Category: Racists

Racism Defined by the White House

Racism Defined by the White House

Finally, I was actually hoping someone came out with the new definitions.

Found at Chicks on the Right

Feel free to add to the list but I think it’s pretty close to accurate. Except now a lot of liberals are NOW RACIST, welcome to club liberpukes. Those of us that have been telling you morons that we disagree with his policies not his pigmentation wish you a hearty GFY.

Kid told to Remove AMERICAN Flag from Bike

Kid told to Remove AMERICAN Flag from Bike

More Asshatery from the northern most state of Mexico.

Student told to take U.S. flag off bike

DENAIR, Calif., Nov. 11 (UPI) — Officials in a California school district said a middle school student was told to take a U.S. flag off his bike to avoid “racial tension.”

Denair Unified School District Superintendent Edward Parraz said Cody Alicea, 13, was told not to fly the U.S. flag from his bike while at Denair Middle School after complaints from other students, KCRA-TV, Sacramento, Calif., reported.

“(The) First Amendment is important,” Parraz said. “We want the kids to respect it, understand it, and with that comes a responsibility.”

Parraz said racial tensions boiled over at the school this year around the Cinco de Mayo holiday.

“Our Hispanic, you know, kids will, you know, bring their Mexican flags and they’ll display it, and then of course the kids would do the American flag situation, and it does cause kind of a racial tension which we don’t really want,” Parraz said. “We want them to appreciate the cultures.”

Really look at that last paragraph. And realize what country we are in. California is still considered part of these UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is it not? So the American flag is offensive to Mexicans? IF that’s the case why are they in AMERICA? GTFO!

Chicks on the Right have done some leg work to find contact info for the school board:

Obviously, Edward Parraz needs to have his assular area fired. Start your calls, folks. The number to the school district is 209-632-7514. If I find an email address, I’ll update this post.


UPDATE: Here is contact info/email addresses for the board:

Louisa Allen

Carolyn Brown

Kelley Day

Tim Ellis

Robert Hodges

Read more:

Time to light up those ignorant SOB’s.
Blacks stick with Obama…

Blacks stick with Obama…

Funny stuff right here. The tea party is racist because we don’t like the Obama-Pelosi-Reid triad of DOOM…But black folks 91% are voting for Obama. Who’s the racist again?

Ominous new Gallup findings for Democrats: Blacks still love Obama, others not so much

The good news for President Obama is his popular support among blacks is holding steady at 91%.

The bad news is no other group of potential voters likes him that much.

In fact, 29 days before his first midterm elections, the Democrat’s approval ratings remain mired below 50%.

A new Gallup Poll this morning finds his approval rating for September was 45%, almost the same as August’s 44%. Obama’s not exceeded the crucial 50% level in a single month so far this year.

Since Obama’s name is not on any ballot Nov. 2, the proportions of Americans who like or dislike the fellow on Oct. 1 of a midterm election year shouldn’t matter, in theory. However, history indicates otherwise.

Presidents with approval ratings below 50% at midterm time see their party suffer substantial losses in its congressional membership, regardless of how much explaining and blaming the president attempts in the campaign leading up to what becomes, in effect, a referendum on the president.

So since I don’t like Obama’s policies and leadership and pretty much anything he’s done since he lied his way into office with Media’s help, I’m a racist. But 91% of Blacks are voting for him because he’s black are not racist? Please help me out here dear liberpukes how is that? I guess it’s typical of the liberpuke mentality though.

Oh well, I guess it’s understandable though. Obama is taking jobs away and giving money to people that aren’t working and don’t want to work.

You can take that statement any way you want to take it. I give less than a shit.

IF we are going to elect leaders based on the color of their skin. Then We as a nation are truly FUBAR. IF Blacks are going to be this stupid they deserve what they get. to the 9% that are NOT voting for the “Black guy” because he’s black. Good for you.

I’d also mention that probably not ALL of the 91% are voting for him just because he’s black. Maybe half of them actually believe Obama is doing a good job. That’s fine. But to vote for a person because of the color of his skin is bullshit. But it’s still America and you have that right. Morons.

After action report of Glenn Beck’s Rally

After action report of Glenn Beck’s Rally

Details are starting to trickle in from the Glenn Beck Restoring honor rally in DC. The latest update involved the Al Sharpton march:

When the Sharpton rally reached the mall, most of the crowd from Beck’s rally had begun to disperse. Those remaining, mostly smiled politely. . . .
“Glen Beck, we’re going to show you. We ain’t going to let Glenn Beck turn us around,” one man shouted into a megaphone. . . . “We need to be shouting ‘we are America,’” said one woman in Sharpton’s rally. “See all those tea baggers.”

