Mexico drug violence might be met with a “SURGE”

Mexico drug violence might be met with a “SURGE”

Feds Plan ‘Surge’ if Mexico Drug Violence Spills Into U.S.

EL PASO, Texas  —  If Mexican drug violence spills across the U.S. border, Homeland Security officials say they have a contingency plan to assist border areas that includes bringing in the military.

“It’s a common sense extension of our continued work with our state, local, and tribal partners in securing the southwest border,” DHS spokeswoman Amy Kudwa said Friday.

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, who described the contingency plan in an interview with The New York Times this week, said he ordered specific plans to be drawn up this summer as violence in Mexico continued to mount.

The plan includes federal homeland security agents helping local authorities and maybe even military assistance from the Department of Defense, possibly including aircraft, armored vehicles and special teams to go to areas overwhelmed with violence, authorities said.

Kudwa would not give specifics on the so-called “surge” plan, but said it does not create any new authorities.

In the last year, more than 5,000 people have been killed and police and military officials have become common targets for violent drug cartels who are fighting with each other and the government for control of lucrative drug and human smuggling routes across Mexico.

Now hide your eyes if you are easily offended by real facts and common sense.

Exactly who has been in charge of our national security for the past 8 years? Republicans, RINO’s and a CIC who refused to do what needs to be done. Now we have the most liberal president EVER, and he has already appointed a very MEXICAN friendly person to the Homeland Security job, Janet Napolitano.

If you live in a border city, town or dwelling you might want to relocate, you will not get any real help from Janet Napolitano, she will bluster and she will talk like she is doing something but there will be NO ACTION. She MIGHT station our military on the border but she will not give them ammo. She wouldn’t want her future voting block hurt while crossing the border and either will Obama. Our border will continue to leak like a stuck hog until someone in power decides it’s time to seal off the criminals route.

The only thing I can take as a positive about this article is the place the article came from: TEXAS actually has a chance to make things right, and I know they have the fire power.

6 Replies to “Mexico drug violence might be met with a “SURGE””

  1. And we’re NOT afraid to use it either…

    Ya hear that you Dickless cocksucker?? You wetback loving fucknozzle??

    We need to shoot em ALL, as they cross the border, each and every one of the fucking pissants, SHOOT EM!

    And if that makes me a racist in your eyes you America hating asshole, I have DONE my job… Now, send the brown beaners this way, we have a regiment waiting for em! And we don’t need Napolitano’s ammo either…

    To every one of you American hating asswads: :finger:

  2. 😉 Dont fret …Hussein O Chango will make this all better…NOT!..hey git yer buddies to vote for me eh?.. :rotflmao:

  3. Unfortunately, here’s the reality: we’ve not YET had ENOUGH Americans KILLED and SLAUGHTERED by Illegal Invaders or by Mexican Drug Invaders, Mexican Police and Mexican Army officers.

    Nothing will ACTUALLY happen until more Americans have been KILLED.


  4. :dancinghappy: Way’ ta go Texas Fred. I think a secret militia
    scattered along the border with .50 cal. sniping rifles would be just the ticket to thin the migrating herds of welfare recipients. If they want work, then let’em come through the main gate. We can’t depend on the pantyhose wearing pussies in government to safeguard our country, they’er too busy out campaigning for re-election, and the sheep just keep re-electing their worthless asses.

  5. E-Verify Program for employment is threatened

    The department of Homeland Security has a great new program that allows employers to almost instantly determine employment eligibility. About 99.6 percent of all work-authorized employees verified through E-Verify are verified without having to take any type of corrective action. This is a program that works well. If every business in America used this system, all illegal immigrants would become unemployable and have to return to their homelands.

  6. I hope Obama will hurry up and do something about the Mexican/U.S. border mess. He needs to stop worrying about sucking up to the Eastern and African countires and take care of business at home. Bush certainly never did. Maybe he can invite the Mexicans to camp out in Crawford and share bar-b-cue.

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