Class War is coming…

Class War is coming…

The longer these “occupy” protests go on, the sooner the shooting will start. Whose side will you be on?

Think for a minute, YOU probably agree with SOME of the things these protesters are pissed off about. SOME. However; YOU probably have your anger firmly placed on the REASONS for your anger. The CEO of a large corporation is NOT the enemy. The business owner is NOT your enemy. The Government as a whole is a much more viable enemy than the target of these protests.

YOU the Conservative or Republican, Moderate Democrat or Independent know the problem. YOU know why we are in this position despite the media’s attempt to spin it for the liberal wing of the democrat party. YOU KNOW.

So when the “occupy” people start to be more frustrated that their message is falling apart, violence will be the next step. As long as they continue to only vandalize and destroy property and fill the local jails, there will be a calm nation wide.

BUT mark my words here: There is going to be a situation, a very violent confrontation between some folks or some “Rich” guy who is violently assaulted that will wake the masses up. Where will you be?

We the tax payers. The 53% (The number given for those who actually PAY TAXES) Are members of the tea party. We may not go to the party’s, we may not protest, we may not even support all the tea party issues. BUT we KNOW that big government, socialism, corruption and liberalism got us in this mess. WE the People will not sit back forever and allow these idiots to speak for us. Where will you be?

I suggest we sit back and let this play out until it becomes something we can’t sit back and watch anymore. (It’s close to that now) But when the shot heard round the nation happens we better be ready to counter it in the streets of every city/town or province.

This protest is being compared to Egypt’s protests. Did you notice the amount of people protesting in Egypt? There were roughly 100k in that square (More or less, the number isn’t really relevant) the country is over 82 MILLION. 82 MILLION were not protesting. They were silent.

Egypt was ran by a dictator and personally I don’t blame the Egyptians for standing up… But these protests in America are NOT to overthrow a DICTATOR, they are designed to remove a segment of our population based on what they’ve earned. They are NOT protesting the government, if they were they’d have a lot more support. SO, since they are attacking Americans in the private sector, similar to the RELIGIOUS attacks occurring in Egypt now, will we stand by and watch? or will we stand against the class warrior and stop this before it gets to that point?

There’s another way to look at it too. George Will stated that this is a great thing for the Republicans and likens it to the Nixon era. When the Hippies hit the street in 64-68 the country actually saw the enemy at the gates and voted out the democrats who supported them. Might be a good thing…

All I know is I see something very sinister at work here across the nation. It’s a rush to move our nation to the kind of rule that we fought to get rid of 200+ years ago. And I’m all too willing to fight to stop it again.

Arm yourself, prepare yourself and your family for all possibilities and be ready to do what is needed for your country, for GOD and for the American way of life. It’s being challenged again and we must meet this challenge.

14 Replies to “Class War is coming…”

  1. All Americans pay taxes– 47% don’t pay INCOME taxes. They pay payroll taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, etc etc etc.

    1. Jeff, 53% PAY ALL OF THE ABOVE and INCOME taxes… Your point is what?… The INCOME tax is what fuels the fed. And the 53% are the enemy of Obama evidently…

      1. “The 53% (The number given for those who actually PAY TAXES)” that’s a quote from the above post and it’s factually inaccurate. It’s the number that actually pay INCOME taxes.

        Just a suggestion that maybe, if you’re at the point where you’re suggesting guns and violence are necessary, you should be absolutely certain you’re getting all your facts straight.

  2. Jeffy, It is NOT factually inacurate. It’s a fact that 53% pay MORE taxes. In addition to taxes on their income they pay all the same taxes the others you mention do.

    And how about that 1% who pay roughly 48% of ALL the taxes in the system AND that 1% who create jobs and who also give to charities… Yeah them evil bastids…

    Then lets look at those making a measly 80K a year who are paying a large chunk of the taxes on everything they buy which creates jobs by demand… Nope you’d rather focus on the 48% who pay no taxes (Other than tax on goods they themselves USE)

    1. The statement was that only 53% actually PAY TAXES. It’s not true. Just admit you or whoever the author is was wrong and add the word “income” in there. it’s PAY INCOME TAXES. No big deal, you’re still allowed to be upset that only 53% of people pay income taxes, though I think it’d be worthwhile to point out that many of those people had their income taxes reduced because of Obama tax cuts.

      As for this new statement about who pays 48% of all taxes, AGAIN, that is a statistic related strictly to INCOME TAX and the national number is around 40%. The number in California is, I believe, about 48%. Please do your research. The top 1% in this country absolutely do not pay about half of ALL the taxes.

      This is not an argument about whether or not it’s fair and it’s not like there is spin to be put on this stuff. These are numbers with clear, indisputable data behind them. The statements you’re making are just fundamentally incorrect.

      1. Okay Jeffy it appears you’re one of those idiots who can’t grasp the fact that the top 10% if incomes pay for most of the goodies your evidently supporting. The statement of the 53% is based on reports stating WHO pays income taxes which go to the FEDERAL Gubmint. Most of the readers who participate in discussions here understand that… Evidently YOU don’t. You are probably one of those career students who are being told what to say and repeat it after your professor. Think for yourself man. 47% don’t contribute to the social structure that is being killed by your Obama… 47% who want more by taxing those who actually participate by MAKING something, creating something, doing something with their lives other than complaining and whining… You should be taking your argument with you to Wall Street… whiner.

