CBC: We’d be marching on DC if Obama were white…

CBC: We’d be marching on DC if Obama were white…

This is the story (I’m sure many of the best bloggers around have already hit this.. Well at least the ones that aren’t too PC)

Story found at Hot Air

As chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, [Cleaver] has been at odds with President Barack Obama over his administration’s response to the soaring unemployment rate in the African-American community.

Nearing 17 percent, joblessness among blacks is at a three-decade high and almost twice the size of the overall unemployment rate. The black caucus wants the president to do more.

But the group’s efforts are freighted with political sensitivities, given Obama’s unique role as the first African-American occupant of the White House and the sometimes untethered animosity that his election has triggered.

“If (former President) Bill Clinton had been in the White House and had failed to address this problem, we probably would be marching on the White House,” Cleaver said. “There is a less-volatile reaction in the CBC because nobody wants to do anything that would empower the people who hate the president.”

I read a post by someone yesterday I think, that asked you to substitute every “African-American or Black” word in this story with “White” and change the name to “Eric Cantor” instead of Emanuel Cleaver (D-Racist.) And ask yourself does this seem racist? If you answer yes, then you must consider this statement by the “Congressional BLACK Caucus” racist and it should be condemned as much as it would be if any WHITE group said it.

What I find funny in a dangerous way is WHITE people are not up in arms over this. Black folks in power are throwing the race card all over the place and 99.9% of the time they are DEAD WRONG. But we allow it or “You’re a RACIST”…

Okay folks here goes the part of the post you can send to Attack Watch…

These bunch of racist piss ants are the epitome of ignorance.  These idiots of the CBC are the truest forms of SLAVE OWNERS in America since Kunta Kinte lost a foot. These worthless LIARS and Obama lovers are the reason our nation is on the precipice of CIVIL WAR.

I am telling you folks from east to west and north to south it’s coming. When we kick that poser out of the white house in 2012. The reason he will be evicted from DC will be “Race” in the eyes of these purveyors of the whip. And I really hope that cooler heads prevail. However; The impression I’m getting from folks in my sphere of influence is it’s too late.

We allowed the ignorant to vote, we allowed the people who put NOTHING into this nation and only take, the right to vote. And we allowed the opposition to the POS in the White House now to be nutted by a PC culture. We shall not make that mistake again. If it’s white vs black I take the white guy in the election this time. IF it’s White vs Black based on color only I’m sticking with my own race. IF its going to be all about race lets do it that way. I’ll take my chances with Ward Cleaver and you can take snoop dogg.

I’m sick of the lies from those who can’t argue the data and the facts of liberalism vs conservatism. Freedom vs Socialism/communism and MARXISM. I’m sick of the lies from liberpukes that always say “Race is the reason”

The only reason Obama is POTUS now is because he is black. The reason he will be evicted is NOT because he’s black, it’s because he’s worthless. We hired him because he’s black evidently. But from what I can tell so far, he’s more ghetto than harvard and he’s far more Burger king than Caviar.




One Reply to “CBC: We’d be marching on DC if Obama were white…”

  1. The CBC, Obama, Holder and most of the regime are racists, or, they would be if they were WHITE, you see, NEGROES can’t be racists, only WHITE, cracker mofos like US can be racists, ask Dickless…

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