Congressional BLACK Caucus- LIED!

Congressional BLACK Caucus- LIED!

Ya think? Over 3 months have passed since the so-called “Racial slurs” were hurled at BLACK Congressmen during the Kill the Bill rally in DC. Andrew Breitbart offered to give the United Negro College fund 100k if they could produce evidence of the “Slur” in question. Nothing has surfaced, and they are hoping the nation will forget it. NOPE!
CBC Chair Babara Lee (D-Racist) is confronted about the incident:

The RACISTS have been found out, and they are who we thought they were. The CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS are the true racists. Their title says it all. I’m wondering though, why hasn’t the Congressional WHITE congress chimed in? Oh that’s right, having a WHITE anything is RACIST.

Keep the pressure on these racist liars. Make them produce the evidence that the media ran with or apologize to the nation. The media should be held to account for their handling of the event too.

3 Replies to “Congressional BLACK Caucus- LIED!”

  1. Congressional Black Caucus, THE most racist bunch of nit-wits this side of the NAACP…

    I still think that just for kicks there should be a whole bunch of National WHITE this, that and the other pop up, just so we could hear these asshats howl…

  2. Did ya know that June is Black Music Month? I didn’t know….never heard of it, but Bush declared it back in 2002. So, anybody know when White Music Month might be? 🙄

  3. June is black music month? Perhaps that’s what killed Byrd? Mmm…

    Yeah Fred, I’d love to see that. Unfortunately until after the census is read and “Deciphered” the way the Demonrats want it. White folks will continue to be the devils because we are like 85% of the population….IF the “Minorities” all of the sudden became the “Majority” what would that do to their victum benefits?

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