Category: Racists

Maxine Waters has a MELT DOWN…

Maxine Waters has a MELT DOWN…

You know how you can tell you’re winning the Debt Debate? Well there’s two ways actually, one would be if a person with a bit of common sense realized, SPENDING MORE THAN YOU TAKE IN IS BAD.

The other is when they start calling you names, like racist, terrorists, hostage takers etc…OR telling you to go to hell…

Maxine Waters: ‘The tea party can go straight to hell’

So much for dialing back the rhetoric, right?

On Saturday in Inglewood, Calif., Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters had some harsh words for the tea party.

“I’m not afraid of anybody,” the California congresswoman told constituents in footage that appeared on ABC affiliate KABC in Los Angeles, not backing down from comments made about President Obama earlier in the week. “This is a tough game. You can’t be intimidated. You can’t be frightened. And as far as I’m concerned — the tea party can go straight to hell.

Read more at the Daily Caller


Evidently Maxine Waters wants us to visit her house. She must live in hell everyday. She’s surrounded by takers. She’s surrounded by racists, she’s surrounded by those that would rather the government pay for their lively hood than earn it themselves. Maxine Waters is the extreme socialist. She has NO PROBLEM telling you what to do with YOUR MONEY, however; telling her constituents to quit gangbangin is asking too much. She’ll gladly take more of your hard earned money to give to those “Less fortunate because the White man kept slaves in the 1800’s” or something.


Maxine Waters is the slave mistress of the 21st century. She’s keeping her slaves in line using a full trough of entitlements. One can only hope that one day, just like the Jews, Protestants and every other RACE/Religion slaves, blacks will overcome… Probably not until America quits coddling them. Maxine Waters is representing her district well, and since they sent her to D.C she has just made her entire district irrelevant. (Again)

One more note on the racism in America…

Obama was elected POTUS because he was BLACK. He was not qualified for the job, he has proven to be a complete failure, we are not firing him because he is black, we’re firing him because he’s worthless..


Race and the Dictator in Chief.

Race and the Dictator in Chief.

Well our Racist in Chief is at Martha’s vinyard for a little R&R…Much needed I might add. Destroying a nation is hard work. Making everything about race is hard work, Going around congress to enact laws you want is hard work, going around congress and not prosecuting laws you don’t like is hard work, campaigning 24/7 is hard work, keeping up with your hypocrisy and lies is hard work…

Found at Nice Deb

Yes those are acts of a dictator…

Then you have the racial tension that’s happening across our nation.

Barack Obama is the head racist. He and his D.O.J are at the trigger for racial payback… They are deliberately turning a blind eye to justice in the name of race unless it involves WHITE folks, Rich Folks, Conservatives, Republicans of any race…. So the nation is following suit.

Did anyone notice how MSNBC picked up Al $harpton only after it was pointed out that THEY had NO BLACK NEWS FOLKS… After years of calling Fox racist, they were in fact one of the only news organizations that didn’t have BLACKS in their payroll. Funny how they picked the number 1 racist in the nation for that job.

Did anyone notice the unemployment in the so-called minority communities? I didn’t because unemployment is high everywhere. But it’s important to point out WHO THE VICTIMS are in this day and time.. You must be the biggest victim so uber liberals can feel sorry for you and make dumbass accusations so you come off as “NOT RACIST”… Um, note to all of you, you are enablers and the biggest racists on the planet.

The black community is the recipient of BILLIONS of dollars every year to “Help them” or is it? Those Billions are to keep them secured in their cages by the Democrat party. Those of us who believe a person is responsible for their own lives see the enablers for what they are. Back in the days of racial strife slavery, up until lets say for the sake of argument the 80’s, there were racist elements all over and one couldn’t say in fact that racism was dead… NOW?

Since then we’ve had black leaders from POTUS down in high power positions.That’s not enough to say that racism is dead I guess. Exactly what will it take to put racism out of the equation in politics and otherwise? I guess when “Whitey is dead” then racism won’t be the charge.

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Tea Party to Protest against the NAACP in South LA.

Tea Party to Protest against the NAACP in South LA.

Well dang it. This is just about as bad as it gets for the anti-tea party race baiters…

Black Tea Partiers to Protest NAACP

The black-led South Central L.A. Tea Party (whose motto is “Power to the People”) is reportedly planning a protest against the NAACP at the organization’s 102nd annual convention in Los Angeles on July 24. The group is headed up by the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, president of BOND Action (the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny).

Black Tea Partiers’ specific gripes about the civil rights organization include that it’s been “spreading lies” about racism in the Tea Party movement and promoting “black genocide” through its support of Planned Parenthood.

First off let me give a shout out to those involved in this protest. It takes more guts and courage to do this than most of us will ever know. This is tantamount to A Pro-Jewish protest in Tehran.

Now lets get to the heart of the matter. WHY must the article be labeled “Black Tea Partiers?” can’t it be “Tea Party protest in LA?” It could be if it wasn’t for the label of racism that was placed on the tea party from day one by ignorant race baiters.

