The Black Vote-Had enough Democrat Yet”

The Black Vote-Had enough Democrat Yet”

One of the BEST articles I’ve read. This guy has it RIGHT!

Had Enough of Democrats?

I can’t find the words to express my true outrage at what the Democrats did in ramming government controlled health care down our throats.  As the vote took place, it was a surreal moment, as if I was watching America being tortured.

I asked myself this question.  Could the Democrats have gotten away with this, without the black vote?

There are several excerpts of this GREAT article I’d like to share, but I’ll just pick a few:

Our problem on the Right is we are constantly talking about 200 year old white guys in wigs!  Most people didn’t like history, when they were forced to learn it in school, what makes you think they care now?  All this talk about the Constitution and Founding Fathers is NOT bringing youth and diversity to the Conservative movement.

Here’s a great one:

Here’s the problem.  Republicans can’t convince black people not to vote for the party that voted 200 times to hang black people!  Does anybody except me see a problem with this?!

And the best statement EVER:

The reason the black Conservative is the most despised person to Liberals is they fear us!  They know that black Conservatives are “carriers.”  We have a gene called “common sense” that can infect black Democrats and wake them from their stupor.

Please go read this from top to bottom then DONATE to help these guys I know I’m writing a check to them first thing in the AM.

2 Replies to “The Black Vote-Had enough Democrat Yet””

  1. I have to say, there are some really decent BLACK people in this nation. People that make you proud to be an American.

    But until the Black community, as a whole, stands up to the empowerment, welfare, handout crowd I feel by them like I do the so-called moderate, peace loving Muslims…

    I hear they are real, I know there must be SOME out there, but damn, they aren’t making much of a splash in the overall scheme of things…

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