Carbonite Drops Limbaugh.

Carbonite Drops Limbaugh.

Now I don’t listen to Rush Limbaugh much. But I do think he was RIGHT on the “Fluke” thing. I sure as hell don’t my tax dollars going for her and her like minded cronies to breed and/or have sex at all. It’s NOT our business to cover ANY cost so they can fornicate.

Carbonite, the online back up company dumped it’s ads on Rush’s show… In solidarity with Rush I dropped them too. I hope everyone who had Carbonite will do the same. The war we are in is not for the feint of heart. Even the little things matter. And silencing speech is a tool the left uses. Us on the right can use our wallets. We are the “Responsible” folks who work, pay our bills and keep companies like Carbonite working. We can influence their actions by removing our dollars.

Please if you have Carbonite consider dropping them like a hot rock for not supporting Rush’s right to speak up for us. Regardless of you’re opinion of Rush, I ask you to think about what’s next? IF “Slut” in this instance was “Bad” wait till the general election. And also think back to the support for folks who called Sarah Palin/Michelle Bachmann/ Michelle Malkin/Ann Coulter etc far worse than that over the years…

The removal of Carbonite isn’t that hard to do. Go get yourself an external drive from best buy or some electronic store, they are fairly cheap. Set up a back up program that automatically backs up important files to the external. You can do as I do, I back up files once a month to an external which I keep in the gun safe… Just set a reminder program up. It will save you money for a little work. We’re too lazy anyway.


33 Replies to “Carbonite Drops Limbaugh.”

  1. Would that I had carbonite installed so it could be DC ed but there is none on the puter. Since this appears to be a Constitutional thing (1st et al) maybe Glen will remove carbonite from His list of advsertisers or maybe all those that had carbonite because of Glen’s sales pitch will cancel. That would be neat.

  2. I am dropping Carbonite ASAP. I do listen to Rush & heard every word he said from day one & it was funny. I am a female & I thought it was a hoot. He is a decent guy who cares about his fellow man. Communist/left are using it as a diversion.

    1. Carbonite’s stock is dropping like a stone. Idiots should realize that folks on the RIGHT side of the aisle WORK for a living. We are the tax payers that Rush talks about having to pay for that DEMOCRAT SLUT. We can absolutely make our voices heard through our wallets. I don’t watch HBO, CBS or NBC shows I don’t buy pro-flowers anymore either. They’re done. It’s a battle and if they want to play the “Boycott” game we should go all in.

  3. You are aware that her testimony had nothing to do with sex, right? It was about the use of birth control pills to regulate hormones in order to prevent ovarian cysts, and requiring private insurance companies to cover this.

    She pays for her insurance with her money. Nobody is asking for a handout here. Rush couldn’t be more wrong.

    1. Cube: This is what Fluke said in her “Testimony”
      “Forty percent of the female students at Georgetown Law reported to us that they struggled financially as a result of this policy,” Fluke testified regarding the Catholic university’s policy of not covering birth control. “Without insurance coverage, contraception, as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school.”

      The facts are stubborn things aint they? Rush was DEAD NUTS RIGHT on the money with his statement about Fluke. Well, except for he should have called her a PROSTITUTE because SHE WANTS US TO PAY FOR HER TO HAVE SEX.

      Here’s a few other facts you may be interested in: Where’s the answers to these questions:

      How and when did Fluke conduct her survey of Georgetown Law students’ alleged struggles with contraceptive costs? How many students participated in this survey? What kind of questions were asked? Was the survey conducted with a statistically valid sample? Can Fluke describe her survey’s methodology and provide us with the original questionnaires?

      How did Fluke arrive at her $3,000 estimate of the cost of contraception? What types of contraceptives — condoms, diaphragms, pills, spermicidal foam — were included in these calculations?
      Was Fluke aware that a monthly supply of birth-control pills could be obtained for as little as $9 a month? Are Fluke’s math skills sufficient to multiply 9 x 12 x 3 and realize that a three-year supply of pills would therefore cost $324, which is 89.2% less than her $3,000 estimate?

      Is Fluke aware that annual full-time tuition at Georgetown Law School is $46,865, compared to which an annual cost of $108 for birth-control pills is what statisticians might call “a drop in the bucket”?

      When that SLUT, Democrat operative, Lying bitch can answer those then maybe I’ll be concerned about what Rush said…

      1. Robert,

        How, exactly, are you and I paying for her birth control? She pays for her health insurance, out of pocket, buying into the plan offered by her school. This is no different than buying into the plan offered by most employers.