I had a discussion with a blogger early on in the tea party movement about exactly this situation. His point was the tea party would never be a viable movement because the tea party didn’t actively target the black community. My point was WHY?

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Obama is BLACK so Stop debating….

Obama is BLACK so Stop debating….

That pretty much settles it huh?.. Um NO.

Jackson Lee: Congress complicating debt ceiling because Obama is black

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) on Friday strongly suggested that members of Congress are making it difficult for President Obama to raise the debt ceiling because of his race.

“I do not understand what I think is the maligning and maliciousness [toward] this president,” said Jackson Lee, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus. “Why is he different? And in my community, that is the question that we raise. In the minority community that is question that is being raised. Why is this president being treated so disrespectfully? Why has the debt limit been raised 60 times? Why did the leader of the Senate continually talk about his job is to bring the president down to make sure he is unelected?”

The real issue is not “This president is different” He’s actually quite typical. He’s a PROGRESSIVE… That’s the issue. The real issue is his policies suck. He’s been DISRESPECTFUL from day one to the American people. OBAMA has ran our nation into bankruptcy. No he didn’t start the trip, but he upgraded the mode of transportation to subsonic jet. Obama and his entire DEMOCRAT party have brought us to the edge of the canyon and Mrs Lee wants us to go willingly into the abyss because “Obama’s black”

The race card is being played mighty early in the election cycle. I would think Mrs Lee would have waited until she had a target “R” to call a racist. Now she’s just throwing out the blanket Racist yell… Well Done Mrs Lee.

Barack Hussein Obama is RACIST. Eric Holder is RACIST, Sheila Jackson Lee IS RACIST, There is only one member of the black caucus that ISN’T RACIST. You guess which one. The entire DEMOCRATIC PARTY is racist. They have been keeping their constituents as slaves since the days of Lincoln. But don’t let the facts confuse Mrs Lee.

We’re racist.. Okay.. Deal with us racists, and we’ll deal with you racists…. Sounds like a fun time to me.

White Supremacists invade Iowa?

White Supremacists invade Iowa?

Well now isn’t this interesting. “White Supremacists” are the most “Potentially” dangerous people to Iowa I guess…

Critics: Iowa terror drill portrays immigration foes as killers

Foes of illegal immigration are up in arms over plans for a weekend disaster exercise in western Iowa with a fictitious scenario in which young white supremacists shoot dozens of people amid rising tensions involving racial minorities and illegal immigrants.

The exercise is planned for Saturday at Treynor High School in Pottawattamie County and will involve more than 300 people, confirmed Doug Reed, the lead exercise planner for the county’s emergency management agency. Some 30 to 40 “victims” will be transported to area hospitals. He said a terrorism scenario is required by federal officials for the exercise to be eligible for funding.

The exercise scenario describes shootings occurring after rising tensions in the community because of an influx of minorities, Reed said. The newcomers, some who are American citizens and some who are illegal immigrants, were to have moved into a rural area from urban areas in search of more-affordable living. The newcomers are not welcomed by racial extremists, and controversy sweeps the community, he said.

Now I’m not saying they aren’t dangerous, hell I’ve met a few of them type dudes and let me tell you, they could be very dangerous. Not to bright, have guns, most are on drugs of some type and they have a hate filled heart… BUT, over the last 50 years or so, how much damage have they really done?

Groups of these clowns have lost command and control, they haven’t done anything organized in any numbers above 30 or so ANYWHERE. Most of their actions are media stunts at best. But we should “Prepare” for them to go all Timothy McVeigh on us…

Let’s ask the one question that seems to be missing:

Is it more likely an Islamic fundamentalist and his buddies would create a scenario that would require preparation. Or, would a white supremacist group cause it? I’m betting on the Islamic tilt.. BUT, Let’s not be TRUTHFUL about our preparations, let call them “White Supremacists” so that nobody will be offended. Well DAMN IT, I’m offended.

Why would I be offended if I wasn’t a white supremacist? How about the same way CAIR would be offended if Iowa used “Islamic Radicals” instead. Do you think for one minute CAIR and the rest of the terrorist support network in America would sit still for this?

See this is the typical stuff that gets pushed aside because “White Males” are the only target left that can be denigrated, insulted and publicly humiliated. You can’t do Muslim jokes, you can’t do Obama jokes, you can’t do gay jokes or whatever.. But throw out a white christian joke and you get a pass.

I want to be part of that victim crowd that doesn’t get insulted or targeted by the feds because we are “Oppressed” even when we kill folks in the name of our cause…

Bunch of PC Fucknozzles in Iowa allowed this B.S. And I’m sure it had to do with funding. So if they did “Islamic Radicals” in this light, they wouldn’t get funding. So lets USE WHITE PEOPLE…. How sad our nation has come to this.


