Category: Islamic Radicals

Weekly Rant: Chattanooga

Weekly Rant: Chattanooga

Well, it happened again. But its really different this time, I mean it’s totally not connected to anything other than lack of gun control in America. That’s it, no other similarities to anything, we’re stumped.


Beware, this post will contain language not suitable for easily offended people. Warning issued. Click off if your vagina or mangina gets offended at words.

If you’ve read my posts or know me personally, you know my love, admiration and respect for the American military. So I am going to focus on my anger rather than my mourning.


My anger isn’t limited to Muslim goat fuckers. Its not limited to the liberals/progressives/democrats/Mainstream media who enable them. My anger, my disgust and my outright hatred is also for the Congress and POTUS of the USA right now. Here’s why:


In March of this year: ISIS made it perfectly clear they were going after US Military and their families. They sent tweets, they made video’s, they wrote articles in “Jihadi’s R US” for Christ sake!! And yet, NOBODY in Congress, the President, the generals of the US Military didn’t act to allow our military members the ability and tools to defend themselves OR even arrange security for them ON OUR OWN SOIL! So while we’re pointing fingers.. Speaker Boehner, Majority Leader McConnell, Senators McCain/Graham who are supposed to be “All about the Military” where was your action? Oh wait, too busy running for POTUS or maybe too busy trying to help your buddy Obama and removing “Wackobirds” “Crazies” from the political environment that may threaten the GOP establishment…


The lack of leadership in DC is at the heart of Chattanooga. Yes, A Muslims goat fucker was the murderer, But he had help from the leaders of the free world. So you who are in charge of making laws/ending laws/cherry picking laws you want to enforce YOU should be in jail for what you DIDN’T DO! While you were putting up bills to ban flags and monuments on federal cemetery’s, while you were worried about how the media would react to words you speak. YOU FAILED OUR SERVICE MEMBERS ON OUR SOIL!… While you were “Debating” sanctuary cities WHAT THE FUCK IS THERE TO DEBATE?  FEDERAL LAW IS UP FOR DEBATE? AWESOME!!! Lets play that shit out on other FEDERAL LAWS like taxes, like 2nd Amendment, like 100 other federal laws that Barack Obama refuses to enforce. ALL of DC is responsible for the murders in Chattanooga and for every MUSLIM or ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT MURDER IN THE USA!


Then just for the icing on the cake: The pretender to the throne, “dear leader” Obama, who runs to the podium every time a white cop shoots a black THUG CRIMINAL! OR when he is releasing MUSLIM MURDERERS from GITMO or when he’s trading ONE DESERTER for FIVE TERRORISTS, can’t be bothered to visit that same podium to mention the murders of these military men of HONOR! Let that shit sink in. Now you know who is running our nation.


Media doesn’t dare mention the “Common” theme in the Chattanooga attack. Nope, it’s a “Melee” it is “Under investigation to determine if there’s a connection” The motherfuckers name was MUHAMMAD assholes!! he was a MUSLIM.. MUSLIM… M-U-S-L-I-M you crayon eating son of a bitch. How fuckin hard is that? I bet if this was his facebook picture, Obama would hit that podium…



1St Amendment Attacked

1St Amendment Attacked

Here’s my take on the Texas Attack that took place in Garland Texas at a Pam Geller event called “Draw Muhammad Contest” or something…

1. Just like the 2nd Amendment, if you say you support it and then follow it up with “BUT” you don’t support it. So goes the 1st Amendment.


2. Safe speech needs no protection from the laws of the land. Nobody will be upset if you stay within the boundaries of what is deemed “Politically Correct”


3. The cop who killed the two Muslim attackers should be invited to the rose garden in the White House and a medal pinned on him. He thwarted an attack that would have killed many. He did it with a .45 caliber Glock. vs 2 Muslims wielding AK-47’s. In normal America, he’d be national hero. In today’s Obama’s America, Pam Geller is to blame for the muslims being killed.



4. Pam Geller and Gert Wilders are being raked over the coals for their actions against Islamic actions. Right now, those two as well as Robert Spencer are the deck hands on the Titanic screaming bloody murder that the ship is headed toward an ice berg. Everyone on the ship has their heads buried in their drinks and are ignoring the warnings. Wake up.


5. I am glad it was a cop who killed the Muslims. In NORMAL America this is what we know cops do. We know cops put themselves on the line every day. This cop was successful at his job, he succeeded in putting down two subhuman parasites…And as much hatred that is being placed on cops these days, this cop deserves our accolades.

6. Final thought: As you see the media/Liberals/Progressives/RINO’s/Democrats continue to blame Geller, rather than defend free speech. Ask yourself this: If more gun control is allowed, if the left’s confiscation dream  is realized, they control what you can say. If they have already said, we must not speak ill of the prophet, the future must not belong etc… What is next?


