White Supremacists invade Iowa?

White Supremacists invade Iowa?

Well now isn’t this interesting. “White Supremacists” are the most “Potentially” dangerous people to Iowa I guess…

Critics: Iowa terror drill portrays immigration foes as killers

Foes of illegal immigration are up in arms over plans for a weekend disaster exercise in western Iowa with a fictitious scenario in which young white supremacists shoot dozens of people amid rising tensions involving racial minorities and illegal immigrants.

The exercise is planned for Saturday at Treynor High School in Pottawattamie County and will involve more than 300 people, confirmed Doug Reed, the lead exercise planner for the county’s emergency management agency. Some 30 to 40 “victims” will be transported to area hospitals. He said a terrorism scenario is required by federal officials for the exercise to be eligible for funding.

The exercise scenario describes shootings occurring after rising tensions in the community because of an influx of minorities, Reed said. The newcomers, some who are American citizens and some who are illegal immigrants, were to have moved into a rural area from urban areas in search of more-affordable living. The newcomers are not welcomed by racial extremists, and controversy sweeps the community, he said.

Now I’m not saying they aren’t dangerous, hell I’ve met a few of them type dudes and let me tell you, they could be very dangerous. Not to bright, have guns, most are on drugs of some type and they have a hate filled heart… BUT, over the last 50 years or so, how much damage have they really done?

Groups of these clowns have lost command and control, they haven’t done anything organized in any numbers above 30 or so ANYWHERE. Most of their actions are media stunts at best. But we should “Prepare” for them to go all Timothy McVeigh on us…

Let’s ask the one question that seems to be missing:

Is it more likely an Islamic fundamentalist and his buddies would create a scenario that would require preparation. Or, would a white supremacist group cause it? I’m betting on the Islamic tilt.. BUT, Let’s not be TRUTHFUL about our preparations, let call them “White Supremacists” so that nobody will be offended. Well DAMN IT, I’m offended.

Why would I be offended if I wasn’t a white supremacist? How about the same way CAIR would be offended if Iowa used “Islamic Radicals” instead. Do you think for one minute CAIR and the rest of the terrorist support network in America would sit still for this?

See this is the typical stuff that gets pushed aside because “White Males” are the only target left that can be denigrated, insulted and publicly humiliated. You can’t do Muslim jokes, you can’t do Obama jokes, you can’t do gay jokes or whatever.. But throw out a white christian joke and you get a pass.

I want to be part of that victim crowd that doesn’t get insulted or targeted by the feds because we are “Oppressed” even when we kill folks in the name of our cause…

Bunch of PC Fucknozzles in Iowa allowed this B.S. And I’m sure it had to do with funding. So if they did “Islamic Radicals” in this light, they wouldn’t get funding. So lets USE WHITE PEOPLE…. How sad our nation has come to this.


10 Replies to “White Supremacists invade Iowa?”

    1. Well that’s the problem. IF they can’t get funding using the “True threat” then how in the hell are we supposed to be prepared for it? I’m pretty sure that White Supremacists are not going to be going off in Iowa, if they are going off it’s gonna be in DC. Same token, I’m sure the islamic fundies aren’t looking at Iowa as a “Target” either…

  1. I think it tells a very sad story when it is just fine to pick at, denigrate, or otherwise make someone look foolish or bad, as long as it is good, old whitey.

  2. Most of those clowns really are the beer drinking, bog dwelling, NASCAR loving, gun shooting redneck hicks that a certain ass-wipe at LBCC believes us to be…

    These guys get together, drink beer, shoot guns, talk shit and go to the house to mistreat their wives, beat their kids and kick their dog…

    They are a lot like the Klan, Panthers or gangs, one on one, they’re wusses, they may be dangerous in a group, but they don’t have money for gas to actually group up and go anywhere…

    But I have heard this as truth, if you had 10 of them in a room, you’d have almost one full set of teeth…

    :rotfl: :gun: :rotfl: :gun: :dighole:

  3. Well, they can’t be looking at us– because they left out those Bibles we’d all be clinging to.

    So it must be angry white Klansmen that are upset that a black man is telling them what to do.

    1. Fred; NO SHIT…

      Kurt, Oh yeah, they must not be Christians… But I’m sure it’s implied.

      Fleece, that sir is my point. The only ones you can insult are white folks and if you are a gun owner and against Illegal Immigration, you must be an extremist. Never mind where the TERROR is really coming from, we must continue to keep our head in the sand.

  4. If Iowa chose the true threat, psycho nutjob Islamists, then CAIR would have been on the ground the next day with a lawsuit against everyone and their brothers for denigrating the “religion of peace”. Can’t blame Iowa for not choosing that freaking headache, but you can blame them for choosing whitey.

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