Rick Perry’s first shot…

Rick Perry’s first shot…

Not a bad opening volley, but beware it’s gonna get ugly. The liberal mind doesn’t like facts. The progressive clueless doesn’t want to have to debate Mr Perry in any way shape or form. They will be doing everything possible to portray him as “White, Rich, Racist, Establishment, Bilderburg, Koch brothers backed racist”… Oh did I mention anyone supporting him will be racist?… Good Start MR Perry. Lets get ready for the fight. I’m always itchin for a fight.

5 Replies to “Rick Perry’s first shot…”

  1. Yeah, he has done opened fire (are we allowed to say that in politics) with the facts. To be sure, the liberals are sure to be crying foul.

    I haven’t decided for sure that I will support Governor Perry, but I really like what I see so far. No, he isn’t perfect, but no one is and he seems to be willing to admit when he has been wrong and to correct his mistakes. That’s a lot more than I can say about most politicians.

    1. LD, yep personal growth. Perry was a democrat… Like Reagan. A democrat early grew up realized the Democrat party is a ridiculous mindset of poverty, slavery and class warfare. He switched party much like Ronald Reagan did. What does that do for him? Well IMO it gives him a insight in dealing with the enemy. One of my favorite parts of Perry Running watching the money. Follow the money flowing into the Democrat coffers because of Perry’s entry. Mostly MIDDLE EASTERN and UNIONS will be funding Obama now. Perry aint one to let some rag head country punk us much… Should be fun to watch.

  2. There’s a lot of good Conservatives today that were Dems many years ago… Speaks well of Perry to have seen the need to move RIGHT…

    I have come to realize that perfection is NOT a possibility in ANY candidate, but in my mind Perry is not a choice of the *lesser of the evils*, Perry has his flaws and HE is the 1st one to admit it, that is priceless…

  3. So far I’m liking Mr. Perry, I’m still a bit up in the air on which GOP candidiate can win in 2012. My heart says whatever candidate goes against Obama will win, but reality says, whomever runs against Obama will have to be great at handling Obama’s attack wing of his campaign,”The Mainstream Media”. As a native Texan I’m hoping the best for Perry.

  4. Even as a democrat though, Perry was Conservative. He voted against his own party as much as with it.

    He was a member of al gore’s campaign in his first presidential run… I’m having a hard time with that 😉

    He does have some good qualities.

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