Category: Media bias

CNN: Spitzer gets OWNED by Tea party spokeswoman.

CNN: Spitzer gets OWNED by Tea party spokeswoman.

No sure if she speaks for all tea parties but I’m a fan of hers. She’s well spoken and speaks with facts behind her. She was clearly the teacher in a room with short bus riding window lickers.

Now that the 111th Congress has come and gone… After creating more laws than any congress since the 30’s, we will see if the fruits of our labor are rewarded or scorned. the 112th comes in soon and so far I’m not happy with the R’s that are staying on. Some did fine, but a lot of them should be gone ASAP!

This is one thing I like:

New GOP Staffers Instructed on How to Cite Constitutional Justification

Someone sent me the text of an info packet being given to GOP staffers in a series of training sessions on how they are to comply with a requirement to cite exactly where in the Constitution is the justification for the legislation they and their member are writing during the upcoming 112th Congress.

We’ve heard that Boehner might institute this rule to force all legislators to justify their new laws by citing the clause that gives them the power to write the law. Let’s hope that this idea doesn’t die still born and that it becomes a new and long-lasting part of how our lawmakers write legislation.

Take a look at these guidelines. I like the idea…

TO: Members of the 112th Congress, Committee Staff Directors and Counsels; Member Staff

FR: Speaker-Designate Boehner, Majority Leader-Elect Eric Cantor, Rules Committee Chairman-Elect David Dreier, Transition Team Chairman Greg Walden

DT: December 17, 2010

RE: New Constitutional Authority Requirement for Legislation

The Pledge to America released by House Republicans in September of this year included a commitment to “require every bill to cite its specific Constitutional Authority.” To implement this proposal, the Transition Team and the Elected Republican Leadership are recommending a change to standing Rules of the House to require that each bill or joint resolution introduced in the House be accompanied by a statement citing the specific powers granted to Congress in the Constitution to enact the proposed law.

As this requirement will apply to all bills and joint resolutions introduced in the 112th Congress — including those introduced on the first day — we are writing to provide early guidance for complying with this rule so as to minimize any disruption caused by its implementation. Our staff will also hold bipartisan briefings for your staff to assist in compliance with this new requirement.


The new rule will be a new paragraph of clause 7 of rule XII:

“(c) A bill or joint resolution may not be introduced unless the sponsor has submitted for printing in the Congressional Record a statement citing as specifically as practicable the power or powers granted to Congress in the Constitution to enact the bill or joint resolution. The statement shall appear in a portion of the Record designated for that purpose and be made publicly available in electronic form by the Clerk.”


When a Member presents a bill or joint resolution for introduction and referral (when it is dropped in the “hopper”), the bill must be accompanied by a separate sheet of paper citing the constitutional authority to enact the proposed bill or joint resolution. Below is the suggested format for the citation:

Member Signature:____________________

(Bill Number Here)


Pursuant to clause 7 of Rule XII of the Rules of the House of Representatives, the following statement is submitted regarding the specific powers granted to Congress in the Constitution to enact the accompanying bill or joint resolution.



The blanks above are to be filled in by the sponsor.

It will be interesting to see how long it lasts and how many times the “Commerce clause” is used.

WikiLEAKED… How do you feel?

WikiLEAKED… How do you feel?

I gotta say I actually think WIKILEAKS is doing a valuable service to this world. I know a lot of my friends will be shocked to hear that. Let me explain…

For the last 60+ years the only information we citizens of the world receive is through media. Over the last 20 years, the media has been decidedly BIASED in its reporting of vital issues. Case and point is the election of Barack Hussein Obama.

In our nation, we have been told what was happening around us by a government and it’s puppets in the media on both sides of the issue. The internet provides opinions on various issues and the information is so vast the truth is buried among the false, the lies, the stretches and the spin. There is NO CENTRAL agency or entity that is watching out for us anymore. During the 30’s and 40’s there were actually unbiased media entities that searched for the truth. They had integrity in their reporting. What we have now is ZERO integrity among the elite media. So we look for ourselves to try and find truth. We fail often.

NOW Wikileaks comes along and shows proof of all kinds of underhanded, backroom lies and cheats. They detail a lot of the stuff we suspected but couldn’t prove beyond a shadow of a doubt. We have been awash in debate over various issues across the globe and because of information overload, deliberate “Disinformation” spin and outright lies, there is no end to it. Wikileaks comes out as hero in my book for shining a light on the cockroaches within our own Government.

