Category: Politics

The Power of the Koran!

The Power of the Koran!

The great and powerful koran has again been called to action! The book has been angered by the actions of a Florida pastor! All Hail the Koran!’

Protesters kill 12 after Florida pastor burns Quran

KABUL, Afghanistan — Thousands of protesters angry over the burning of a Quran by a Florida pastor stormed a U.N. compound Friday in northern Afghanistan, killing at least 12 people, including eight foreigners. The desecration of the Muslim holy book fueled resentment against the West at a critical moment in the Afghan war.

May I suggest the Anti-Gun crowd use the same methodology with Islam as they use for our 2nd amendment rights? Lets look back 60 years. How many deaths can be directly attributed to Muslim outrage? How many more people must die?… Or should we ban Pastors? Yep I’m stirring the pot again…

My opinion on this is very simple and not hard to guess. It’s not the religion of Islam I hate,  it’s the religion of Islam’s followers that I have a problem with. A book, a manual for idiots is the Koran and it’s on display across the globe. We keep kidding ourselves about “Good ones” and that “All Muslims are not like those across the pond” There is merit in that logic. What is troubling is the “Good ones” silence.

We’ve had riots and murders over cartoons, threats over Muhammad (Peace of shit be upon him and his followers) being shown in a cartoon. We’ve had riots over the mere mention of women not being covered from head to toe in some lands…All because of a book. A book that was written MANY years after the bible I might add.

It is with a heavy heart that I must support the Pastor in Florida. I hope he burns the Koran every day from here on out. As a matter of fact if he’ll burn them, I’ll donate a few to him if he runs short of fire material. Why? Why would I support burning books? Someone who believes so much in freedom, someone who hates communism and socialism would succumb to book burning as righteous. Nope that’s not my reason. I support the pastors right to burn whatever he wants. But especially when it drives muslims crazy…Makes my day.

Lets say a cleric or Imam decided to burn a bible.. Christians would pray for him. The Westboro Baptist church, the worst of the worst as far Christians are concerned would probably not even bat an eye at the Muslim stunt. But burn a Koran? Oh yeah people are going to die… Why do you think that is?

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White Supremacists invade Iowa?

White Supremacists invade Iowa?

Well now isn’t this interesting. “White Supremacists” are the most “Potentially” dangerous people to Iowa I guess…

Critics: Iowa terror drill portrays immigration foes as killers

Foes of illegal immigration are up in arms over plans for a weekend disaster exercise in western Iowa with a fictitious scenario in which young white supremacists shoot dozens of people amid rising tensions involving racial minorities and illegal immigrants.

The exercise is planned for Saturday at Treynor High School in Pottawattamie County and will involve more than 300 people, confirmed Doug Reed, the lead exercise planner for the county’s emergency management agency. Some 30 to 40 “victims” will be transported to area hospitals. He said a terrorism scenario is required by federal officials for the exercise to be eligible for funding.

The exercise scenario describes shootings occurring after rising tensions in the community because of an influx of minorities, Reed said. The newcomers, some who are American citizens and some who are illegal immigrants, were to have moved into a rural area from urban areas in search of more-affordable living. The newcomers are not welcomed by racial extremists, and controversy sweeps the community, he said.

Now I’m not saying they aren’t dangerous, hell I’ve met a few of them type dudes and let me tell you, they could be very dangerous. Not to bright, have guns, most are on drugs of some type and they have a hate filled heart… BUT, over the last 50 years or so, how much damage have they really done?

Groups of these clowns have lost command and control, they haven’t done anything organized in any numbers above 30 or so ANYWHERE. Most of their actions are media stunts at best. But we should “Prepare” for them to go all Timothy McVeigh on us…

Let’s ask the one question that seems to be missing:

Is it more likely an Islamic fundamentalist and his buddies would create a scenario that would require preparation. Or, would a white supremacist group cause it? I’m betting on the Islamic tilt.. BUT, Let’s not be TRUTHFUL about our preparations, let call them “White Supremacists” so that nobody will be offended. Well DAMN IT, I’m offended.

Why would I be offended if I wasn’t a white supremacist? How about the same way CAIR would be offended if Iowa used “Islamic Radicals” instead. Do you think for one minute CAIR and the rest of the terrorist support network in America would sit still for this?

See this is the typical stuff that gets pushed aside because “White Males” are the only target left that can be denigrated, insulted and publicly humiliated. You can’t do Muslim jokes, you can’t do Obama jokes, you can’t do gay jokes or whatever.. But throw out a white christian joke and you get a pass.

I want to be part of that victim crowd that doesn’t get insulted or targeted by the feds because we are “Oppressed” even when we kill folks in the name of our cause…

Bunch of PC Fucknozzles in Iowa allowed this B.S. And I’m sure it had to do with funding. So if they did “Islamic Radicals” in this light, they wouldn’t get funding. So lets USE WHITE PEOPLE…. How sad our nation has come to this.


