USA vs Mexico in America… Oh yeah, great…

USA vs Mexico in America… Oh yeah, great…

How about that, Mexico beat USA in Soccer at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena CA. But you’d have thought it was Mexico City….

In Gold Cup final, it’s red, white and boo again

Its fans were vastly outnumbered. Its goalkeeper was bathed in a chanted obscenity. Even its national anthem was filled with the blowing of air horns and bouncing of beach balls.

I don’t give a damn about soccer, I couldn’t really care less. But what I do care about is respect. I care about my country. I am sick and tired of hearing about Minorities… Um, do you think we can officially say White People are NOW the minority in CA? On top of that, the disrespect these pieces of shit showed their home country is disgusting.

I’m about to use some colorful language to express myself here so if you are offended easily click the hell off now.

These low life sons a bitches filling the stands at the rose bowl are the scum of the earth. They are the enemy of freedom, not examples of it. They are the bane of our society. They are the leeches of our nation. I’m sure there were a smattering of GOOD folks in the stands. But just like the Islamic scum, they are over shadowed by the low life’s in their midst. Silence is acceptance.

Los Angeles has become a criminal cesspool, it has become a city of leeches, whiners takers and gangs. These idiots in the stands at this soccer game are the epitome of the entire state. They more than any political issue are the reason people are leaving this state. Mexico has moved north. You can tell by the corruption, the crime and the utter contempt for the rule of law. Mexico is full of RACISTS. They are racist against white folks. White people need to rise up and put a stop to this bullshit post haste. But they wont. They will take this like they take every other bullshit from multicultural loving fuckers across this nation. When will you stand for the nation you love? When will you stand for the nation that gives you better than your home nation? Fuck you if you don’t.


4 Replies to “USA vs Mexico in America… Oh yeah, great…”

  1. Would it be out of line, or RACIST, to suggest nuking L.A.? Wait until the wind is from the NORTH, might as well get Long Beach too..

  2. These pukes that just set on their frikken ass and do nothing
    make me sick.Their country is being stolen right out from under them and they’er too spineless to even go vote or protest. They have the presumption that maybe it’ll all go away
    if I just set here on my pussified ass with my head bowed low, and wringing my hands.Then,I won’t be considered a racist. The Look at me everybody, i’ll show you how mentality.

  3. This is lame why can’t we all live here with peace??? The human race should be able to live where ever they want and not be discriminated against! This is sad

    1. WOW… Um that’s a pretty damn good question actually. Why can’t we? Well lets look at MEXICO first. Mexico was a nation before the USA. The USA went to war with Mexico, Mexico SOLD land to the USA.
      Mexico is now: (Pick one)
      A) Perfect in every way, a paradise of humanity and peaceful.
      B) A corrupt welfare state, no employment, starving citizens, drug cartels running things…

      Iran, Iraq, Any country in the middle East other than Israel… Is what? Use the above examples.

      Ask yourself what exactly would be the reason to leave utopia of Mexico? Because it sucks. America is the land of opportunity (Well it used to be until we allowed America to be filled with people who ARE NOT AMERICANS. They don’t come here to be better, to assimilate to a better nation. They come here and hold on to their nationality and make this country as bad as the one they left.

      Your “One world” attitude is fine if every nation would become like AMERICA and be free. Until then, stay your ass in your country OR BECOME AMERICAN. PERIOD.

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