Tea Party is Racist Now!

Tea Party is Racist Now!

The NAACP made it official Tuesday Night. The tea party is racist. Dang it. First Hallmark now us.. How in the world are we going to know when true racism happens?

My mail man is black, and he drops off white envelopes my mail box is that a metaphor? One of my dogs is black and another is white should I now favor the black one so I don’t come off as racist?

The NAACP is like the KKK, not relevant any more.

The whole thing is a ploy by the Obama administration to get out the black vote. The only way to do it is to play the race card. I ask again for the liberpukes to show me proof of racists in the tea party…Haven’t seen it, I also remember a bounty for proof of it and it’s  still on the table. The real racists are the NAACP and the Obama voters. IF you voted for obama you are a racist because there is no way you can support the man based on his job performance. You are only supporting him because he’s black.

All Obama supporters are racists. PERIOD. (How’s that for liberpuke mentality)

When you can’t win the arguement for increased welfare, more spending, bankrupting the nation and the liberal agenda, the only thing Obama can do is go into his trusty back up plan…RACE CARD…

Next on the agenda, I’m sure we will see, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and I’m betting Rev Wright is going to make a statement soon too…

4 Replies to “Tea Party is Racist Now!”

  1. The race card has been so over played it is no longer relevant.
    I have never in my life seen so much racism directed at white people and I am fed up with it.
    I do believe that some folks want a reenactment of the 60’s riots….we didn’t shoot back then, but bet ya anything we do if it happens again. I’m tired of being pushed around and tired of being called names. The Racist label should go the way of the N word.
    I’m just ramblin…long day….but dammit I’m fed up!

    1. Yes it has Jo, overplayed and worn out…I think the moment folks realized the cry of racist was getting old is when Hallmark got tagged with it…That kind of says it all..

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