So as usual those wonderful leftists went looking for a confrontation and they were met with smiles.. Why do you think that is? I am guessing because there were over 300 thousand AMERICANS assembled to restore American Honor, and there were about 2 thousand folks marching to continue to destroy it.

The question must be asked: What are you against if you are against Beck’s rally? The rally was to restore honor, so you are against Honor? The rally was an effort to get people to look to GOD, so you are against GOD? the rally was to get people to focus on their family, so you are against families? The rally was to regain Hope, so you are now against hope? the rally was to push people toward charity, so you are against charity?…..

You can tell how strong your position is by the attendees of the opposing rallies.

Becks rally had MLK’s niece, several pastors, preachers, rabbi’s, veterans, leaders of all walks of life and 300 thousand AMERICANS.

Al Sharpton’s rally had SEIU, Code Pink, ANSWER and the Socialist Workers.

So, exactly what was Al Sharpton’s rally supposed to achieve?

Al Sharpton went on a media blitz after Beck picked the day of August 28th for his rally exclaiming that to be a holy day. Al Sharpton went on a spree calling Beck a hijacker of a day that is reserved for blacks…I find that odd.

Beck picked the day on a calendar, not on purpose (I truly believe that) and in no way tried to take the honor from MLK. But the question needs to be asked:
Why was that day if it’s such an important day to Al and Jesse, available to Glenn Beck? The Lincoln Memorial should have already been reserved by Al and Jesse right? Well unless it’s only an important day if someone else picks it…

Who are the real Racists? Democrats and their Supporters..

Who are the real Racists? Democrats and their Supporters..

I guess the State Run Media are all Racists…

Oh and then there is “War on the NEGRO” that doesn’t toe the line for the NAACP:

So the Tea party is “Racist” because we disagree with Obama…But the 95% of BLACK folks that voted FOR Obama BECAUSE he is BLACK are not RACIST…

Here’s the last line I plan on using in defense of the “Racist” charge leveled against the tea party:

GFY NAACP, and NBPP It’s not a color thing, it’s a Dipshit thing. And right now the NAACP, the NBBP and the entire Democrat party INCLUDING THE BLACKS within that party are…DIPSHITS.

So lets get back to discussing the issues like the economy, the jobs, the war, the oil spill, the 2nd amendment, the first amendment, the right to life, the over reaching government regulations that are killing this nation…. This is why they play the race card. They are losing the arguments about what matters. Fight the urge to defend the charge and focus on the issues…

Racism, the call of the losers when the facts are in play….

NAACP is awash in Hypocrisy…

NAACP is awash in Hypocrisy…

One of my favorite writers is Kevin Jackson for several reasons. One of which is I admire the man for what he has to endure to speak out. He’s a BLACK man, so he’s a “traitor” to his race according to the NAACP and Black Panthers…He’s also a Conservative so he’s a target of the State Run MSM and he’s a member of the Tea Party Movement..The Trifecta of hatred that he has to endure from the people that claim to be anti-hate, anti-racism and anti-oppression….

The NAACP has gone Rogue

The NAACP has gone off the deep end. First they got mad at Hallmark for making a graduation card with a solar system theme that refers to “black holes.”  The NAACP said the card demeans black women.  Now they have declared the Tea Party movement racist. The NAACP seems to find racism all around them, but they can’t recognize their own!

From their own website, the NAACP proclaims:

“…From the ballot box to the classroom, the thousands of dedicated workers, organizers, leaders and members who make up the NAACP continue to fight for social justice for all Americans.”

Perhaps we need to check the citizenship of Ken Gladney, the black Conservative who was attacked by the two SEIU thugs.  As Big Government showcased in the press conference by the NAACP in St. Louis. Gladney was mocked by the NAACP spokesperson. The organization that “fights for social justice for all Americans” called Gladney an Uncle Tom. Gladney was ‘right on color, but wrong on politics.’

Ironically, one of Gladney’s attackers was white. So it seems that in the NAACP’s Hierarchy of Worth, black Conservatives rate lower than the white thugs who would attack them.

And if that wasn’t enough, there seems to be no outcry from the NAACP when the Black Panther voter intimidation case was thrown out by the InJustice Department.  Apparently protecting the rights of those colored “white” is not in the purview of the NAACP…the group “fighting [sic] for social justice for all Americans.” Does the NAACP condone the belief of the Black Panthers that, “Crackers are about to be ruled by a black man!”?

