Gov. Jerry (Moonbeam) Brown is Cutting.. Um No.

Gov. Jerry (Moonbeam) Brown is Cutting.. Um No.

Listen to this high grade BULLSHIT!

Now I’ll admit its a good sales pitch but the facts don’t line up. Well unless you are in the SEIU, TEACHERS UNION, Illegal Immigrant, Oh hell, If you’re on the Government teet this sounds okay. He’s really doing it, he’s going to cut and raise… Um No.

California Austerity: $5 Billion Spending Hike: Cavanaugh on Fox L.A., 10 p.m. tonight

Rabbit ears alert for all L.A. residents:

Why does California keep overestimating how much it can collect in taxes?

How did the overestimation this time around result in a cool $16 billion shortfall? (Not even the worst in recent memory!)

Where are the devastating cuts of the austerity of bare-bones of the starving beast in a state that will increase spending by six percent — from $86.5 billion in outlays last year to $91.4 billion this year?

Is it smart for Gov. Jerry Brown to expect a Facebook windfall when Facebook founders are literally willing to flee the United States to escape the tax hit of the company’s impending IPO?

Does anybody except USC/Dornsife pollsters think Brown will get his $8.5 billion tax hike approved in November? Does anybody on any planet believe it will actually bring in $8.5 billion in new taxes?

What’s the best way for a broken state to spend money it doesn’t have: Government employee pensions, high-speed rail, boards of horse racing and chiropractory, or all of the above?

So what are we seeing here? More of the same. The same stuff being done in Greece, France, Italy, Spain and DC. The shell game. Make some cuts, spend more than you are cutting use the “EAT THE RICH” tactic and back to the future.. WHEN will CA LEARN?

They elected this SOB AGAIN. 30 years ago, CA was booming, it was moving up and Moonbeam enacted MANY of the programs that are NOW KILLING THIS STATE. Jerry Brown and his entirely democrat controlled legislature is about to raise taxes again to continue to pay for entitlements.

Did you also notice the video? “When I came into office”… Yep you dumb son of a bitch, you came into office with the same idiots that have been in their seats for the past 30 years. The DEMOCRAT PARTY peppered with progressive ideologues who have NO PROBLEM SPENDING OUR MONEY! Controlling OUR LIVES, Letting prisoners loose, taking OUR RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS while having ARMED GUARDS FOR YOURSELVES!

You with a D on your label YOU are the problem with this state. YOU have ruined paradise and YOU keep making it worse.


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