To you idiots in DC

To you idiots in DC

Dear All 535 voting members of the Legislature.
It is now official: You are all morons.

The U.S. Postal Service was established in 1775 – you have had 234 years to get it right; it is broke.

Is it possible for morons to get it right?

Social Security was established in 1935 – you have had 74 years to get it right; it is broke.

Fannie Mae was established in 1938 – you have had 71 years to get it right; it is broke.

War on Poverty started in 1964 – you have had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to “the poor”; it hasn’t worked.

Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965 – you’ve had 44 years to get it right; they’re broke.

Freddie Mac was established in 1970 – you have had 39 years to get it right; it is broke.

Trillions of dollars in the massive political payoff called the TARP bill of 2009 shows NO sign of working.

And finally to set a new record: “Cash for Clunkers” was established in 2009 and went broke in 2009! It took good dependable cars ( that were the best some people could afford ) replaced them with high priced ( people who couldn’t afford to are now making payments ) mostly Japanese models so a good percentage of the profits, from the sales, went out of the country. And lastly, the American taxpayers are now going to be dinged with paying for yet 3 billion more dollars of our governments experiments to make our wallets even thinner.

So with a perfect 100% failure rate and a record that proves that “services” you shove down our throats are failing faster and faster, you want Americans to believe you can be trusted with a government-run health care system? 15% of our economy? Are you crazy?

Truly, the inmates are running the asylum! And what does this say about voters who put such pond scum in office? Maybe we need to let others in on this brilliant record before 2010 and just vote against incumbents.

17 Replies to “To you idiots in DC”

  1. 1st time I have ever been this far in disagreement with you Rob…

    Dear All 535 voting members of the Legislature.
    It is now official: You are all morons.

    Sorry man, but they are not ALL morons… There are some damned good Reps in the House, from quite a few states, it’s just that they are SO outnumbered BY the MORONS…

    And you can’t fire ALL of them, but most DO need to go… Term limits and some common sense from voters would be wonderful…

    1. You disagree with me?? HOW DARE YOU!!! LOL..Regardless of how many “Good” ones there are, sometimes you just need to send a message…The good ones will find there way back into office. I would imagine Nancy Pelosi would stay in office because to her faithful, she’s a good one….So where do you draw the line? I’m all for keeping the good ones but who’s good ones? I say scrap em all then rally behind the ones that did make a difference.. Kind of like a plant shut down.. Shut down the government and invite back the ones that are worth it. Just an opinion mind ya.

      BTW the accuracy of the health care part of the post was perfect I thought.

  2. I don’t think most folks are aware ( other than the really sick with constant Dr visits, meds, etc )but health care made some drastic changes a month or so ago…before it was even voted on.
    I personally am terrified…you can almost damn near see though my wallet already.
    The people now deciding your care, your meds, barely made it out of high school, and are going against Dr’s advice and pleadings.
    Seriously ( almost), at this point I almost expect this new health care system to be “round em up and shoot them all.”

    I like your idea of shutting down the plant and just bringing in the good ones 🙂

  3. Hey, that’s pretty slick…let’s keep it going…

    Supply Side Economics brought us one great depression and one near depression; scrap the idea, it doesn’t work.

    Preemptive war sucked up our most precious resources for nothing and led to war crimes like torture; scrap the idea, it doesn’t work.


    Man is destroying the planet with it’s polluting ways and ignoring that fact is stupid; time to clean up the mess.

    The private sector had well over 200 years to come up with a health-care system that supports the American people properly; it failed miserably, time for Medicare for all it works better.

    Damn this is fun…

  4. Elmo, I let your dumbass comment through just to show your ignorance…

    Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, the Education system, Welfare, the Post office and pretty much ANYTHING the Government touches is BROKE!

    Remember this writing you worthless America hating piece of shit: IF the Government takes over health care, by 2025 there will be an “Emergency bill” that will have to address the massive deficit created by this fucked up racist administration…Believe it sheep..

    By the way you worhtless little faggot, you come here and spout your obama dick sucking, socialist loving bullshit again and I will not be so nice.

  5. Elmo, you couldn’t BITCH SLAP your own pecker… And if you did, it would be as close as you ever got to ANYTHING female… :straightfaced:

  6. Come on Fred, that was harsh…. :rotflmao:

    I never said Elmo was gay, I just meant that he’d hold Obama’s dick in his mouth till the swelling went down….I hope that clears it up…

  7. I’m fairly certain that JJ didn’t ban Elmo simply because he couldn’t fight him.

    I am thinking it was because JJ was too busy laughing at the retarded son of a bitch… :rotflmao:

  8. By the way you worhtless little faggot, you come here and spout your obama dick sucking, socialist loving bullshit again and I will not be so nice.

    No shit, What did I do? All I did was was come here and say exactly what Kieth Olberman told me to. I only listen to Olberman and I only read the daily KO’s, so when I make a comment it’s based on my limited knowledge from listening to those two fine examples of journalism…Evidently I was wrong.

    Hey Texas Fred, You sure pegged me right, I am gay. How did you know? You sure are one smart Texan.

    I understand why you censor your comments? It’s because some folks like me come in and haven’t got a clue about the world and we make comments like we know everything….Sorry I’ll try to learn from you guys rather than be a pest…

  9. Now the little pecker smacker is making the rounds of all the blogs in our sidebars… And he took a shit here again too I see…

    Cry Elmo, cry… :sadblinkingeye:

    You’re not ever going to make it past moderation… :rotflmao:

  10. Well that’s real nice of you elmo to recognize the error of your ways…
    Come here and learn, read the wisdom that is perfect common sense and grow out of your libturd mentality. Eventually you will see the light, and if there is a GOD in heaven it will be a train running over your sorry ass.

  11. I say don’t re-elect any incumbents. The Fed’s are fond of ‘sending a message’ I say its time the voters ‘sent a message’.

    And I might point out if any of the current Congress was worth a pint of cold H/S we wouldn’t be in the fix we’re in now.

    Fire’m all! And in 2010 we can fire all rep’s and 1/3 of the senate.

    And if firing them all doesn’t work in 2010 we can do it again in 2012

  12. elmo is a dumbass that has some CRAZY ideas about the world. She/he/it needs to go back to whatever damned planet it came from.

    Our tormentors in D.C. are still spending like crazy, and on the verge of enacting the largest tax increase in history. :finger:

  13. Remember this writing you worthless America hating piece of shit: IF the Government takes over health care, by 2025 there will be an “Emergency bill” that will have to address the massive deficit created by this fucked up racist administration…Believe it sheep

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