Romney Warns: Nation Headed to California type Disaster.

Romney Warns: Nation Headed to California type Disaster.

Well well, seems like someone with some power is finally catching a clue.

At ”bridge to nowhere,” Romney slams Obama on economy

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney returned to his economic message on Friday, highlighting a “bridge to nowhere” rebuilt by stimulus money and warning the U.S. economy could suffer a fiscal crisis like California’s if he is not elected in November.

Listen, in 2006 when the “hag in the house” took over the speaker position. We in California warned America. We stated across the blogs and in newspapers EVERYWHERE that the nation was headed for CA’s type leadership and it would lead to ruin. In 2008, the prediction came true. And WE blamed Bush (Which is acceptable because he was the head of the snake)

In 2008, we elected “The One” the “Messiah” The man who would make the heavens open and the seas rise. We doubled down and gave COMPLETE Congressional control to the democrats led by Nancy Pelosi (Hag in the house) and Harry Reid in the senate. Again we in CA warned about the CA spending disease… We got Obama care, we got spending not seen in our nation since the great depression/WW1 and WW2 combined. We had FIGHTS over raising taxes…Sound familiar?

In 2010 THE REST OF THE NATION RISES and boots the spend-aholics from most states. We took over the house but failed to take the senate… Here in CA we doubled down and elected Moonbeam Brown and kept Boxer in the senate. Spending hasn’t stopped it’s slowed a bit from the house in DC, but in CA they put a turbo charger in the spending machine and continued down the path of destruction.

CA is the class war training facility. CA is the testing ground for new and improved socialistic experiments. CA is ran by the extreme left. CA is the land of welfare, illegal immigrant coddling, the land of hand outs for every kid you have. We have the highest taxes in the nation. The worst business environment and the worst education system in the nation.

Hello America can you hear me now?

IF we elect Romney and DO NOTHING to save the house and take the senate. Mitt Romney will be just like Arnold Swartzarino. A failure.
IF Romney is what we have to deal with, fine. But if you want real change and a fix. That is an all or nothing strategy. Push strong conservatives, give your cash to those in battleground states, Lash out with a fury when you see the lies. Stand with those who will stand for common sense solutions to fix our nation. NOT those that CA has been doing for 30+ years.

You hear all the time from Obama “We aren’t going back to Bush’s failed policies” Yeah so I guess the policies of his party in CA are where we are going “Forward” to? Stand and use CA as an example of what is NOT America. STAND and fight.

2 Replies to “Romney Warns: Nation Headed to California type Disaster.”

  1. a fiscal crisis like California’s if he is not elected in November.

    And what specifically is he going to do? Cut spending and put America on the path to a balanced budget? Words are great, lets hear some details of exactly HOW he would go about this daunting task…

    1. I think there’s something to be said for strategy Fred. Say Romney comes out with all kinds of details on how he’s going to fix this or that… Then as the election comes closer, Obama moves to do some of it… I think a bit of poker is okay with me. We’ve seen Obama in action 3+ years. Time for change because we see the direction. Romney will have the benefit of the doubt from me until the day after the election. At that point, I’ll be monitoring his actions very closely and with the same tone as I’ve used with Obama. We all should.

      I’m not going to blast Romney yet. He’s our only hope of removing Eric Holder and to me THAT’S NUMBER ONE REASON

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