Chapel Hill Shooting…

Chapel Hill Shooting…

By now you’ve heard about the three Muslims who were shot and killed in Chapel Hill N.C. In case you haven’t:

Three Muslims Killed in Chapel Hill N.C  (*By White-NRA-Tea Party-Ted Cruz-Republican-Racist etc of course*)

That in parenthesis comment is where this post is headed and it was added by me. Fact is, this was a dispute between tenants at a complex. The shooter was an Atheist, an extremely Anti-ANY RELIGION. That alone should be enough to show he was anything but a “Right Side of the Aisle” extremist.

Which party boo’d GOD at their national convention? I’ll wait.
Which party uses the SPLC, ACLU and other lawyer groups against religious institutions?(Christians/Catholics/Jews)

However, there’s a problem with only seeing the obvious. It misses the target too. The Tea Party has been infiltrated with capitol L libertarians, these folks in large part are maximum freedom lovers, but tend to side with the “Remove cross from hills” “Remove the Ten Commandments” “Don’t allow prayer in public” folks… They also side with the gay marriage crowd..

My take on the Three Muslims killed in Chapel Hill is simple:

The guy that killed them should be punished to the full extent that the law allows. If these “Muslims” were the “Moderate” Muslims America has been searching for, there’s three less of them now.

The hypocrisy is astounding though, 3 muslims gunned down and college students rail as if they have been validated about their victimization of poor muslims, yet totally silent about the Jews gunned down in France, The Christians killed by Muslims, the onslaught of Muslim atrocities that have been happening for the past three generations. (Not going as far back as the crusades)

So, beware all you “Kill all Muslims” folks, when any muslim is killed in America its a hate crime, when a muslim kills you, its workplace violence or an unknown ideology driving force… LOL

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