George Bush: “Get Bin Laden”

George Bush: “Get Bin Laden”

Get Osama Bin Laden before I leave office, orders George W Bush

President George W Bush has enlisted British special forces in a final attempt to capture Osama Bin Laden before he leaves the White House.

Defence and intelligence sources in Washington and London confirmed that a renewed hunt was on for the leader of the September 11 attacks. “If he [Bush] can say he has killed Saddam Hussein and captured Bin Laden, he can claim to have left the world a safer place,” said a US intelligence source.

Bush arrives in Britain today on the final leg of his eight-day farewell tour of Europe. He will have tea with the Queen and dinner with Gordon Brown and his wife Sarah before holding a private meeting with Brown at No 10 tomorrow and flying on to Northern Ireland.

The Special Boat Service (SBS) and the Special Reconnaissance Regiment have been taking part in the US-led operations to capture Bin Laden in the wild frontier region of northern Pakistan. It is the first time they have operated across the Afghan border on a regular basis.

Read the rest here

Well nothing like waiting till the last minute…SARCASM!

Ok now for a bit of fairness, America has not had a terrorist attack in over 7 years, it has not had an embassy bombed in a very long time and the US GOVERNMENT AGENCIES have thwarted several attempts to take innocent life in the name of a religion. NOT only that, but has done so with the lefty libtards trying to assist the Islamic radicals in accomplishing the goal.

I would say that as long as we do not get hit with some significant terrorist attack on our soil before GWB leaves office he did succeed in what he said he would do. He may have pissed off a lot of folks, but his handling of HOMELAND defense should and will go down as a “Success” for him.

ALL of the nay sayers can bite me, I am not tooting GWB’s horn I am not praising GWB for his job, I am very unhappy about his performance, MOSTLY because of his BORDER POLICY. that sealed it for me and helped to propel his approval rating toward the tidy bowl.

Good luck getting that prick Mr President, but what if you do catch him? Gitmo is out. You might have to try CIVILIAN Courts, OJ got off…. Rodney King got rich, White Pedofreaks are released, Border agents are in jail, our system ROCKS these days GW. I look forward to seeing Osama Bin Laden and Barak Husein Obama palling around in Downtown Washington D.C. having drinks pickin up Ho’s…..

Makes me want to puke.


5 Replies to “George Bush: “Get Bin Laden””

  1. “picking up Ho’s.”  I couldn’t help but laugh.  That is good.I really don’t care who gets osama as long as he is gotten.  The sooner the better.  The border issue spoils it for me know matter what bush accomlishes the border will always be the real issue.

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