Republican Debate in SC Recap….

Republican Debate in SC Recap….

Well another debate went off and there were a few fireworks.

Starting with this one.. Newt pimp slapping John king.

Then it went on to the question of “What 3 things would you do to fix the economy?”

By far the most precise answer went to Newt. Santorum and Romney did okay with it too. Pretty much they hit all the Republican beliefs in what it takes to get our economy back. Except Ron Paul. Ron did mention the obvious after a bunch of rambling. The obvious being “Get government out of the way” Which brings me to this point about Ron Paul.

Ron Paul has a delivery problem. He can’t eloquently state his positions for FUTURE actions. He can complain about what is wrong and point the finger about what is being done. BUT when he is asked what would you do, he loses it. He may know, he may have the idea but he can’t explain it on stage at all and he never gets to that part.

Then the Bane Capitol issue came up, where John King got a bit of revenge for Newt’s pimp slap. Newt stuck to his guns and Romney stung him. Point for Romney here. Newt needs to drop this line of attack it’s a loser.

Then Santorum got a chance to go “a rant’n” and let loose on both Romney and Newt. He made some passionate explanations for his views and his record he made some pointed attacks on both of the front runners but he’s going to be labeled as boring no matter what he does. I like him, I don’t think he’s going to be the nominee but given the choice of those on stage, perhaps he’s actually the only one who has no personal baggage on social issues/flippin and a floppin…

Romney did okay tonight. He is polished which is a bad thing in the primaries. He’s got a real problem because of his record and a debate with him vs Obama would cause a lot of face palms among conservatives.

The winner of the night is as it always is Newt. Nobody debates better than Newt. NOBODY including Obama. Obama would be skewered on stage with Newt and the left side of the aisle knows this too. This is why the personal issue is so important to so many. IF he can be pushed back off the stage and ROMNEY is the opponent you will hear a giant sound of relief from Democrats everywhere.

I’m Hoping Paul drops out soon, but he wont. He’ll take as many delegates as he can to the convention and continue to be the crazy uncle in the room nobody wants to talk to or piss off… Just annoying and dead wrong on some of the most important issues our nation faces today.

Santorum, well I hope he stays in and continues his attack dog routine all the way till June so I can vote for him.  (I’m getting behind the winner of Primaries no matter who he is, I hope it’s Newt, but in CA it won’t matter much WHO I vote for because it’s in June)

A great night for all of them but I think Newt just might win in SC.

Oh and one more thing: Does anyone realize how inconsiderate these people were to white people? Today was Robert E Lee’s birthday and they held a Republican debate on this day! RACIST BASTARDS!


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