Ted Nugent Endorses Mitt Romney.

Ted Nugent Endorses Mitt Romney.

This endorsement shocked the hell out of me:

I know many of you disagree, I respectuflly beseach you all to reconsider, and join me to rid the US gvt of the gang of enemies infesting our great country. After much heart & soul searching research & prayer, I gave the greenlight to the Romney team to pass my ph# to Mitt Romney, and he called me today. We spoke at length. Im sure I dont have to repeat what I said to him here, surely self evident truths are universally known & understood here. That being said, I demanded and he indeed did pledge the following-

1-no more restrictions on any gun or ammo ownership, no AWB bullshit, and that he would push with us to eliminate all anti 2A restrictions currently in place.

2- he would stand with us solidly for we the people hunting, fishing & trapping rights, fighting to backdown the feds from wasting tax dollars slaughtering our wildlife with our tax dollars instead of the rightful owners of said wildlife rights to utilize them as assets instead of forced bureaucrat liabilities.

He also vowed to stack the SCOTUS with Constitution respecting Americans. For a change. We spoke of other critical upgrades, and I felt good about his proclaiments. So I officially endorsed him for POTUS. Plz take a deep breath, think hard, and join me for the fight of our lives for the soul of America. Thank you

This was a gut punch from Ted IMO. And it took the wind out of me for a bit.

As I saw this my first reaction was to throw my Ted Nugent for President stickers in the trash. I was a tad pissed to say the least. But the more I thought about it, the more I understood where Ted was coming from on this. Bear with me for a sec.

Romney is going to be the nominee. That’s a fact. I don’t give a damn what anyone else tells you, Romney is the nominee all this lead up to the convention is just a show for the most part. Santorum? Yeah the more I hear from him the less I like him. Newt? Well, he would have been my choice, but alas US Rightwing folks can’t give second chances. Paul? Another year another “Also ran” and it’s not all the media’s fault.

So we’re left with Romney. Ted talks personally to him. Ted who is someone I respect gives an endorsement to a guy I really don’t like. Ouch. But I was prepared to vote for ANY R in the general so it doesn’t matter really. IF Ted trusts Romney to STACK the SCOTUS in PRO-2nd Amendment, PRO-Constitution judges then perhaps he sees something we do not. I’ve agreed with Ted Nugent on every major issue since I’ve been following his career. So I’ll take this endorsement as a plus for Romney. Those of you that don’t know Ted Nugent is the voice of hunters and fishermen, trappers and shooters and if you care about our RIGHTS to bear arms, Ted is on the front lines of that fight.

All that said, I will not vote for Romney in June here. I will still vote for Newt if he’s on the ballot.  That’s where I will make my protest vote. The General election is far too important this year to redo 08. I will hold my nose, pray that Romney wins and sends Obama back to Chicago or Kenya.

5 Replies to “Ted Nugent Endorses Mitt Romney.”

  1. For his next act he’ll go back in time and endorse Bob Dole and John McCain while reaching across the aisle to shake Ted Kennedy’s hand. I’ve had it with these paper tigers that back the Tea Party when it suits them.

  2. Rob, you saw MY reaction to Nugent and this bullshit in a PM..

    Seriously, I don’t think it makes a hoot in hell, the GOP is as bad as the Dems, the GOP people that DO have some decency aren’t running…

    I worked very hard against Obama last go-round, but McLame and Bygollyyoubetcha was the weakest ticket the GOP could have run, until now…

    Get ready for 4 more years from the KENYAN son of a bitch, and kiss America good-bye… It was a nice run while it lasted…

    And America, you have no one to blame but yourselves, you GAVE this nation away, you ALLOWED the Dems, Libbers, Commies and Socialists to take control.

    Some of us have fought like hell for this nation but there’s just so much you can do with only a small force doing the fighting, but we DID appreciate the cheering section, you fucking bastards.

  3. Professional politicians are professional politicians…They’re all slimy, and none of them are in it for us.

    On face value, I’m disappointed by Ted’s actions, but I think he is thinking ahead and hoping to help defeat the incumbent.

  4. Sorry Ted, but you got suckered.
    When Romney was governor of Mass, he stacked the bench with Liberal judges.

    As far as the 2A goes, Mittens has never seen an anti-gun law that he thought was too extreme.

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