        1. I’m sad you felt like it was necessary to insult my intelligence. I’m not disputing that wealthy Americans pay a lot in taxes and I’m not looking to argue with you as to whether or not they should pay more. I am simply pointing out that you have habitually mischaracterized who pays what.

          We agree now, 53% pay INCOME taxes. You stated in your post that 53% pay ALL taxes. That was wrong. You should correct it.

          “And how about that 1% who pay roughly 48% of ALL the taxes in the system AND that 1% who create jobs and who also give to charities… Yeah them evil bastids…”

          I didn’t call the wealthy evil and I don’t understand why you would characterize my statement as such. I’m trying to have a respectful dialogue with you about matters of fact. This is not a political debate.
          You also stated the top 48% pay ALL the taxes. This is blatantly wrong. Again, this is not a conservative/liberal issue. You are just wrong. Again, it is not an argument about whether the wealthy should pay more or less, it is a discussion regarding matters of fact.

          1. Excuse me, I actually mischaracterized one of your statements. You claimed the top 1% pay 48% of all taxes in “the system.” If the system refers to the INCOME TAX SYSTEM, then yes, your statement is accurate but it is not clear based on what you’ve written. Apologies for that.

          2. If you can figure that part out Jeff, there’s hope for you. I don’t mind logical discussion but when you pick apart “A small piece” that is factually correct and insinuate that it’s wrong based on semantics it’s a liberal tactic and it pisses me off. Sorry about that.

            Look the post was about the idiots protesting those who actually do something, work hard have had success. These idiots have that class war thing going on and they are saying 99%… I am not rich, I am not a wall street investor so I must be the 1%?… IF I decide to say 80% of us don’t support OWS I can right? Because that’s exactly what the idiots protesting are doing.

            The other point of my post was the “What’s next” factor. When this dies down and starts falling apart which it is already doing, what will the leaders of the movement with no direction do? I am seeing a violent tilt and I want to be on record that I’ll double the effort they put in should it come to violence against me or my own. I also want to make it known that silence is not an option when these slugs are influencing policy that will affect our country..

  3. Well I’m glad we’ve toned down the rhetoric but I want to be clear about this as it is a very important distinction– 53% paying all taxes and 53% paying income taxes are two very different things and I’m not sure I would call it semantics.

    Anyway, I enjoy the blog, I’m a subscriber, so expect to see me hanging around the comments section going forward.

    1. Jeff, the 53% is an important distinction. It’s the 53% who work, pay into the system and participate in this experiment we call freedom. The OTHER taxes you mention are ABOVE and beyond the Normal. By your definition Illegal immigrants pay into the system… NOT a good argument, because the only taxes they pay are on ITEMS OR SERVICES THEY THEMSELVES USE. The Federal income tax structure is designed to pay for those less fortunate (In addition to defense and infrastructure) However; what has happened is our income taxes have Gone up not down as you say Obama fixed. Obama hasn’t lowered my taxes one dime. I make less than 80K a year and I pay as much now as I did in since I began making that figure. It’s been 5 years fYI… Anyway, welcome to the site, and logical discussion is always welcome here. By me for sure, but some of my buddies are a lot less cordial. be warned.

      1. Well the illegal immigrant argument is a complicated one– many, almost certainly most (though I’m not going to take the time to look up the specifics at the moment), pay social security and unemployment taxes that they never get back because they work under fake SS numbers but I understand the distinction you are trying to draw.

        Regardless, I’m not sure the notion that taxes other than income taxes apply 1:1 to services is really such a strong one. I have no children but pay property taxes which support schools. It’s not a service I consume and yet it’s unrelated to income tax.
        The philosophical disagreement that what you earn is what you deserve vs redistribution being necessary is one I don’t expect to bridge but I think the distinction you’ve created around income tax is a false one.

        Finally, re: Obama and tax cuts– some of the tax cuts are the result of maintaining Bush-era tax cuts but there are very real tax cuts you have received that I don’t think you’re accounting for. I know my payroll taxes are lower (by a matter of 2ish, from like 6% to 4%) so if you’re earning, let’s say, $50,000 a year that’s an additional $1000 in your pocket that wouldn’t be there otherwise. If you’re not seeing that money talk to your employer or consider hiring an accountant.

        Thanks for the warning– I think I can hold my own. 🙂

  4. One man who speaks is heard above the silence of the thousand who say nothing. And a thousand protectors are heard above the millions of “fair-weather” soldiers who stand silent as the battle swirls around them. It is always the extremes on either end of the spectrum that sways the uncertain middle who never joins the fight. History is determined by the few and never by the masses who simply follow. You make a very good point about the Arab Spring. History is full of events such as this where the few lead the many and often to a place that is far worse than the place they left. This upcoming election is a tipping point, a point of no return we must defeat Obama in 2012.

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