Wisconsin Gov. and Republicans did real GOOD!

Wisconsin Gov. and Republicans did real GOOD!

Hell YES! Okay Mr Walker and Wisconsin republicans I apologize for doubting you. You done good. Real Good. Now keep it up guys, you are on the right track!

Wisconsin Senate GOP Votes to Strip State Workers of Collective Bargaining Rights
Bypassing Democrats hiding out in Illinois, Wisconsin Senate Republicans voted Wednesday night to strip state workers of their collective bargaining rights. Republicans voted 18-1 to pass the stripped-down budget bill in a hastily arranged meeting. None of the Senate Democrats were present.

The State Assembly is expected to vote on the bill Thursday.All 14 Senate Democrats fled to Illinois nearly three weeks ago, preventing the chamber from having enough members present to consider Gov. Scott Walker’s so-called “budget repair bill” — a proposal introduced to plug a $137 million budget shortfall.. The Senate requires a quorum to take up any measures that spend money. But Republicans on Wednesday split from the legislation the proposal to curtail union rights, and a special conference committee of state lawmakers approved that bill a short time later.

Look at the reaction from the union goons, the democrat party and their support staff. Tell me something will ya? When “OBAMACARE” was rammed down our throats by a “MAJORITY” elected Democrat Congress did Republicans leave? What was it we heard… Oh yeah, “Elections have consequences” And we dealt with it. We removed damn near every RINO we possibly could in the following election. I don’t like the way this entire issue was handled just like I didn’t like the Obamacare procedure….BUT WE DEALT WITH IT! Without trashing property, without violence, without media help…..

The High Ground is firmly underfoot for those on the RIGHT. Be proud of Walker and his bunch and scorn the left for their actions.

Michael Moore in Wisconsin…Um got Credibility?

Michael Moore in Wisconsin…Um got Credibility?

I’ve said for many years, all you have to do is look to your left and to your right. See who is standing with you in your views to see if you are on the right path. Socialists, Communists, Racists, Liars and Thieves have came out in DROVES to support the “Unions” in Wisconsin. The biggest liar, thief and loser showed up yesterday.

Michael Moore rallies Wis. pro-union protesters

MADISON, Wis. – Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore urged Wisconsin residents Saturday to fight against Republican efforts to strip most public workers of their collective bargaining rights, telling thousands of protesters that “Madison is only the beginning.”

The crowd roared in approval as Moore implored demonstrators to keep up their struggle against Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s legislation, saying they’ve galvanized the nation against the wealthy elite and comparing their fight to Egypt’s revolt. He also thanked the 14 state Democratic senators who fled Wisconsin to block a vote on the bill, saying they’ll go down in history books.

“We’re going to do this together. Don’t give up. Please don’t give up,” Moore told the protesters, who have swarmed the Capitol every day for close to three weeks.

Here are some quick quotes from King Michael Moore.

The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not ‘insurgents’ or ‘terrorists’ or ‘The Enemy.’ They are the revolution, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow – and they will win.
Michael Moore

There’s a gullible side to the American people. They can be easily misled. Religion is the best device used to mislead them.
Michael Moore

I like America to some extent.
Michael Moore

I don’t agree with the copyright laws, and I don’t have a problem with people downloading the movie and sharing it with people… as long as they’re not doing it to make a profit off it as long as they’re not, you know trying to make a profit off my labor. Michael Moore

There is no terrorist threat. Yes, there have been horrific acts of terrorism and, yes, there will be acts of terrorism again. But that doesn’t mean that there’s some kind of massive terrorist threat. Michael Moore

This is the guy you union goons are listening too?

Um I ask again in all seriousness have you lost enough credibility yet? Why not have Keith Olberman show up too? How about getting Hugo Chavez to do a few minutes on Government takeovers? Or Maybe get Fidel Castro to show up for the people… I mean good grief folks you just lost about half of those who were on the fence about your plight…Good move.

Code Pink and Fred Phelps, two of a kind…

Code Pink and Fred Phelps, two of a kind…

There is very little difference between the two groups. Matter of fact the only difference I see is the use of the word “GOD”. They both hate the US soldier, they both love to incite the public, they both have very little regard for the united states population. They both are self absorbed idiots that have NO CLUE about reality.

They may have a little issue over the “Gay” thing but I’m sure some dialog can overcome that difference…

I give you exhibit A:

A bunch of “Elite” San Francisco “better than you” code pinko’s decide they should go to an area that lived under “Code Pinks” desired world and didn’t like it much…

The outcome was less than friendly. Hahaha. The group that lived under the rule of Code Pinks hero was not a fan I guess, nor did they seem to like “Che” as a role model…Who knew?


Fred Phelps and his crew of idiots are pretty much the same way. They have no clue about what they preach. They hate “Fags” so GOD must hate fags..

