NAACP is awash in Hypocrisy…

NAACP is awash in Hypocrisy…

One of my favorite writers is Kevin Jackson for several reasons. One of which is I admire the man for what he has to endure to speak out. He’s a BLACK man, so he’s a “traitor” to his race according to the NAACP and Black Panthers…He’s also a Conservative so he’s a target of the State Run MSM and he’s a member of the Tea Party Movement..The Trifecta of hatred that he has to endure from the people that claim to be anti-hate, anti-racism and anti-oppression….

The NAACP has gone Rogue

The NAACP has gone off the deep end. First they got mad at Hallmark for making a graduation card with a solar system theme that refers to “black holes.”  The NAACP said the card demeans black women.  Now they have declared the Tea Party movement racist. The NAACP seems to find racism all around them, but they can’t recognize their own!

From their own website, the NAACP proclaims:

“…From the ballot box to the classroom, the thousands of dedicated workers, organizers, leaders and members who make up the NAACP continue to fight for social justice for all Americans.”

Perhaps we need to check the citizenship of Ken Gladney, the black Conservative who was attacked by the two SEIU thugs.  As Big Government showcased in the press conference by the NAACP in St. Louis. Gladney was mocked by the NAACP spokesperson. The organization that “fights for social justice for all Americans” called Gladney an Uncle Tom. Gladney was ‘right on color, but wrong on politics.’

Ironically, one of Gladney’s attackers was white. So it seems that in the NAACP’s Hierarchy of Worth, black Conservatives rate lower than the white thugs who would attack them.

And if that wasn’t enough, there seems to be no outcry from the NAACP when the Black Panther voter intimidation case was thrown out by the InJustice Department.  Apparently protecting the rights of those colored “white” is not in the purview of the NAACP…the group “fighting [sic] for social justice for all Americans.” Does the NAACP condone the belief of the Black Panthers that, “Crackers are about to be ruled by a black man!”?

The little known part of that story was that black GOP election officials were threatened, called “race traitors,” and told that there would be “hell to pay,” when they left the precinct. This injustice didn’t manage to make the NAACP website. Read the rest of this article HERE

Funny that Kevin points out these and more facts that the NAACP will not address. And I’m sure if Kevin Jackson was to walk into a NAACP meeting he would be met with hatred and insults because of his skin color and his political beliefs. The same political beliefs that the Republican party was founded on, the same political beliefs that made civil rights a priority, the same beliefs that helped found the NAACP in the first place….But the Democrats have successfully brainwashed it’s members into believing the “Republicans” are the racists. Even as one of their hero’s wore a klan robe “To get elected”…The republican party is totally lost if they can’t overcome the rewriting of history by these race baiting liars…

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