Chris (T-Tingles) Matthews flip flop

Chris (T-Tingles) Matthews flip flop

These are the type of idiots in charge of our country. Tingles exhibits the oft hidden liberpuke strategy of flipping and flopping based on the issue at hand and whom brought it up…

Matthews may not run the nation but it’s his viewers that gave us Obama…Is it any wonder we are in the shape we are in?

Something else folks need to point out on a regular basis. During GWB’s term “Tingles” was among the most vile critics of GWB’s administration, he was constantly harping on the loss of freedoms we were experiencing because of the “Patriot Act.” YET he sits silent on Obama extending the very same policy. He’s also not mentioned GITMO and it’s “Danger” to America since “The ONE” took office….

Take a Bow Tingles, you just received the asshat of the day award. (Not such a big deal since your entire party and a few in the other party also wear the hat)
Here’s another one he’ll be silent on…

Gotta love a liberpuke that stands on principles…Obama can do no wrong (He gave a little rib to his buddy over the oil spill granted) and he’ll sing the Generals praises now that Obama appointed him to Afghanistan.

Matthews and Bill Maher…Two idiots I’d like meet in an alley one day, I’d be in jail but I’d simultaneously raise the IQ of the nation by about 100 points!

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