Category: Rick Perry for POTUS

Here we go… Racism in the Liberal mind…

Here we go… Racism in the Liberal mind…

Ed Shultz the idiot on MSNBC didn’t waste anytime with the “Racism” charge. And he sure didn’t waste anytime MANUFACTURING it.

Get ready for a lot of this. Liberals/Progressives can’t win on their record, they can’t win in any debates the only thing they have is blame and name calling. Stay with it folks, this is going to get UGLY.

I think the new tagline for those of us WHO TRULY WANT TO SAVE THIS NATION, is going to be.. “Okay so you think I’m a racist, now what? what else ya got? Okay now lets talk about the issues”

There was only ONE potential candidate that could have saved us from this BULLSHIT. Allen West. He chose not to run this year. Okay fine. We have some good candidates who AREN’T black. Which means WE who support them must be racist… Fine. Screw it. I’m a racist. I hate Obama’s White half! Does that help?



Rick Perry’s first shot…

Rick Perry’s first shot…

Not a bad opening volley, but beware it’s gonna get ugly. The liberal mind doesn’t like facts. The progressive clueless doesn’t want to have to debate Mr Perry in any way shape or form. They will be doing everything possible to portray him as “White, Rich, Racist, Establishment, Bilderburg, Koch brothers backed racist”… Oh did I mention anyone supporting him will be racist?… Good Start MR Perry. Lets get ready for the fight. I’m always itchin for a fight.