You must fight to keep the 2nd or there will be no 1st. This incident in Texas shows that a good guy with a gun is a deterrent to an evil guy with a gun. Sometimes the good guys win, sometimes the bad guys win… But to not fight is to lose all the time.


Leadership in Israel.

Leadership in Israel.

Anyone notice the glaring difference between leaders? The leader of Israel loves his nation. The leader of America loathes the nation that elected him.

Terrorist attack on American soil, Obama makes excuses for the act. “Workplace violence” Ft Hood. “Youtube video” Benghazi “Radical views” Boston.

Terrorist attacks against Israel, Terrorists, Enemy. NO EXCUSES.

I PRAY to GOD ALMIGHTY that Israel doesn’t stop this action in Gaza until they get a complete surrender of Hamas. Anything else will just ensure we repeat this conflict at a later date. Within 2 years we’ll be doing this dance again. If Israel really wants to be free of this terrorist menace, let the rubble bounce.

Israel can do everything humanly possible to avoid civilian casualties and they’ll still be blamed for the conflict. So in my opinion, why try to avoid it anymore? If the media and lefty’s of the world body refuse to see the truth, make their “Belief” TRUE and show them what it really looks like. Level about 2 square miles of GAZA, bounce the rubble two or three times and ask the question.. “Do you want more?” Silence is equal to YES. And do it again. This will end the conflict with far more long term peace than this UN/John Kerry/Obama cease fire part 15…

You cannot win a war when your soldiers being killed are a victory for the enemy, when you kill the enemy, its a victory for the enemy, when civilians are killed its a victory for the enemy. So you must eliminate the enemy in a speedy fashion, collateral damage be damned.

Bounce the rubble until they cry uncle.


Another Ft Hood Shooting

Another Ft Hood Shooting

Here we go again… First off: My sincere sympathy for the families of the fallen and hearty get well soon to those injured. This post might be a bit controversial…

What the F**K is going on in America when a military base can be victimized by an armed shooter twice in a short period of time? Seriously…

First, last week we hear “Jihad alert” for a “Ft Hood style shooting” But the first Ft Hood Shooting was “Workplace Violence” And now, we have a “Ft Hood Style Shooting” 14 injured, 3 dead.  (I don’t count the coward shooter)

So what do we say the reason for this Ft Hood shooting is? Will it be a “Youtube video” Will it be “Teabaggers?” will it be “Racists”? Well, those never pan out, so lets go with “Soldier on Soldier violence” REALLY? 14 injured, 3 DEAD is because soldiers had a beef?

Do you really think our leaders are in touch with reality? NO. They are clueless. This proves it. Why are our soldiers still unarmed on Bases after the first Ft Hood shooting? Because it was “Work Place Violence” if they actually called it what it was, a TERRORIST act, then Bill Clinton’s law of no firearms on bases might have been up for a review. But a workplace violence incident? Nope, Democrats couldn’t be seen reviewing the gun policy on Bases could they? Think about that for a minute…

If the Democrats were seen supporting a bill to remove the rule their POTUS put in place for guns on bases, what would that tell the nation? It would say “We want our soldiers to be able to protect themselves in their home turf as well as abroad” That wouldn’t sit well with the Democrat ideal that guns in the hands of good people won’t stop mass shootings. However DEMOCRATS HAD NO ISSUE REMOVING Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.. funny how that works huh?

So here we are AGAIN. for POLITICAL GAIN we have our soldiers injured and dead at HOME.

But don’t worry folks, President Obama is on the job. He said today “He’ll get to the bottom of what happened” then he headed out to a DNC fundraiser. If you read between the lines “I’ll find out what happened as long as it helps my party or my legacy, if not I’ll be spinning like I always do and these folks here with camera’s will help me”

We’ve had at least 3 Terrorist attacks on our soil since Obama took office. 2 of them occurred at the same location. That alone would sink any Republican POTUS. Not to mention the other lies he’s been found guilty of.. But hey, look over here…

Watch the other hand folks, the in play issue is going to be gun control. Ohio campus had a shooting today too. “Islamic Radicals” see the gun control issue as one they need to help Democrats win. Armed Americans aren’t good for America side Jihadi’s.. Just sayin.


Hispanic Muslims?

Hispanic Muslims?

There’s been an uptick of mosques appearing in the land of Mexico recently. Most noticeable in Tijuana. A heavily traveled BORDER town that sits directly under the Illegal Immigrant safe haven state of CALIFORNIA.

California, the state that allows illegals more rights than any other state in our union is experiencing in increase in MUSLIMS in the state. Especially the southern part.

Is seeing a large increase in MUSLIMS among the Illegal immigrant population reason to be concerned? Ask Britain/France/Iceland and basically ANY Country that has allowed an unfettered migration of Muslims…

Save this post because I will say I told you so A LOT!

Remember this saying: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” Cartels have been using Islamic tactics lately. Car bombs, Beheadings etc… Islamic radicals keeping Homeland security busy would benefit cartels wouldn’t it? Under Obama and Holder they are all too eager to open the borders and allow unfettered access. Ask yourself why? You come up with an answer you’ll understand why this is very dangerous.

