Tag: Real Clear Politics

Real Clear Politics?

Real Clear Politics?

TO Any of you that might have came to American and Proud from Real Clear Politics thinking you will see some racist rant or extremist views, let me welcome you to:

American and Proud.

The blog owner is a Bog Dwelling Redneck Racist hick because he chooses to be proud of his WHITE culture. Let me spell it out for faux intellectuals like Don (Racist) Douglass. I am WHITE! I am NOT GUILTY OF A GOTDAMN THING! Therefore; I suffer no WHITE guilt, I never owned a slave, nor did I ever treat anyone of any color different because of that color.

So if that is your idea of a racist extremist, YOU are what’s wrong with this country! and you can get the hell off my site.

We are of similar like minded views if YOU:
1.Believe entitlements based on color or sexual preference is WRONG.
2.Believe that a person should get a job based on QUALIFICATIONS rather than COLOR.
3.Believe that being white is not a crime
4.Believe that slavery was a bad thing, but only slave owners, or slave traders should be punished for it.
5.Believe that making WHITE People pay for what OUR forefathers did; Is like making the kids of the kids of the kids of a murderer serve time for the crime he committed.

These are my views on race and if you are offended by them, then go crawling back to Donnie Dickheads blog and cry about it there.

Donnie, Eventually we will meet, and I hope you have the balls to say to me what you have said anonymously..