Republicans are CLUELESS

Republicans are CLUELESS

Listening to the pundits proclaiming a Republican takeover in November, you would think they have it locked up. I got news for anyone that will listen, it is far from locked up and even worse, just because it’s an “R” doesn’t mean it will be better.

Republicans have a lot of baggage too, they started this mess. Matter of fact, some would say they taught the Democrats HOW to do it. The best way for the “R”s to make a comeback is to NOT be “R”s.  What I mean is they need to come out and beg for forgiveness. They need to promise NOT to make the same mistakes of the past, they need to sign another “Contract with America” they need to apologize for the error of their ways and they need to become what they were. They need to stick to their principles even when it’s not popular, they need to do the things that made our nation great, not the things that make the liberpukes feel good.

Note to Republicans: You only have the momentum because your opposition is so weak. IF you don’t understand why you are on the outside looking in, you have learned nothing and don’t deserve redemption. IF you have learned your lesson come out and say it, tell us what you’ve learned, and then you will have a shot at regaining the power you once had.

IF you don’t do these things a third party will be our only option, which will keep Democrats in power until a real awakening occurs in this once great country.

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