Category: Racism

CBC: We’d be marching on DC if Obama were white…

CBC: We’d be marching on DC if Obama were white…

This is the story (I’m sure many of the best bloggers around have already hit this.. Well at least the ones that aren’t too PC)

Story found at Hot Air

As chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, [Cleaver] has been at odds with President Barack Obama over his administration’s response to the soaring unemployment rate in the African-American community.

Nearing 17 percent, joblessness among blacks is at a three-decade high and almost twice the size of the overall unemployment rate. The black caucus wants the president to do more.

But the group’s efforts are freighted with political sensitivities, given Obama’s unique role as the first African-American occupant of the White House and the sometimes untethered animosity that his election has triggered.

“If (former President) Bill Clinton had been in the White House and had failed to address this problem, we probably would be marching on the White House,” Cleaver said. “There is a less-volatile reaction in the CBC because nobody wants to do anything that would empower the people who hate the president.”

I read a post by someone yesterday I think, that asked you to substitute every “African-American or Black” word in this story with “White” and change the name to “Eric Cantor” instead of Emanuel Cleaver (D-Racist.) And ask yourself does this seem racist? If you answer yes, then you must consider this statement by the “Congressional BLACK Caucus” racist and it should be condemned as much as it would be if any WHITE group said it.

What I find funny in a dangerous way is WHITE people are not up in arms over this. Black folks in power are throwing the race card all over the place and 99.9% of the time they are DEAD WRONG. But we allow it or “You’re a RACIST”…

Okay folks here goes the part of the post you can send to Attack Watch…

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Back when we were Negroes…

Back when we were Negroes…

I found this little gem at Free North Carolina

Presented in its entirety because it’s very important to let this set in.

‘Back when we were Negroes’

There was a time until the early 1960s when the terms to describe those of African decent, like me — African-American or Black or Afro-American — were almost unheard of.

I remember a distinct conversation with a friend discussing descriptive terms for ourselves in 1963 or ’64. The term “black” was just coming into vogue and he didn’t like it one bit. “Call me a Negro,” he said, “but don’t call me black.”

Now, the word “Negro” (publications used a lower case “n”) has almost become a pejorative, so I was a little surprised when my pastor, the Rev. Willie Reid, used it during Thursday’s revival. “Back when we were Negroes,” he said, and listed several things that were different about black life in America back then.

That got me to thinking. Back when we were Negroes in the 1950s, “only 9 percent of black families with children were headed by a single parent,” according to “The Black Family: 40 Years of Lies” by Kay Hymowitz. “Black children had a 52 percent chance of living with both their biological parents until age 17. In 1959, “only 2 percent of black children were reared in households in which the mother never married.” But now that we’re African-Americans, according to Hymowitz, those odds of living with both parents had “dwindled to a mere 6 percent” by the mid-1980s. And check this, in Bibb County, more than 70 percent of the births in the African-American community are to single mothers.

Back when we were Negroes and still fighting in many parts of the country for the right to vote, we couldn’t wait for the polls to open. We knew our friends, family and acquaintances had died getting us the ballot. Dogs and fire hoses were used to keep us away and still we came. But now that we’re African-Americans, in a city of 47,000 registered — predominately black voters — more than 30,000 didn’t show up at the polls July 19.

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Democrats War Plan in Effect…

Democrats War Plan in Effect…

For anyone who is paying attention, the Democrats have laid out their “war” strategy. First strike was the CBC (Congressional Black Caucus) traveling around the country to the inner cities and blaming the tea party for everything. At the same time painting the tea party to racism. This part of the plan is exactly like 2008, except they are separating the “Tea Party” from “Republicans” (Sort of)

The second strike was the “Dream act” end around congress to appease the Hispanic vote. (Notice that happened shortly after Obama spoke in front of La Raza)

The third strike is happening now. Unions from top to bottom are being tasked to “Take the Sons a bitches out” It started in Wisconsin, but NOW it’s going nation wide. They must paint businesses as the bad guys and get all union members to toe the line for the Obama administration.

