The Supreme Court Screws US Again.

The Supreme Court Screws US Again.

It appears that the SCOTUS has ruled on Gitmo and they have decided “Unlawful Combatants” is no longer a valid word to describe terrorists. The SCOTUS has ruled that GITMO detainees should be allowed access to OUR system of justice as civilians. NOT MILITARY. in a 5-4 ruling The Court finished the fornication of America.

Justice Scalia’s dissent is worth reading

Today the Court warps our Constitution in a way that goes beyond the narrow issue of the reach of the Suspension Clause, invoking judicially brainstormed separation-of-powers principles to establish a manipulable “functional” test for the extraterritorial reach of habeas corpus (and, no doubt, for the extraterritorial reach of other Constitutional protections as well). It blatantly misdescribes [sic] important precedents, most conspicuously Justice Jackson’s opinion for the Court in Johnson v. Eisentrager. It breaks a chain of precedent as old as the common law that prohibits judicial inquiry into detentions of aliens abroad absent statutory authorization. And, most tragically, it sets our military commanders the impossible task of proving to a civilian court, under whatever standards this Court devises in the future, that evidence supports the confinement of each and every enemy prisoner.

The Nation will live to regret what the Court has done today. I dissent

Well at least Roberts and Scalia get it. I am sure the other two that understood the ramifications of their actions are as ashamed of the court as WE as a nation should be.
This is not about “Justice” being misused, or innocent civilians being sent to Gitmo for no reason, it is about folks that are trying to kill YOU and ME because we will not submit to Islam, because Israel will not surrender it’s land, and because we as a nation are at war with those that attacked us on Sept 11th 2001. We are at war with people not an army, we are at war with fanatics not soldiers of a country. We are fighting an ideology and those idiots that believe the pedophile Muhammad is the ONLY religious figure all others should be slaves to Islam.

NOW our country will be required to put these SLUGS on trial in civilian courts, with civilian jury’s and in front of LIBERAL judges.

I am thinking this is the ONLY reason I will vote for McCain in 08, the SCOTUS appointment Obama would make will be the MOST liberal at least with McCain they might be Somewhat less LIBERAL.


23 Replies to “The Supreme Court Screws US Again.”

  1. The RIGHT side of the court did the right thing but the libber left really screwed the pooch…

    Just wait, either one, Obama or McCain, when the openings happen, look for the court to be FAR left…

  2. The problem IS with innocent people getting sent to Gitmo. There was some poor 13 year old kid held there for two years and released without charge. Clearly NOT a terrorist. Just somebody in the wrong place at the wrong time.The current remaining 270 prisoners? I don’t doubt they’re all enemy combatants who fought against US troops. That being said, we don’t have the right to just pluck people out and hold them without charge or trial. That’s just fundementally wrong. We should have had military tribunals from the start (while public opinion was still with us) instead of this disgusting unAmerican farce.Scalia’s an idiot.

  3. I guess Roland would be a bit put out with MY solution to Gitmo and the Islamic assholes we have there…

    Kill em ALL and let Allah sort the shit beetles…

  4. Thing is, they shouldn’t have been in Gitmo to begin with.  They were imprisoned because the bleedin’ heart libbies felt that shooting non-uniformed combatants captured in a war zone was wrong and they should be treated as uniformed prisoners of war instead.Let’s get the finger pointing to the correct source, here.Roland, if the 13-year-old pup was pointing a weapon at a member of the US armed forces, then he should have been targeted also.

  5. War is hell Roland, and even in a perfect world there is collateral damage. Your contention is we error on the side of the few innocents and allow those like minded with terrorists return to fight US another day. Interestingly, the road to 9/11 is littered with those who hold to the same philosophy.We didn’t seek this war; it was brought to us, and we must win at ALL costs. Even if there are 10% innocents at gitmo, they do not offset the 2996 deaths of civilians. No, I haven’t forgot, but it appears you have.The one thing that seems to have escaped EVERYBODY but Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Scalia is those on Gitmo are not American citizens and therefore, do not fall under the protection of our constitution. That being said, the likeliness of our detaining prisoners in the future has just decreased substantially.At least those bastards in Gitmo are still breathing… for now.

  6. @Roland Hulme: Ok Roland, You really have lost your mind. Since the court has ruled the way YOU think is accurate, I submit that you take as much responsibility for the innocent people killed by “Former” gitmo inmates in the future as the SCOTUS will have to assume.

