Rewriting History…

Rewriting History…

The more I look around and see what we thought we knew.. The more I understand the truth is a mystical creature who hides and is hidden.

When progressives don’t like the facts, they love to change them. Not that it’s a solely “Progressive” trait, it’s just done a lot more often and more visible from them.

A lot of our history has been rewritten to fit a narrative. Look at our modern public school system, take a tour with your kids to school and look at the books they read and the teaching they’re getting. Look at History in public schools: Does it even come close to what YOU were taught? Nope it’s a lot more “Feelings and justifications” than it is the basics and real.

Case and point. The Red Tails movie (Tuskeegee airmen movie)

Give this a read Red tails and tall tails

It wasn’t until a dreaded Tuskegee Airmen Denier by the name of Dr. Daniel Haulman came along in 2007 and actually researched this story—started by black journalist Roi Ottley and quickly picked up by black newspaper The Chicago Defender in 1945—that the truth came to the surface.

Why not one of the members of the white bomber crew whose plane was shot down during escort by the 332d fighter group (the Red Tails) ever stepped forward and told the truth about the “never having a lost a bomber” myth is a testament to this fable’s relatively recent proliferation.

Though you couldn’t be thrown in jail for such an impolite inquiry to the veracity of the claims around the Red Tails as in Europe, Dr. Haulman did find intense pressure from entrenched academics, and the Tuskegee Airmen themselves, for daring to expose the truth behind the myth.

The rewrite of history is complete and it’s taken as fact because if you challenge it, you’re a damn Nazi/Racist/Neocon.. whatever. What ever happened to facts?

Global warming/Climate change/Guns kill people/Environmentalism/Gay Marriage/ etc…. There are opposing views on all of them, but question them in academia and you will be scorned and shunned.

I have come to the conclusion that facts no longer are needed. All you need is feelings. Facts are illusive these days and for some reason, they are also more available. The spin is what confuses facts and allows FEELINGS to rule the day.
Until we decide that facts are better than feelings and dealing with facts is EASIER than dealing with feelings, we’re destined to swim in the denial river for 40 years… Facts are NOT always going to be on our side, they are going to HURT your sensibilities sometimes, but embrace them, learn from them when you find them and double/triple check them to make sure they are facts and not “SPIN”


2 Replies to “Rewriting History…”

  1. Correct. FEELINGS are everything.

    -It isn’t whether or not multiple billions and billions of dollars have been poured into welfare, for example, and it hasn’t gotten better. Instead, it’s gotten WORSE. So it isn’t about the aim of the money, it’s about the FEELINGS you get when you apply the money.

    Aim, then, that philosophy into any Leftist mission and you have the truth: money applied to most ANYthing won’t achieve your goal; not when you’re only concerned with how it makes you FEEL as opposed to what it actually DOES or does NOT accomplish.

    The Religious Left, for another example, in summary.


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