These are but a few of the tactics in this “WAR” we find ourselves in. The election season has barely started and the liberal loons have shown their cards. Not that it was a big surprise to anyone with a clue.

So to recap the democrat strategy in simple terms.

It’s the same as in 2008 except now Obama can’t runt on the “Hope and Change” he has to run on his record. His record is terrible at best. Anyone who votes for Obama in 2012 in effect is saying “I hate everything America stands for”

While I am some what hopeful that Obama is just stupid and an ideologue, rather than intentionally trying to wreck our nation. I can’t believe anyone that stupid would make it through Harvard. (Even though there’s very few records of his attendance)

I have a message for the 95%ers

You should really consider who you are supporting. The “First Black President” has been worse for your “People” than most before him. Those that are getting paid to keep you in chains thank you for your patronage. We the people don’t see color. We the people are for individual liberty, freedom and the pursuit of happiness for all. We believe YOU hold the keys NOT the Government. You who are Americans first will find success. You who hold your “Race” above your nation will be perpetually complaining from the welfare line.

The choice is yours. Break the chains, free yourselves and you will find the best assistance. The assistance of yourself and those who help with hands up not hands out. We the People can do better than the government but you must remove yourself from the tit.

Race and the Dictator in Chief.

Race and the Dictator in Chief.

Well our Racist in Chief is at Martha’s vinyard for a little R&R…Much needed I might add. Destroying a nation is hard work. Making everything about race is hard work, Going around congress to enact laws you want is hard work, going around congress and not prosecuting laws you don’t like is hard work, campaigning 24/7 is hard work, keeping up with your hypocrisy and lies is hard work…

Found at Nice Deb

Yes those are acts of a dictator…

Then you have the racial tension that’s happening across our nation.

Barack Obama is the head racist. He and his D.O.J are at the trigger for racial payback… They are deliberately turning a blind eye to justice in the name of race unless it involves WHITE folks, Rich Folks, Conservatives, Republicans of any race…. So the nation is following suit.

Did anyone notice how MSNBC picked up Al $harpton only after it was pointed out that THEY had NO BLACK NEWS FOLKS… After years of calling Fox racist, they were in fact one of the only news organizations that didn’t have BLACKS in their payroll. Funny how they picked the number 1 racist in the nation for that job.

Did anyone notice the unemployment in the so-called minority communities? I didn’t because unemployment is high everywhere. But it’s important to point out WHO THE VICTIMS are in this day and time.. You must be the biggest victim so uber liberals can feel sorry for you and make dumbass accusations so you come off as “NOT RACIST”… Um, note to all of you, you are enablers and the biggest racists on the planet.

The black community is the recipient of BILLIONS of dollars every year to “Help them” or is it? Those Billions are to keep them secured in their cages by the Democrat party. Those of us who believe a person is responsible for their own lives see the enablers for what they are. Back in the days of racial strife slavery, up until lets say for the sake of argument the 80’s, there were racist elements all over and one couldn’t say in fact that racism was dead… NOW?

Since then we’ve had black leaders from POTUS down in high power positions.That’s not enough to say that racism is dead I guess. Exactly what will it take to put racism out of the equation in politics and otherwise? I guess when “Whitey is dead” then racism won’t be the charge.

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Here we go… Racism in the Liberal mind…

Here we go… Racism in the Liberal mind…

Ed Shultz the idiot on MSNBC didn’t waste anytime with the “Racism” charge. And he sure didn’t waste anytime MANUFACTURING it.

Get ready for a lot of this. Liberals/Progressives can’t win on their record, they can’t win in any debates the only thing they have is blame and name calling. Stay with it folks, this is going to get UGLY.

I think the new tagline for those of us WHO TRULY WANT TO SAVE THIS NATION, is going to be.. “Okay so you think I’m a racist, now what? what else ya got? Okay now lets talk about the issues”

There was only ONE potential candidate that could have saved us from this BULLSHIT. Allen West. He chose not to run this year. Okay fine. We have some good candidates who AREN’T black. Which means WE who support them must be racist… Fine. Screw it. I’m a racist. I hate Obama’s White half! Does that help?