And here’s another thought. Remember that 9-11-2001 didn’t occur until after the Democrat POTUS was out of office. The plan was hatched during the Clinton admin but they didn’t want to tarnish his reputation….

Rest assured we got another couple of years before a large attack on our soil happens, even AQ knows that if they hit while Obama is in office, they’ll lose a valuable ally. But after the next POTUS is elected, all bets are off.


Evil Which We Cannot Name

Evil Which We Cannot Name

I’ve been thinking about this “Thing called Benghazi” as Chris Mathews put it. And I’ve come to a revelation. The cover up is the biggest part of the story. But the reason for the cover up should shake every American to their core.


The facts of Benghazi are pretty clear. There was a cover up from top to bottom. But the reason they covered it up was two or three fold.


Fold #1: Obama’s base is far left, anti-Israel pro-Palestinian zealots. FACT. From Reverend Wright, to Farakan to Bill Ayers, to Code Pink and every major university from coast to coast fits that bill.

Now look at this:


These are the MUSLIM MURDERS committed on United States Soil since Obama took office. Now how many of these have you heard about nationally? I’ll tell you. TWO. And ONE was classified as a “Workplace violence Incident” 13 dead over 30 wounded in Ft Hood. The other was Boston. The rest? Yeah news huh?

Muslims can’t be accused of being still at war with America after Obama has apologized and all.

Benghazi screwed up the narrative that AQ was on the run. In order for Barack Obama to claim Muslims are peacefully trying to coexist and it was George Bush who provoked them. He was going to be different. Problem was Islam didn’t act different. IF that was the case then Obama had to show strength before the election. So he increased drone strikes on far away lands and announced them often. No verification other than the administrations statements about the target killed.


Fold #2: In order to cover something up this massive one entity or statement wouldn’t do it. It needed to be co-ordinated with media, interagency and congress lapdogs. It didn’t need to be a permanent cover up it just needed to be covered long enough to get Obama to a 2nd term. Hillary said she wasn’t going to run for POTUS remember? So Obama asking Hillary to follow the talking points wasn’t going to hurt her career if she’s retiring now.

Read More Read More

An Iraqi Refugee Bombs AZ SS office.

An Iraqi Refugee Bombs AZ SS office.

Hey we better ban bombs.. Oh, wait they are already illegal. Never mind.


On Friday morning, an Iraqi refugee used an improvised explosive device (IED) to bomb a Social Security office in Casa Grande AZ — the mainstream media remains silent.

The explosion took place before the office opened for the morning, so one was hurt. But reports indicate the explosion “was heard and felt all over the area.”
The suspect in the bombing, Abdullatif Aldosary is an Iraqi refugee who lives in Coolidge, AZ. He is in police custody.
For reasons unreported, Aldosary had raised the Department of Homeland Security’s attention a number of times throughout the last two years, and he served 8 months in prison for harassment at some point.

On Friday night, both CNN and Reuters reported the bombing, but neither identified Aldosary or mentioned his Iraqi roots.

Damn workplace violence… Or was it a video? I guess if you put your head in the sand, ignore all evidence around you, then you don’t have to lie about it… Next step I guess.

Good job worthless media, lets focus on Bob Costas, Some asshole NFL star, guns and them horrible republicans who won’t tax everything in sight! Journalism is a dead entity in America, it’s PRAVDA West.


More on Benghazi…

More on Benghazi…

The more we hear from the events surrounding the second terrorist attack on 9/11 this one on 9/11/2012 is marred in politics. The decision to send help is now at the forefront.

From what I’ve read, there were plenty of assets in the area that could have rendered help. Leon Panneta stated you don’t send in military with out knowing everything in real time. Um, Excuse me? We sent our boys to invade beaches in France without knowing , we sent our boys into Vietnam without knowing, We sent our boys to Somalia without knowing, We sent our boys to Afghanistan without knowing. This was a political decision.

I can imagine Obama having to make a decision at the spur of the moment. It went like this:

Obama:”Our guys are under attack? Are they capable of repelling the attack?”

Advisor: “Yes, they have a gun and a radio”

Obama “Okay, wake me up at 2 I got to catch a plane to Vegas”

Fact is, Obama didn’t make a decision to help our guys in Benghazi because if he sent help and it didn’t go well, either civilians got killed or our guys got killed it would be bad for his election chances. They thought they could bury this until after the election better than if a rescue failed. And that my friends is the FACTS.

All you have to do is look at Obama’s history. He will never make a tough decision unless he feels it benefits him. Not America HIM. 4 dead Americans are easier to hide than 20. The risk of a rescue was too great for his campaign. Not too great for those nearby. They would have gone in without hesitation. The C.I.C had no will to save Americans lives because the risk to his career was greater than their lives. Vote for a man like this? HELL NO