Tag: The Occupy wall street crowd are attacking a segment of our society

Class War is coming…

Class War is coming…

The longer these “occupy” protests go on, the sooner the shooting will start. Whose side will you be on?

Think for a minute, YOU probably agree with SOME of the things these protesters are pissed off about. SOME. However; YOU probably have your anger firmly placed on the REASONS for your anger. The CEO of a large corporation is NOT the enemy. The business owner is NOT your enemy. The Government as a whole is a much more viable enemy than the target of these protests.

YOU the Conservative or Republican, Moderate Democrat or Independent know the problem. YOU know why we are in this position despite the media’s attempt to spin it for the liberal wing of the democrat party. YOU KNOW.

So when the “occupy” people start to be more frustrated that their message is falling apart, violence will be the next step. As long as they continue to only vandalize and destroy property and fill the local jails, there will be a calm nation wide.

BUT mark my words here: There is going to be a situation, a very violent confrontation between some folks or some “Rich” guy who is violently assaulted that will wake the masses up. Where will you be?

We the tax payers. The 53% (The number given for those who actually PAY TAXES) Are members of the tea party. We may not go to the party’s, we may not protest, we may not even support all the tea party issues. BUT we KNOW that big government, socialism, corruption and liberalism got us in this mess. WE the People will not sit back forever and allow these idiots to speak for us. Where will you be?

I suggest we sit back and let this play out until it becomes something we can’t sit back and watch anymore. (It’s close to that now) But when the shot heard round the nation happens we better be ready to counter it in the streets of every city/town or province.

This protest is being compared to Egypt’s protests. Did you notice the amount of people protesting in Egypt? There were roughly 100k in that square (More or less, the number isn’t really relevant) the country is over 82 MILLION. 82 MILLION were not protesting. They were silent.

Egypt was ran by a dictator and personally I don’t blame the Egyptians for standing up… But these protests in America are NOT to overthrow a DICTATOR, they are designed to remove a segment of our population based on what they’ve earned. They are NOT protesting the government, if they were they’d have a lot more support. SO, since they are attacking Americans in the private sector, similar to the RELIGIOUS attacks occurring in Egypt now, will we stand by and watch? or will we stand against the class warrior and stop this before it gets to that point?

There’s another way to look at it too. George Will stated that this is a great thing for the Republicans and likens it to the Nixon era. When the Hippies hit the street in 64-68 the country actually saw the enemy at the gates and voted out the democrats who supported them. Might be a good thing…

All I know is I see something very sinister at work here across the nation. It’s a rush to move our nation to the kind of rule that we fought to get rid of 200+ years ago. And I’m all too willing to fight to stop it again.

Arm yourself, prepare yourself and your family for all possibilities and be ready to do what is needed for your country, for GOD and for the American way of life. It’s being challenged again and we must meet this challenge.