Ted Kennedy RIP

Ted Kennedy RIP

I wish his family well during their grieving time…

I will not miss the man, and I’m sure the family of Mary Jo Kopechne will not miss him neither.

All I am hearing in the media is “The Lion in the senate” I say Kennedy was the LIAR in the Senate… One of many but he was the head gun-grabber, Baby Killer, Moral decay supporting, corrupt, Drunk POS that ever graced our capitol…

RIP you murdering bastard

9 Replies to “Ted Kennedy RIP”

  1. I agree with everything you said, except that I don’t wish his family well. His family knew that he left Mary Jo Kopechne alone as she died, perhaps an hour after he drove into the water, when the air pocket inside the car was no longer there.

    He passed many homes with telephones as he left the scene. When he got back to the party his family and friends advised him not to call for emergency services until he sobered up the next day. By that time the Kennedy $$$ were properly in place to minimize the consequences of this horrific disregard for life. The family advisers also bought enough time to fabricate a story so they were all on the same page when interviewed. It would later be known as just an accident.

    All future lies are easy after lying your way through an event like that.

  2. He’s dead. We’re moving on. He doesn’t even warrant one individual post. I posit that YOU are more worthy of an individual post in your passing than he was.

    YOU have made a greater positive mark on our nation than has Edward Kennedy.


  3. I had very little use for any of the the Kennedy brothers. The first almost got us into WWIII as a result of backing down at the Bay of Pigs; the second, what a jerk, was responsible for sending some 20,000 federal troops into a small sleepy Mississippi town of some 5.000 inhabitants in violation of an established constitutiona principle against using federal troops against civilians in this country; and then theres the third and final brother whose cowardness may have cost a young woman her life, and then he spent over forty years attempting to drown the rest of us with a failed liberal idealogy.

  4. Very much agree with you and BZ. The days when I waste another instant looking at my shoes and trying to well up with emotion over a stupid moneytroughing pol are over. Have better things to to. :hole:

    1. Thanks HoosierArmyMom…Sometimes I get a little harsh in my comments, but I tend to fight fire with bigger fire.. The libturds have been about as rude, crude and socially unacceptable as anyone over the last 8 years… I plan on showing them how it’s done for the next four, unless Obama actually does something right…..So far I have a target rich environment.

      And Yeah Fred, We are doing something right, the three stooges are throwing a fit. I can picture the temper tantrum, screaming pounding on the ground… “Damn you Bushwack and TexasFred… Damn YOU!” LMAO…

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