I give you exhibit B:

So when will the “Fred Phelps and Code Pink Rally to restore sanity” be held? and where will it be? I mean there are no two other groups in our nation that compliment each other so much. Let’s get the rally planned yall… Come on hurry, the nation needs you two idiots together quick…




Union Anger Misplaced…

Union Anger Misplaced…

I got to thinking about this Clustrphk we find ourselves in. The unions are pissed because cuts are needed in states and fedzilla. Isn’t it time we look at why cuts are needed rather than blaming those doing the cutting?

Congress was in Democrat controlled hands for six years. They held the White House for the last two years. Instead of focusing on getting our economy rolling again, they focused on More regulation, heath care, higher taxes and their progressive agenda. IF they had focused on proven methods of economic growth instead, cuts to the service unions wouldn’t be necessary. We are going on three years of this recession, Reagan and a DEMOCRAT controlled congress got us out of a worse recession in 16 months.

If you are in a union, you should ask which party your union supported in 2008, you should also ask yourself a question; DO I WANT MY MONEY GOING TO DEMOCRATS in 2012? They are standing with you now in order for you to forget it was THEM that caused this mess. Just sayin.

North Korea enters the fray…

North Korea enters the fray…

What a time to be alive… The world is on fire the most powerful man in the world is dancing, millions of Americans are out of work because of the progressive agenda and the leader is partying like it’s 1999…. Whooo Hooo Party over here!!!!

North Korea Threatens to Attack South Korea, U.S.

SEOUL—North Korea threatened Sunday to attack South Korea and the United States, as the allies prepared to start annual joint military drills—maneuvers Pyongyang says are a rehearsal for an invasion.

Now this is pretty common in and of itself. North Korea always threatens to do something rarely do they do anything but cry for attention… BUT there is something different going on. We in America have a lot of issues going on, we also have a leader with ZERO NUTS.

If North Korea decided it was go time, very little would be done to keep S. Korea from being over run. Oh and in case you don’t realize we have around 30k-50k of OUR GUYS there…

North Korea is starving. The COMMUNIST/SOCIALIST government in North Korea keep their people calm by creating enemies, by controlling the news, by isolation. In North Korea the news is like ours without FOX. IF we didn’t have fox news we would think dear Obama was GOD and the worlds affairs were being handled perfectly… Think about that for a minute.

North Korea has NOTHING, they have a “Bad guy” to rally around. They worship dear leader, and if dear leader says “The South Attacked us” that’s what they will believe…

But don’t worry, we have Hillary, Obama, The United Nations on our side 🙄

The world understands THIS IS THE TIME FOR CHANGE! The world knows America is at it’s weakest state since WW1, the enemies of freedom know they have a limited window of opportunity to make changes to their situation. And that window is closing. 2012 MIGHT usher in a new sheriff, one with some balls and one that will place America FIRST. That’s the only HOPE we have.


Do you still think BIASED Reporting is not harmful?

Do you still think BIASED Reporting is not harmful?

One thing that seems to be escaping the general public is this: Media bias is destructive to freedom.

Obama Intelligence Official Prepared For Congressional Testimony On Egypt…By Watching CNN:

Mr. Obama watched Mr. Mubarak’s speech on board Air Force One, returning from a trip to Michigan, the press secretary, Robert Gibbs, said. As soon as he arrived at the White House, Mr. Obama huddled with his national security aides. The administration appeared as taken aback by Mr. Mubarak’s speech as the crowds in Tahrir Square. The director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Leon E. Panetta, testified before the House of Representatives on Thursday morning that there was a “strong likelihood” that Mr. Mubarak would step down by the end of the day.

American officials said Mr. Panetta was basing his statement not on secret intelligence but on media broadcasts, which began circulating before he sat down before the House Intelligence Committee. But a senior administration official said Mr. Obama had also expected that Egypt was on the cusp of dramatic change. Speaking at Northern Michigan University in Marquette, he said, “We are witnessing history unfold,” adding, “America will do everything we can to support an orderly and genuine transition to democracy.”

Our intelligence folks are learning of world events on CNN, the Administration has been known to quote CNN, ABC,NBC and CBS reporting….

IF GWB was still POTUS and his security team used Fox news as their “Window” to the worlds issues, would this be as hush hush?

I’m seriously disgusted with the way the MSM has acted since “Duh WON” got elected. They are carrying his water, they are pissing on America. They talk about revolution in Egypt like it’s great without looking at the potential for disaster. The MSM is complicit in everything Obama and his cronies have done, and they have done so much damage to their credibility that NOBODY trusts them. They have cause us to lose trust in our elected officials by hiding their shortcomings, and they will not recover that lost trust.

Do you think having our elected officials getting their world affair news from a BIASED reporting source is a good thing? Time will tell and guess what? The Alphabet Networks will not share in any of the blame WHEN this all goes south. May I suggest that if you find your TV channel on one of those networks, you change it immediately.