Outlaw Platoon

Outlaw Platoon

The “Outlaw Platoon” WOW. Those of you that think you know what’s happening in Afghanistan will have your eyes opened. The book is a powerful walk through the lives of a platoon of bad ass’s as they traversed the Hindu Kush/Border areas of Afghanistan. It’s a well written account of a true leader of men. A warrior of a man who would have been an unlikely candidate for the job in his youth. The book is well worth the time to read.

There’s a couple of particulars in this book that will have your eyes leaking and others that will fill you with rage. Those of you have seen combat in the sand box may not want to revisit it through this book. It’s a graphic account of life in the FOB and some of the politics that go on behind the wire is less than stellar.

Most of us realize that Pakistan is a worthless ally. Read this book and you will see why we have NO clue how accurate our realization is. We are correct in our assertion but the scale to which the Paki’s are stabbing us in the back is disgusting.

You will also find out that the picture a lot of us have of the enemy is wrong. We tend to picture goat herders with antiquated weapons and no skills. WRONG. We are fighting a very capable enemy on the battlefield as far as tactics and weaponry. Our edge is our grit, our weapons and our ability to communicate move and shoot. Afghanistan’s terrain sometimes makes communication obsolete.

The leader of this particular platoon is the definition of LEADER. The BOOK should be required reading for ANYONE in leadership. The way he describes his leadership duties can be transposed into all areas where leaders lead…

Get the book at Amazon or Barnes and Noble. The book is well worth the price.

6 Replies to “Outlaw Platoon”

  1. If you liked that book, you’ll also like WAR by Sebatian Junger, who also wrote THE PERFECT STORM, which was subsequently turned into the George Clooney film.

    WAR is the book version of the documentary RESTREPO, which likewise was shot by Sebastian Junger and Tim Hetherington, in Afghanistan, the Korengal Valley. Both cover roughly a year in the lives of very young and sometimes immature men placed directly into one of the highest kill zones on the entire planet, and how they survive under conditions with two-faced people who try to “work the audience” for tears and then have no compunctions about killing them just after they turn the bend in the rocky trail.

    Great book, great documentary. VERY eye-opening.


  2. I was fortunate to get my copy in advance from a platoon member. This book is fantastic. I couldn’t put it down. It evokes so many emotions, highs and lows. It is so well written you feel like you are right there with those brave men experiencing what they experienced first hand. I am honored that these men serve our country and I am so glad their story has been told. They deserve it! I definately recommend this book!

  3. This book is absolutely amazing! A must read for anyone that wants a real account of what our troops are facing overseas.

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