Hosting Issues AGAIN

Hosting Issues AGAIN

SL staff

If you see this picture on the net and have an urge to get out your wallet and pay for a hosting service, Stop and rethink the StartLogic solution. They offered a good service for the first couple of months, then it has gone to hell in a handbasket.

They have maybe 2 tech’s that seem to have a clue and care about their customers, other than that, NADA and I am not a happy man, Fred got them to give up a couple of months of free hosting, and like I told fred, “My Etch-a-sketch is online more than startlogic these days” so a couple “free” months is like telling you you can have a brand new car to drive for 2 months but the engine is missing.

Just another FYI for my friends in the blogsphere.

This has been a public service announcement.


8 Replies to “Hosting Issues AGAIN”

  1. Yep, as you well know I had issues with them as well. They deleted me by accident, only to e mail me the very next day to say contact us immediately “We may have made a mistake with your account”, umm no shi#. They screwed all my files up and made it virtually impossible to bring it back up in its original condition.

    I tried, you tried, and Start Logic seemed to of cared less. There was one or two that tried to help but I could never keep them, because when you call back it’s hit or miss if you get the same guy back. Hit or miss if you’re getting Canada or AZ.

    They suck, and the service really took a nose dive when they started messing with that V Deck 3.

    At any rate, that mess was exhausting and cost me money, not to mention lost work.

    I then decided to not have a blog after that mess and just take an extended break.

    Maybe one day I’ll fire one back up. But it sure won’t be with Start Logic.


  2. Hi, TexasFred here.. Are you unhappy with your web host?? Do you think your web host sucks big slimy goat balls??

    Well, we’re here to tell you, you server isn’t nearly as bad as ours, BUT WAIT, if you bitch about your server enough, if you keep calling them, time after time after time, here’s what OUR server will do for you…

    They’ll give you 2 free months of BAD service, that’s right folks, 2 free months of FREE bad service, that way you can bitch about the service you’re paying for, but when you get to the FREE part you have to STFU and just live with it…

    And if you call now, our operators will put YOU on hold for a hour or more, but if you call within the next 10 minutes we’ll even throw in a FREE *ignore the shit out of you* option too….

    So CALL NOW, our less than helpful award winning 24/7 support staff is waiting to hear from you…

    I’m TexasFred, fuckyouverymush…

  3. Robert..anything y’all can use at West Host, you’re welcome to. I know I can have more than one blog..and it’s paid…so feel free. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Of course, having said that they will probably be next to eff up.

  4. @silent E: Rob isn’t the one you have to convince to get us ALL to move, we just renewed a 2 year contract and I can’t throw that money away…

    Rob can move HIS blog if he likes, and all his other stuff, but I am not getting involved on a *group* thing, I just don’t have a lot of faith in the *group* thing, I’d rather wait until renewal time and buy our own server space, maybe on the company you’re with, maybe not, but I am into an independence thing…

    I do appreciate the offer but I am not at all in favor of a lateral move into uncharted waters on a team effort of this size…

  5. Twenty months and counting (until I can move, that is).

    I can’t throw money away, either. However, I will sure as shooting NOT hand StartIllogic anymore of my money, either.

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