        You do realize that you are, in fact, calling every woman who utilizes birth control, whose private health insurance provider happens to cover it, a slut and / or a prostitute.


        1. Cube, did you even hear the Fluke’s comments in front of the committee? The entire speech she made was an effort to have her “Contraception” covered by the government. That’s why she broke down the 3,000 cost per year of college students sex lives… Now pleas Cube, quit reading the daily HOES, or MSNBC state run media sites and look around. You can’t be that stupid…

          1. No. I encourage you to read her testimony. She wants private insurance companies to be required to cover birth control.

            She pays for her coverage. Not you. Not I.

            And for this she is a slut?

          2. First paragraph of her speech: “Affordable Care Act contraceptive coverage regulation.” Regulation by the GOVERNMENT. Mandating an action by a private entity is INVASION it’s also a shell game which WE the people will be paying for it in the long run. See CALIFORNIA for examples in every industry.

            The entire thing was because Obamacare made it so RELIGIOUS ORGs HAD TO OFFER B.C to their employees. The Obama admin made an “Adjustment” so that it didn’t piss off catholics. It didn’t work and you’ll see in Nov. Your guy and the slut parade are going to get a whoopin in Nov.

          3. Oh, so we’re not paying for it. At all. But you think that sometime in the future it might happen?

            It’s okay to admit that you are wrong. Even Rush does it. 😉

            And, really, my guy? The world is not black and white you know.

          4. We are paying for it. It’s called a shell game. Similar to Obamacare’s “Price will drop” which has gone UP exponentially. Insurance Co’s are MANDATED to pay for something by the Government. What happens? Insurance rates go up to cover it. Who pays?. Then lets look at those without insurance. Where do they go? Planned Parenthood, our tax dollars at work. Condoms to stop a baby and a knife if it don’t work… Good plan. It’s all tied together Cube, every damn regulation/mandate from DC costs US the tax payers in some form or fashion ALWAYS. Then for that SLUT to go in front of reps and say it costs 3k per year for contraceptions???? You don’t see anything wrong with that? Are you kidding me?

          5. Except for the fact that birth control reduces health care costs. Pregnancy is expensive.

            Also, she was referring to birth control pills in order to prevent ovarian cysts. Condoms won’t help with this. The price listed for pills is in line with the market value. Yes, you can find cheaper pills, but some have reactions to those.

            This does not make her a slut, and you look foolish for even suggesting it.

            Additionally, she said 3k over the time there. 1k per year on a stipend of 3k.

          6. Surely you are just as upset over obese people driving up your insurance premiums, right?

          7. Actually I am. But I haven’t seen an obese person demanding I pay for her twinkies and bon bons… And 1k a year for B.C? She was lumping them all together pills and condoms. PERIOD. And you’re dead wrong that I look foolish for calling her a slut. 3k for condoms per year or oer 3 years if she aint sellin she’s given it away. And for her to stand in front and give that speech shows she has no shame for it so she should wear it as badge of honor. And look back at her “Activist” crede. She’s nothing more than a shill for the Pelosi’s… Sorry to burst your bubble.

          8. I have to ask, what does hormone therapy for ovarian cysts have to do with sex?

            Do you understand how the pill works? You take the same amount, one pill a day, regardless of the frequency of sex, if any.

          9. We are talking about Contraceptives NOT cancer prevention/cures and neither was Fluke. So please don’t try the liberal/Alinsky tactic of shifting the topic. Mrs Fluke made it perfectly clear about the topic and stick to that. You’re not dealing with someone who doesn’t get it. I get it, and I don’t play PC games at all. IF a reporter asked me questions like that I’d abuse them in the same manner.

            You must be either an Obama supporter, or someone who has never read the constitution of the USA. We the people are right now under the same governing body type that we fought to get away from. I’m tired of paying for everyone to sit ont heir ass or take it in it. I’m damn tired of it and it’s time it stops. Fluke being offended by being called a slut is laughable.

          10. It has become very clear that you’ve not read her testimony in full. Please do so, and take your blinders off.

          11. I have read it. I have seen the dog and pony show that was put on after Obama stuck it to the catholic Church. I saw the entire thing unfold and I among the vast majority of people in America KNOW exactly what this is about. IT’s about the liberal ideology of pay for me so I can play free… Same as the OWS idiots on the street. Everything free for me.. Sad state of the nation but it’s expected. Every great nation has been undone by liberals and we are no different. We’ll fight it, we will eventually win it but it’s going to require a lot of pain on the way. Take care now Cube.

