McCain Pandering again.. sigh

McCain Pandering again.. sigh

McCain rejects Obama attack on immigration

SAN DIEGO (Reuters) – Republican presidential hopeful John McCain defended himself on Monday against charges from Democrat Barack Obama that he adopted a more aggressive stance against illegal immigration for political purposes.

Laraza McCain

McCain’s support among Hispanic Americans is lagging behind that of Obama, who has attracted many Hispanics who had supported Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton. Hispanics are a key constituency in the November 4 election and could make a difference in several battleground states.

In a lively appearance before the National Council of La Raza, one of the most important advocacy groups in the United States for Hispanic Americans, McCain rejected the organizers’ attempts to cut off audience questioning of him, at one point tossing his microphone to a man so he could pose his query.

McCain in 2007 led a drive with Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Edward Kennedy to try to persuade the U.S. Senate to approve a pathway to citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants working in the United States.

A rebellion from McCain’s fellow Republicans killed the legislation and McCain’s campaign almost died due to opposition from conservatives upset at his immigration stance.

McCain now argues for securing the U.S. border with Mexico first and then embarking on legislation to allow illegal immigrants to work legally in the United States.

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This shouldn’t surprise anyone but, I am very ANTI-McCain for this very reason. And before you “McCain supporters” start talking about better than Obama and what not— Yes McCain is better than Obama…There all is good now.

The mere fact that McCain misread his CORE supporters when he signed on to the Kennedy bill, the fact that he has spit in OUR faces over gun control and campaign reform, shouldn’t prevent one from voting “NONE of the ABOVE” should it? HELL YEAH IT SHOULD…

I read this article and had a discussion with a Hispanic friend of mine… I’ll give you time to gasp about me having a Hispanic friend….all done now? okay.

Anyway, we discussed the McCain/Obama differences and it appears that McCain actually has some support from a large amount of Hispanics, who knew. Well it also appears the type of support he is getting is not from folks belonging to, or subcribing to the “La Raza” theology. His support comes from Hispanics that work for a living, have families, pay taxes, help their communities and oh yeah FLY THE AMERICAN FLAG first. The support McCain has in the Hispanic community is NOT the ones he is pandering too, those folks are going to Obama and the only reason they want McCain there is to show how much power they have. McCain is on bended knee in front of the socialist invading forces and that sickens me.

I know we have to vote McCain if we don’t want Obama.. I know there are several of my friends that have said they will write in, I know that eventually we all have to go into the polls and look within to see what we should do…

I keep hoping that McCain will pick a running mate with some conservative views, I keep hoping Obama will trip and fall on his wife’s knife…

Hope is all we have right now.


6 Replies to “McCain Pandering again.. sigh”

  1. There ya go, Sarge doesn’t get it, BZ doesn’t get it, and ya know, many in this nation just don’t get it…

    We do have a choice, now pay attention here folks, this is the complicated part, WE, The People, have to stand together and vote for a real Conservative, still with me?? This is pretty confusing, because way too many of you have never tried it before, WE, The People, stick together, and don’t vote for McCain OR Obama, we write in a candidate for POTUS and a candidate for VPOTUS, here’s the hard part, getting the entire Conservative movement to agree on WHO is the best…

    Once upon a time, before BZ decided to fall for the ‘lesser of 2 evils’ bullshit, he suggested Tom McClintock, I think he and Duncan Hunter, Tom Tancredo or even Fred Thompson, if he’d get off of his lazy ass and actually campaign, any of em would be a better choice than the Socialist and the Republicrat…

    Now, I have been pushing None of the Above for quite a long time, and I get a lot of negativism from some supposedly pretty intelligent people, well, here’s the deal, if we had been this negative, and this afraid to go out on a limb in 1776, we’d all be British today…

    In 1776 our forefathers put their lives and fortunes on the line when they signed the
    Declaration of Independence. They didn’t settle for 2nd best. They didn’t choose the lesser of 2 evils. They chose freedom and they staked their lives and liberty on that great act of revolution.

    Don’t any of you have that kind of balls today?? America wasn’t built by a bunch of wusses, but it damn sure looks like wusses are about all we have left today, apathetic wusses that are afraid to step out on a hope and a prayer…

  2. @TexasFred: WE have balls, WE would go out and stomp a mudhole in anything that threatened us. THIS Election is bigger than “He’s not conservative” its bigger than “He’s a muzzie” it boils down to two one is worse for America than the other, NO WINNERS HERE.

    Calling folks out because they don’t want a Muzzie in the Whitehouse, and are willing to check the lesser of two evils is not helpful. I haven’t seen ANY serious alternative other than US in our blogs, and it’s damn evident that the majority of Americans don’t read yours or my blogs.

    We have a few good friends like BZ and Sarge and we don’t need to throw out the baby with the bathwater. At the end of the day WE all will be here complaining about what ever the idiot in chief does or doesn’t do. WE as in ME, you and all our friends will vote how we feel at the time, and since a lot of states don’t allow write ins we will be forced to check a box, or not vote at all which basically gives controlling interests to all governing bodies in all states, THAT is what is at issue here.

    If when the time comes that I decide to vote for McCain or not vote or vote Barr, it will be a decision I make the day of the election and it’s a decision I will not be happy about making.

  3. My out reach doesn’t amount to spit in the ocean. I do what little I can, as I can. I make calls. I write. I jump up and down a lot. At the end of the day, the two parties have got a lock on the media and the financial engine to run me by. Reality is, They are going to do what they want.
    There is about 360million people in our United States. In there is 25% to young, 10% incarcerated, 20% who don’t care and won’t vote. That leaves 45% of America who are going to do something about election day.
    McCain is going to do the same BS he has been doing for 22 years. He is consistent and we know what that looks like. I don’t like it but the United States will still be worth a shit at the end of his term.
    Obama will rob us, take our guns, give away everything to the so called poor and hand this nation over to our enemies.
    If I had a choice of being shot in the foot or the head……..

    If we could get a decent VP and then pray for a heart attack after the swearing in, I’d be good.

  4. Fred,
    I agree with Bob, this election is too important to settle petty differences like that. We conservatives need to rally behind McCain. The job of the Prez is not to agree with us on everything but to move the country ahead accoring to his view. Writing in won’t work, Islamic terror HAS to be defeated and McCain is the man for it. I am not trying to start a fight between us conservatives but thats the way we should do it.

    I think Col. North says it better.,2933,330368,00.html

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