SCOTUS Picture found

SCOTUS Picture found

After the latest SCOTUS rulings, I was wondering what the hell is wrong with this bunch of idiots. Then I found their picture and it answers so much.

SCOTUS Picture


12 Replies to “SCOTUS Picture found”

  1. @Bloviating Zeppelin: Yeah that one needs to get the hell outta there ASAP, she has caused some serious damage to our nation and should be remembered for it.

  2. I am working up a post on the SCOUS, your photo has been stolen. I hope you don’t get your gun out. I will used your last photo of Obama later today.

  3. Good call on gun rights. We’ll need ’em after the lower (as if any court could get lower) courts release the Gitmos on an unsuspecting public.

  4. Politely request permission to “borrow” this great graphic for ATAW (with proper links and credit, of course)…….

  5. @RTaylor: Request granted with the condition you never ask again… all that is needed TR is credit and a link back….LOL

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