          12. It is that simple on several fronts. IF you believe OWS is bad there is hope. IF you believe Fluke was promoting a bi-partisan agenda then we have a problem. I am a conservative in the truest sense. I can be bent on SOME social issues but when it comes to a woman standing in front of the American people and demanding we pay for her contraception I can’t deal with it. I can’t deal with that anymore than the OWS’r saying I should pay for their tuition. And for you to back Fluke on this issue is concerning. IF you are neither a democrat or a liberal and you see this issue different, then I gotta question your ideology. IF you fancy yourself an Indy, then you may as well pick a side. IF you are a republican then you are as responsible for our demise as the liberal progressives… Just sayin

          13. For clarification, I am neither a liberal nor a democrat, and think that the republicans are going to be trounced this November. Like Reagan-Mondale trounced.

            But, hey, we agree on OWS, so maybe all hope is not lost.

            Don’t be too quick to box things into left/right. It’s not that simple.

  4. Offsite online backup Carbonite dropped the Rush Limbaugh show. Bad decision, IMHO, though no Limbaugh fan would deny them that option. But, as it turns out, Carbonite is a substandard product compared to the competition.

    Switch to MemoPal. I compared it with Carbonite (BEFORE the flap), and the choice was clear. MemoPal is 49 Euros a year for 200 gigs total backup.

    Many computers can use the single MemoPal license for backup — unlike Carbonite, which is limited to one computer.

    MemoPal offers 3 gigs for free — unlike Carbonite.

    MemoPal does incremental backups, easy retrieval and offers other excellent features.

    MemoPal is a snap to download and install.

    There’s currently a discount code BACKUPSR that takes 15% off the price.

    Here’s MemoPal’s (biased but accurate) comparison of its product with Carbonite.

    Of course, from there you can check it out in detail, and order. And if unsure, try it out with the free 3 gigs. I’ve used it for over a year with flawless performance in every respect.

    1. Thanks Richard. Hope folks check it out deeply. No more money to the Media matters supporting staff. My solemn promise that I make a statement with my wallet as much as humanly possible.

  5. She did not testify to the senate or congress. The liars & thugs on the left had a little press conference & made it appear like an appearance with lawmakers. She is an leftist operative not some shy little 23 yr old kid. She is a 30 yr old hag. Neal Boortz said when this genius started her twitter account her first follow was Rachael Madcow & then Ed Shchultz of the (Laura Ingram is a news slut fame) Then she followed Michael (I never pass a pizza joint) Moore etc. As you can see this is not some poor sweet kid. She is a crappy lefty. Her boss ole jug ears himself calls her to pat her ugly head I am sure. Where was his calls to (sorry i HAVE A HARD TIME SPELLING WHEN LAUGHING) Sarah Palin about the vile filth that is spewed her way on a regular basis by various not funny lefty men including Louis C K who is about to entertain the Radio & TV people at one of their parties. I could go on & on. So saying that Rush was wrong to say what he did is wrong. He should not have lowered himself to their trashy level but he did & as a girl I say so what. She is as fair game as the women on the right.

    1. Amen Lisa, But anytime one goes before congress critters in a setting like that it’s pretty much a testimony. She lied. She’s a LAW SCHOOL student. First rule for Lawyers is to be good at LYING. She passed that test with straight A’s… Unbelievable. And to see the Ed Shultz show where he called Laura Ingram a slut TWICE and not a word…

  6. THE $100 MILLION TITANIC: Carbonite has lost on average $20 million per year for the past five years … its SEC reports show an “accumulated deficit” (accountant-speak for “cumulative loss”) of $100 million!

    HAIL MARY IPO: Last summer Carbonite rescued itself from insolvency with a weak desperation IPO.

    COMPETITION: Losing its Rush-relationship will leave NASDAQ:CARB even more vulnerable to a surging tsunami of competition.

    KAMIKAZE CEO: Carbonite’s CEO David Friend has effectively cut his company’s throat – in order to protest a few Limbaugh jokes about a 30-year-old political activist (Sandra Fluke) who is publicly crusading to compel other people to pay for female law students’ birth control!

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