    I will expect an “I’m Sorry for my ignorance” when it happens AGAIN. it already did in Afghanistan…. remember Roland? the car bombing by a former inmate that was released?

    This type of thing will happen more and more because of the liberal asshats sitting on courts that can’t see the forest for the trees.


  7. Robert: I saw your comment at my blog. It’s really interesting that you’ve come to criticise me on free speeh grounds on my own blog where I’m exercising my right of free speech. But I don’t have a beef with you. In fact, I’ve been commenting on your blog for months. I admie your work. You didn’t want to recipracate here, or visit my blog, and that’s your deal. But if it’s because I had a previous beef with Texas Fred, because of his insecurities for some playful levity on Jarhead’s page, someone needs to rethink priorities.I’ll tell you this: I don’t know you, and you don’t know me, but I don’t go around calling people “beaner” and shooting my mouth off about opening fire on sight some damned fool poor illegal imigrant hoping for a better life in our country. We need to secure the borders, damn tooting, but we don’t need any more rednecks down on the borders making it even worse than it already is for border patrol personnell, who have a hard job under all the dumb laws and bureaucratic restraints they face.So, come to my blog if you want, but defending your friend Fred is a losing proposition, and honestly, with no malice, you’re not going to win in a debate with me on this, on either intellectual or moral grounds.But again, I’ve come to visit here in the past and in friendship over the last few months. I’ll come again and join your discussion, if you’ll abide a good follow, American and proud like you. If not, I’ll be gone, but think about it. Would you begrudge me for speaking up for my beliefs in being fair and good, or would you feel better, more secure, in defending, essentially, the undefensible? Where’s the pride in that?

  8. Damn Donnie Dickless, your superiority complex is enormous…

    I hope you realize that not everyone is as impressed with your faux intellect as you are, that was what got your ass run off from Jarheads place the last time…

    Those that wore the uniform and had friends that died fighting for this nation and Her freedom didn’t see your denigration of the CORPS as playful levity, we viewed it with utter disgust…

    And because you were pretty much told off, you have taken issue with me in nearly every format that has followed since, troll much Donnie??

    When a man of your supposed intellect resorts to name calling, and you did, it tends to make those that have been talked down to not have any respect for you nor want anything to do with you, look at the tone you used in addressing Rob just now, you come in here and talk to him like he’s 5 years old??

    For crying out loud Dickless, get over yourself…

    Oh, and invest in a spell checker too Mr. PhD…  😛

  9. Texas Fred: Robert commented on my page, and I came over here to respond. If you have a beef with my post, be a man and visit the source. The rest is just hogwash.

  10. Hogwash it may be but it doesn’t change the fact that you are an arrogant prick now does it??

    Visit your blog?? I would but I have yet to find a deodorant that will eliminate the odor of that much faux intellectual bullshit…

    No thanks, you can keep trolling but I won’t be coming to your ‘hall of Macadamia’

    Figure that one out genius.. 😛

  11. What is your problem, Texas Fred? Let me borrow from your own words some time back:”I did not come here to debate with you nor to denigrate you, but I give as good as I get and when called out I take the high ground…”Remember that? Your words, big (really big) guy. In fact, I remember you saying I was having a chat with a “fellow Marine,” blah, blah, blah… Well, I was responding to Robert’s comment to me, and you’re hijacking this discussion with your foul mouth. Face it, Fred, you’re a sick disgrace. People all around the web know it, and they tolerate you to avoid the same abuse you’re handing out here. Your juvenile rants don’t bother me in the least, although your bigotry does. It’s un-American, and certainly nothing for which one ought to be proud.I think Robert gets that, which is why he’s hanging back, I’d bet, from bitch-slapping your abject puerility.

  12. Rob is hanging back because he’s pulling a 13 hour shift, and YOU Donnie Dickless are a LIAR…

    My rants don’t bother you?? Apparently they do… 😛

    Oh, and as to your accusations of ME being a redneck murderer, see the overwhelming response here: Is it Murder or Self Defense?, it would appear that public opinion is just not in your favor…

    And damn the luck huh?? I have sure intimidated a lot of people, made em speak out and fall in on MY side of this issue, don’t you just hate it when one individual can be that powerful??