Tea Party to Protest against the NAACP in South LA.

Tea Party to Protest against the NAACP in South LA.

Well dang it. This is just about as bad as it gets for the anti-tea party race baiters…

Black Tea Partiers to Protest NAACP

The black-led South Central L.A. Tea Party (whose motto is “Power to the People”) is reportedly planning a protest against the NAACP at the organization’s 102nd annual convention in Los Angeles on July 24. The group is headed up by the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, president of BOND Action (the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny).

Black Tea Partiers’ specific gripes about the civil rights organization include that it’s been “spreading lies” about racism in the Tea Party movement and promoting “black genocide” through its support of Planned Parenthood.

First off let me give a shout out to those involved in this protest. It takes more guts and courage to do this than most of us will ever know. This is tantamount to A Pro-Jewish protest in Tehran.

Now lets get to the heart of the matter. WHY must the article be labeled “Black Tea Partiers?” can’t it be “Tea Party protest in LA?” It could be if it wasn’t for the label of racism that was placed on the tea party from day one by ignorant race baiters.

I had a discussion with a blogger early on in the tea party movement about exactly this situation. His point was the tea party would never be a viable movement because the tea party didn’t actively target the black community. My point was WHY?

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Nancy Pelosi calls for Ethics investigation of Wu…

Nancy Pelosi calls for Ethics investigation of Wu…

Tell me this isn’t a racial thing:

Rep. David Wu won’t resign, Nancy Pelosi calls for ethics investigation

Rep. David Wu said late Sunday he would not resign but would complete his term and then retire from Congress.

The surprising decision came one day after senior Democratic leaders urged the seven-term Democrat to immediately resign after reports that he had an unwanted sexual encounter with a young woman last November.

The news did not sit well with Democratic leaders, who worry that Wu remaining in office could damage the party’s chances going into the 2012 elections.

So, Nancy is real quick to call for an ethics investigation of David Wu over ALLEGED reports of sexual misconduct. But when Anthony Wiener posted pics of his junk, lied about it, then confessed she never called for an investigation… Is it because Wu is not white? I think it is. I think maybe Nancy Pelosi is racist…

USA vs Mexico in America… Oh yeah, great…

USA vs Mexico in America… Oh yeah, great…

How about that, Mexico beat USA in Soccer at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena CA. But you’d have thought it was Mexico City….

In Gold Cup final, it’s red, white and boo again

Its fans were vastly outnumbered. Its goalkeeper was bathed in a chanted obscenity. Even its national anthem was filled with the blowing of air horns and bouncing of beach balls.

I don’t give a damn about soccer, I couldn’t really care less. But what I do care about is respect. I care about my country. I am sick and tired of hearing about Minorities… Um, do you think we can officially say White People are NOW the minority in CA? On top of that, the disrespect these pieces of shit showed their home country is disgusting.

I’m about to use some colorful language to express myself here so if you are offended easily click the hell off now.

These low life sons a bitches filling the stands at the rose bowl are the scum of the earth. They are the enemy of freedom, not examples of it. They are the bane of our society. They are the leeches of our nation. I’m sure there were a smattering of GOOD folks in the stands. But just like the Islamic scum, they are over shadowed by the low life’s in their midst. Silence is acceptance.

Los Angeles has become a criminal cesspool, it has become a city of leeches, whiners takers and gangs. These idiots in the stands at this soccer game are the epitome of the entire state. They more than any political issue are the reason people are leaving this state. Mexico has moved north. You can tell by the corruption, the crime and the utter contempt for the rule of law. Mexico is full of RACISTS. They are racist against white folks. White people need to rise up and put a stop to this bullshit post haste. But they wont. They will take this like they take every other bullshit from multicultural loving fuckers across this nation. When will you stand for the nation you love? When will you stand for the nation that gives you better than your home nation? Fuck you if you don’t.