The little known part of that story was that black GOP election officials were threatened, called “race traitors,” and told that there would be “hell to pay,” when they left the precinct. This injustice didn’t manage to make the NAACP website. Read the rest of this article HERE

Funny that Kevin points out these and more facts that the NAACP will not address. And I’m sure if Kevin Jackson was to walk into a NAACP meeting he would be met with hatred and insults because of his skin color and his political beliefs. The same political beliefs that the Republican party was founded on, the same political beliefs that made civil rights a priority, the same beliefs that helped found the NAACP in the first place….But the Democrats have successfully brainwashed it’s members into believing the “Republicans” are the racists. Even as one of their hero’s wore a klan robe “To get elected”…The republican party is totally lost if they can’t overcome the rewriting of history by these race baiting liars…

Arizona Law Challenged by DOJ

Arizona Law Challenged by DOJ

I find this pretty amusing, in a bizarre idiotic sort of way. The Department of Justice has filed a suit against the Arizona Anti-Illegal Immigration law (1070) YET, allows white people to be intimidated by the New black panther party during the 2008 elections.

Feds sue to block Arizona illegal immigrant law
PHOENIX – The U.S. Justice Department on Tuesday filed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Arizona’s new law targeting illegal immigrants, setting the stage for a clash between the federal government and the state over the nation’s toughest immigration crackdown.

The lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Phoenix argues that Arizona’s law requiring state and local police to question and possibly arrest illegal immigrants during the enforcement of other laws such as traffic violations usurps federal authority.

“In our constitutional system, the federal government has pre-eminent authority to regulate immigration matters,” the lawsuit says. “This authority derives from the United States Constitution and numerous acts of Congress. The nation’s immigration laws reflect a careful and considered balance of national law enforcement, foreign relations, and humanitarian interests.”

So the Obama administration is fine with challenging “Laws” when the “Supposed” victim is a “Minority” however, when the victim is “White”..

Ex-Official Accuses Justice Department of Racial Bias in Black Panther Case

In emotional and personal testimony, an ex-Justice official who quit over the handling of a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party accused his former employer of instructing attorneys in the civil rights division to ignore cases that involve black defendants and white victims.

J. Christian Adams, testifying Tuesday before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, said that “over and over and over again,” the department showed “hostility” toward those cases. He described the Black Panther case as one example of that — he defended the legitimacy of the suit and said his “blood boiled” when he heard a Justice official claim the case wasn’t solid.

I’m hoping AZ wins the law suit but I’m not real optimistic. There is a lot of corruption in the courts and a lot of folks with aspirations of higher office don’t want their names attached to a ruling that would offend the lemmings of the liberpuke party.

However the lack of prosecution of the New Black Panther case is not all bad, it means that during the next election White folks can adorn Klan Robes and carry weapons in front of polling locations. White folks will now be able to intimidate voters freely without threat of legal challenges. I guess it also means white people can start gathering up dead voters and the multiple voters like the Democrats do..

Obama Speaks from Balcony. Hugo Chavez style

Obama Speaks from Balcony. Hugo Chavez style

Yesterday on our nations birthday, King Obama decided to give a speech just like his hero’s do. From the balcony overlooking his “Subjects.”

Obama celebrates July 4th

WASHINGTON (AP) – Calling the Declaration of Independence more than words on an aging parchment, President Barack Obama marked the Fourth of July on Sunday by urging Americans to live the principles that founded the nation as well as celebrate them.

“This is the day when we celebrate the very essence of America and the spirit that has defined us as a people and as a nation for more than two centuries,” Obama told guests at a South Lawn barbecue honoring service members and their families.

“We celebrate the principles that are timeless, tenets first declared by men of property and wealth but which gave rise to what Lincoln called a new birth of freedom in America—civil rights and voting rights, workers’ rights and women’s rights, and the rights of every American,” he said. “And on this day that is uniquely American we are reminded that our Declaration, our example, made us a beacon to the world.”

God gave us rights, the Government is removing them. Civil Rights, Voting Rights, Women’s rights?

Civil Rights? yep, as long as you are a union thug beating on those that disagree with the tyrant in chief your civil right to beat the opposition is in tact.

Voting rights? Well yeah, we had them but it seems NOW that if you’re black man standing at the polls with a knight stick and calling other races names during an election it’s okay. Now that the DOJ has ruled on the Black Panther case by doing nothing, I’m thinking we can man the doors of the polls in November with night sticks and make sure any that vote, vote for the WHITE man or woman. Thanks Mr Holder.

Women’s rights? Um yep unless you are a conservative women who doesn’t believe the Marxist in chief is on the right path. All that women’s rights stuff is out the window with the state run media, they would like nothing more than to silence those with common sense.

But all in all a great speech given from the balcony of his highness’s complex. Kind of reminded me of the Hugo Chavez, or Islamic countries leaders addresses to the peasants  over the years…