    As I said, you’re nothing but an arrogant prick with a massive superiority complex, in other words, you’re a legend in your own mind…

  13. Freddie: It must really take an arrogant prick to know one, and I’ve seen your thread and not everyone agrees with you. No your rants don’t bother me, because frankly you’re unhinged and countless people have contacted me in private to commend and congratulate me for standing up to your bullying and abuse.You’re a sick pathetic loser, and you can ram your “castle” where no illegals will find it – and you can take that to the bank from one genuine pissed off stuck up intellectual!

  14. Uh, that would be the dying throes of a loser I am guessing??

    I didn’t say EVERYONE agreed Dickless, I said the VAST majority… You’re really not too bright for a supposed PhD, ya know??

    Does statistical analysis throw you a curve Donnie??

    And one minor correction Donnie Dickless, it’s “ one genuine pissed off FAUX intellectual” I believe… 😛

  15. And I have seen the people that support you too, Shop Rat, STOOGIE, Pink Flamingo, and a Born Again dick sucker, nice support group you have there Dickless… LMAO…

    I’ll take my beer drinking gun toting cracker-assed wetback murdering rednecks any time over someone that would fall for your arrogant, and truthfully, anti-American bullshit…

  16. I wouldn’t be terribly upset if the POTUS decided to put me on the border with a 50 cal with shoot to kill orders, I would miss a few at first but eventually I’d get the hang of it.:P

    You must be a NAZI racist redneck beer drinkin asshole too… 😛

  17. @Americaneocon: While I appreciate the admiration I must acknowledge the reason I commented on your site. You went after a friend of mine, a Former Marine and like it or not, a major member of the blogsphere. Fred is a tough pill some times and he says out loud what a lot of folks think, BUT he offers EVERYONE the the details up front, it says so right on his first page. Now, when it is someone else getting the “Rib” everyone is hunky dory but when it goes against YOU then we call for a closure or boycott or whatever…. I call that a bordering on hypocrisy… I didn’t insult you on your blog, I didn’t totally disrespect you, I put my two cents in for a friend. I know there are a few folks that have issues with Fred, I know there are a few folks that have issues with me, the same rule applies, DON’T Read my Stuff… I might have an issue with someone and trade barbs with them for a bit, but if I don’t like what they are saying I don’t read it, and if they are so out of touch, I won’t even visit there site. ie Ko’s Huffpo… My suggestion is to drop the argument with Fred, My suggestion is for you to not take “Extreme Patriotism” in blogs for “Constitutional Changes” and realize a lot of us folks living in Border states are reaching the end of our rope with the illegal invasion and what it brings. My suggestion is and has always been to Fred, try not to offend folks that have more in common with you than against….BUT like you he don’t listen… Partly because, Who the fuck am I to give suggestions. LOL

    Anyway you guys can continue to trade insults, all you want, the fact is we are being invaded… I wouldn’t be terribly upset if the POTUS decided to put me on the border with a 50 cal with shoot to kill orders, I would miss a few at first but eventually I’d get the hang of it.

  18. Robert: It’s like I said when I first commented, I don’t have a problem with you. I’m far from hypocritcal, however, in that I stand for reason and morality, and just posting a disclaimer on the front of a blog to say “dont’ read it if you can’t take it” doesn’t cut it. I don’t condone the dissemination of hatred. The immigration crisis is immaterial to the main point of debate … or, it’s a cover for Fred’s barbarianism. I will leave you alone, but as far as I can tell YOU do not spout this hatred, although by defending it, no offense, you abet it. So, be well and have a Happy Father’s day. I’m a border-stater too, and the majority of my students are non-white. I hold them to the same high standards of excellence and integrity that I would to anyone else. That’s conservatism, unlike someone pounding their chest and announcing they hope immigrant baby bastards starve to death in the desert. Stormfront would be proud…

  19. @Americaneocon: I work with a lot of “Immigrants” from Poland to Canada, from Vietnam to Mexico, and I hold them in the highest regard. They are not raising criminals, they are not saturating the schools/medical facilities and freeways, they are responsible, GOD fearing FREEDOM loving AMERICAN IMMIGRANTS, they are not parading down our streets demanding MORE, they are not the invaders Fred was talking about. And for you to assume that your non-white students are targets of anyones animosity truly smacks of ignorance. Unless you are teaching illegal immigrants in your home on your own time YOU are speaking out the other side of your face. NO ONE stated we should shoot any NON-WHITE and invoking stormfront was pretty juvenile as well, Didn’t you advocate Ron Paul for President? he had ties to them and Both Fred and I were totally against RP for that and many other reasons.

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