Obama: Everyone has to have a haircut?

Obama: Everyone has to have a haircut?

Does that mean “Duh Won” will be curtailing his golf outings and his vacations? Does it mean Mrs “Duh Won” Will be stopping all her traveling on tax payer money? Does it mean no more free flights for photo’s on Air 1? What exactly will you cutting oh great and powerful OZ?


You know I really do understand the Democrats position on this cut deal. They need to keep their voter pool full. If folks realized they could actually BE BETTER OFF and improve their way of life by WORKING, what would happen to the Democrats?

This entire thing is really pissing me off. Democrats COULD have passed a budget LAST year. But they knew they needed to make cuts to keep the public happy. What to do? Well, just wait and let the Republicans take the blame. In the old days that worked. Today? Well the Republicans would be seen as hero’s if they shut this runaway government down.

Shut it down if you can’t get 61 billion dollars in cuts. NO LESS. And to me it’s still short by about 2 TRILLION right now. If the Republicans compromise past the 61 billion we need a new crew in the House. PERIOD.