“All of you are white, Go to Hell” Leftist/Racist shouts…

“All of you are white, Go to Hell” Leftist/Racist shouts…

In Dallas County there’s a racist black man in some sort of authority…

John Wiley Price Tells Citizens To “Go To Hell”
DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) – Tuesday’s Dallas County Commissioner’s Court meeting erupted into an argument between Commissioner John Wiley Price and a citizen, ending with Price repeatedly telling several citizens to “go to hell.”

As Turner spoke, he continued to call Price “Chief Mulllah.” Price interrupted Turner several times, yelling at him, “don’t call me Chief Mulllah” and “call me by my name.”

Jeff Turner explains why he called Price “Chief Mullah.”

The New Oxford American Dictionary defines “mullah” as “a Muslim learned in Islamic theology and sacred law.”

Turner continued speaking, ignoring Price’s ongoing interruptions.

At that point, Jenkins adjourned the meeting.

As Price stood to leave, he looked at Turner and the five other citizens who addressed the court. Price said to them, “All of you are white. Go to hell!” (Emphasis by A&P)

Price repeated “go to hell” three more times. An unknown member of the audience said, “You should be ashamed!”

“I’m not ashamed!” Price answered. “I’m not ashamed! Go to hell!”

Well someone has done their homework and found out this is the very same idiot guy that had a problem with the term “Black Hole”

Now I am not an eloquent speaker nor am I the most politically correct person on the planet but, here’s a picture of a “Black Hole”

The picture on the left is NOT a hole, the Picture on the Right is. This is a term used to describe an area of void and it’s suspected to envelope things and make them disappear… Now I’m not sure but it would be pretty stupid to describe it as a “White Hole” or even a “Brown Hole” basically because its Black…. maybe it’s just me.

So now that we know who (What) we are dealing with in regards to the intelligence of Mr Price, it is easy to dismiss him as an idiot. BUT the real issue is, he’s in a power of authority, he’s representing the people around him and if that’s who they send they must agree with his racism. IF they allow this man to continue to sit on that commission, I suggest a white counterpart to his racism must be seated too. Can we get a racist klan member to sit next to him? Is it possible that we white people can be represented in as bad of light as Wiley is putting on his black constituents?

IF a white member would have said “You are all Black, go to hell” at any meeting, he’d be crucified in the press and he’d be removed from the commission POST HASTE! I call on the Dallas County Community to demand his resignation NOW. This can not stand. IF it does stand then NOBODY of any color should ever be removed for comments made in this manner. And if that’s the way it goes then I’m okay with it.

M.L.K’s REAL Legacy

M.L.K’s REAL Legacy

Wondering around the blogsphere last night I stopped by one of my favorite writers.

Kevin Jackson says what so many of us on the right side of the aisle understand is the real Martin Luther King. His legacy has been hijacked by the likes of Sharpton and Jackson and those worse than them. Take a look:

Kings Real Legacy By Kevin Jackson

As the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr approaches, I began thinking of what he might think about the time we live in.  I believe Dr. King would be disgusted at how his legacy is being used as a double standard, a sort of have your cake and eat it too by Liberal blacks, and how Liberal whites are prostituting his dream.

When MLK fought for civil rights back in the ’60s, there weren’t a lot of black mega-millionaires, or black industry moguls like Oprah Winfrey, Jay Z and so on. If BET existed at all, it would have only been because black people would not have been able to appear on “regular” TV.

Two score and three years later, the Liberal black man in America is still a prisoner. Liberal blacks are no longer “sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination,” as King wrote,  but have become prisoners of their own minds.

America has made good on that bounced check due to “insufficient funds,” and black people were made whole and then some. The black man is no longer an exile in his own land, as King suggested in the ‘60s. When King spoke of the shameful condition of the black man, it was real and at the hands of white Democrats. Today however, if there is a shameful condition of the black man, it is a condition of the black man’s own creation.

There can be no argument that black people have advanced to the highest possible levels in America, and black Liberals know in their hearts that the sky is the limit as far as the potential for black achievement. No longer do black Liberals need to feel disingenuous when encouraging their children that they could one day be president of the United States. Despite all the overwhelming examples of achievement by blacks however, Liberal black people still complain more than any other culture about America; calling America racist, and saying that the black man is being kept down. They are right. But it is Liberal blacks keeping Liberal blacks down.

Read the rest Here

Well said Kevin, Well said…. :clap: :clap: :clap:

Obama told to make Bill a Sammich…

Obama told to make Bill a Sammich…

Today in true racist fashion a WHITE MAN sent a poor black man off the stage. Bill Clinton basically took over the presidency today because the black man couldn’t do the job right. The only reason Bill Clinton came in was to rescue the white Democrats from themselves. Evidently Bill Clinton and the Democrat party has no faith in Obama which is CLEARLY RACIST! Bill Clinton sent Barack Obama to the back of the bus today, and told him While you are there, make me a sammich”

Where is Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton on this outrage? Not only is Bill Clnton a cheater, now he been proven to be a racist.

I am shocked I tell you!