Real Clear Politics?

Real Clear Politics?

TO Any of you that might have came to American and Proud from Real Clear Politics thinking you will see some racist rant or extremist views, let me welcome you to:

American and Proud.

The blog owner is a Bog Dwelling Redneck Racist hick because he chooses to be proud of his WHITE culture. Let me spell it out for faux intellectuals like Don (Racist) Douglass. I am WHITE! I am NOT GUILTY OF A GOTDAMN THING! Therefore; I suffer no WHITE guilt, I never owned a slave, nor did I ever treat anyone of any color different because of that color.

So if that is your idea of a racist extremist, YOU are what’s wrong with this country! and you can get the hell off my site.

We are of similar like minded views if YOU:
1.Believe entitlements based on color or sexual preference is WRONG.
2.Believe that a person should get a job based on QUALIFICATIONS rather than COLOR.
3.Believe that being white is not a crime
4.Believe that slavery was a bad thing, but only slave owners, or slave traders should be punished for it.
5.Believe that making WHITE People pay for what OUR forefathers did; Is like making the kids of the kids of the kids of a murderer serve time for the crime he committed.

These are my views on race and if you are offended by them, then go crawling back to Donnie Dickheads blog and cry about it there.

Donnie, Eventually we will meet, and I hope you have the balls to say to me what you have said anonymously..

15 Replies to “Real Clear Politics?”

  1. Donnie, Eventually we will meet, and I hope you have the balls to say to me what you have said anonymously..

    He won’t, he has NO honor and I am relatively sure that he has NO guts either…

    I seriously don’t think the folks at RCP have seen the side of Dickless that we have…

    If they knew him for the blog trolling, name calling, bitter little POS he really is, and if they saw the comments he makes in other folks blogs, some as himself and some as ANONYMOUS, IP’s don’t lie, they’d think twice about having him making posts in what once upon a time was a pretty decent blog…

  2. @Isaac: Well you need to start hating Whitey now bud, its all the rage..LMAO
    Unfortunately some one like DD doesn’t understand the difference between being OK with being white, and a racist.
    I guess I am supposed to walk around with my head down and submit to what ever whims those of more color than me want. Not gonna happen.

  3. I’ve about had it with him too , Robert. He keeps shooting me in the back also…last time over my own personal religious beliefs regarding the Obamassiah. Quite frankly, I don’t understand why he is so downright hateful and rude to people he had no quarrel with .
    I guess the right to express different opinions goes against his upbringing.

  4. @jo: He is a terrible shot too Jo, he keeps missing the ring so to speak. I love how we are the “Extremist” right wing or the “Racists” but he has yet to prove those charges, he is grasping at straws because he got his ass whopped on every blog he trolls.. he found an audience (So far) at Real Clear Politics but I hear they are not big fans of pedophile authors.

  5. Looks like “we are of similar like minded views”.

    Donnie is dickless. Maybe that’s why he stalks all you fine gentlemen. He’s jealous?

    Not a damn thing wrong with being white. Nope. I’m kinda a peachy tan though. 😛

    JennoftheJungles Talkin bout..About Sums It Up

  6. @JennoftheJungle: You know I have often thought he might have some homosexual tendencies, but I think I am not his type……..I am over 18.

  7. Robert: You know I have often thought he might have some homosexual tendencies, but I think I am not his type……..I am over 18.

  8. Absent the specifics, I’ll say this:

    Every nation that hopes to remain sovereign holds the lawful right and ability to determine who crosses its borders. It has the lawful right and ability to determine what constitutes a citizen. A foreign national born into that country does not have a right to instantly be deemed a citizen of this country by dint of “want” or proximity. This is a nation of laws. We are no longer tasked with or delighted to live by law? We have somehow decided by some societal fiat that we have the individual ability to personally determine which laws we choose to obey and disobey? I myself have absolutely no interest in living in a lawless society where EVEN I have the ability to pick and choose which laws I wish to obey, with no consequences. This is simply a path to complete and utter chaos and anarchy. Why is it, I am to posit, that so many persons are so determined to turn this country into that which those wanting to come here wish to escape?


    Bloviating Zeppelins Talkin bout..It’s Official:

  9. @Bloviating Zeppelin: That’s the whole truth BZ, the problem is Liberal’s and Faux Conservative intellectuals think that they should be able to pick and chose which laws to obey… We as citizens have to abide by all laws, no matter how much we detest them.
    The faux intellectuals have determined that the WE should not defend our nation from the invasion, rather; we should allow unfettered access because to block it would be racially motivated…

    I speak to Mexican Nationals ( they actually lived in Mexico) everyday that tell me they don’t know why we haven’t closed the border yet. They see the problems that WE see, and they have took appropriate action in order not to be deported or arrested. The MEXICAN’S I know never protested for MORE, instead they are grateful for the nation they have called home.

    But this knowledge I drop on you BZ is not for your benefit it is for the faux intellectual/True Liberal that might read it…

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