Obama signs DADT repeal…

Obama signs DADT repeal…

Word of warning to my sensitive readers: I am extremely pissed and my post contains some colorful language: Stop reading if you are offended easily.

Yeah this is great. Listening to this asshole in chief talk, only the gays in the military did anything worthwhile… So the underlying issue will now be “What’s next for the Gay agenda” How long before we hear “Gays can serve in the military so we must teach our kids that being gay is perfectly fine and must be encouraged” How long before the next step rears its ugly head? Do you think the gay agenda is appeased now?

See it’s not about how you feel about homosexuality. You can be offended by it and that’s just too bad. WHY?

Here’s another wonderful thought: Our enemies are known homophobes in the truest sense of the word. Hard core Islamists kill gays across the Islamic nations. They also are very in tuned to our news. How do you think that will go over if one of our guys are taken on the battlefield? “He was hung according to the will of Allah for being gay” will the GAYS become anti Islamic then?

What about the mass exodus of troops or those that will not sign up because of this new “Progressive” law…Oh I know, I know it won’t happen. But what if? What will happen when the recruitment quotas start to fail? What will the next step be?

Personally and I’ve said this across the blogs: I don’t give three shits if people are gay, be as gay as you want to be, but keep your sexual desires to yourself. If you feel that your sexual preference is the foremost of your label you have a serious problem. What if us hetero’s want to be acknowledged as such? How ridiculous is that?

IF you are a gay soldier and feel the same way as I do about this, fine I wish you all the luck in the world, kill many bad guys and keep your head down.

IF you are one of those gays that believe you are like the “Blacks in slave times” I say FUCK YOU WITH A CACTUS PRAWN! You choose to be gay, you don’t choose to be black, white or green. You choose to take it in the butt and you will not tell me I have to accept your way of life and respect you for it. I say move your man hole cover sized ass to Frisco and leave the rest of us alone!

Yes I said the F word Deal with it.

Beside the news of the day being this ridiculous bit of legislation, the real news is this:

We fired congress in November, We sent DC a strong message and this is what we got for it? We allowed the RINO’s we removed to enact these liberal progressive laws in the final days of their job? When in the world is that ever possible? Lets see, you get a layoff notice and your last day is Friday, You work Monday through Friday and on Monday you are writing rules and regulations for your underlings? You won’t be there to deal with the consequences but you get to write the plan for next year? WTF?

3 Replies to “Obama signs DADT repeal…”

    1. I fired for effect… The effect being I’m really fuckin sick of the PCness of our nation… I’m sick of the special interest, victimization, I don’t get enough attention type bullshit our elected officials seem to think is important. We got thousands of troops in harms way fighting with one hand tied behind their backs and we are more concerned with who’s doin who and how. We have our ATGEN afraid to say ISLAMIC TERRORIST, we got a homeland security crew that doesn’t realize the HOMELAND is being invaded… Yeah I used the F word… FUCK ALL OF THEM.

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