That being said Wikileaks also comes out as the villain because they put lives at risk by carelessly dumping names and ongoing operations that can get people killed. Information is power and if use the power in the wrong way, you become no better than those you criticize.

The U.S Government comes across with having egg on it’s face because of these document dumps. For that I can’t fell bad.

If the NY Times can print State Secrets and no charges are brought against them I have a tough time seeing how Wikileaks can be charged with anything. They obtained information and reported it unedited. No worse than any other tabloid or NY times rag in our nation. The only difference is WIKILEAKS has CREDIBILITY. The others don’t and our government has lost all credibility…So instead of trying to get back to transparency with secrets they have decided to shoot the messenger. To me it all sounds pretty sad.

What is also sad is I agree with Ron Paul on this issue. I am starting to Ron Paul as someone that actually is standing on the right side of a lot of issues these days. 😯

Sarah Palin Gaffes, Liberals go nuts…

Sarah Palin Gaffes, Liberals go nuts…

Funny as hell to me. Liberals have gone open loop over Sarah Palin slipping up and saying

“But obviously, we’ve got to stand with our North Korean allies. We’re bound to by treaty,”

If you listen to her entire interview you can plainly hear her mentioning South Korea as our allies more than once…

Now I gotta say I’m a fan of Sarah Palin 2.0. This is the version that does the cheerleading for the conservative movement. The version that raises funds for conservative candidates and the version that attacks the RINO/GOP establishment. I’m not a fan of any version in the works that would include in the upgrade a POTUS application.

So don’t give me a bunch of Palin is this or that, I really don’t care. I am simply pointing out that her answer to the criticism by the liberal elites over her gaff is awesome..

Palin NAILED Obama here:

My fellow Americans in all 57 states, the time has changed for come. With our country founded more than 20 centuries ago, we have much to celebrate – from the FBI’s 100 days to the reforms that bring greater inefficiencies to our health care system. We know that countries like Europe are willing to stand with us in our fight to halt the rise of privacy, and Israel is a strong friend of Israel’s. And let’s face it, everybody knows that it makes no sense that you send a kid to the emergency room for a treatable illness like asthma and they end up taking up a hospital bed. It costs, when, if you, they just gave, you gave them treatment early, and they got some treatment, and ah, a breathalyzer, or an inhalator. I mean, not a breathalyzer, ah, I don’t know what the term is in Austrian for that…

You can google the story just about anywhere and see she included links to all of the gaffs given a pass by the lamestream media.

I found a video of a lot of them:

IMO she smacked Obama and his lapdog media like a halibut on a fishing boat. For that I say Well Done Ma’am.

Juan Williams Fired from NPR…Told ya.

Juan Williams Fired from NPR…Told ya.

Funny thing about the left, they see this as standing for what’s right. Most Americans see this as hypocrisy and B.S.

I don’t really like Juan Williams, he’s a libber and he’s the Obama voice on Fox news. Which by itself is grounds for his firing by NPR. Juan is a regular on Fox, and that it shows the world that Fox is less biased than their competition. Personally I think Juan does a pretty good job of stating the lefts positions. That’s probably why I don’t like him.

So NPR fires Juan for stating the obvious, the view ladies storm out on their own show because Bill O’Riley stated the obvious. All this says is the left surely has their head in the sand.

Juan, we told you the left were hypocrites, we told you the liberal/progressives have no class, we told you the minute you stepped out of the party line you would be in trouble….Hate to say we told you so.. BUT…

Hopefully this little event will open your eyes to what most Americans have been seeing for a long time. Come on over Juan, we would welcome your change in positions. Come on to the right side Juan. We are not racists over here, obviously NPR is racist because they fired you… See how easy that was? Give it a shot.

Tell the TRUTH!

Tell the TRUTH!

I’ve posted about the bias in the MSM for many years. There are a couple of outlets that call them on it. There have been video after video proof of bias and yet the MSM or SRM (State run media) has yet to correct their ways. Lately though there has been a notable effort on some stations to appear more centrist. Not that they are mind you, but trying to appear that way.

I found this from the MRC at FoxNation.

The reason we have Obama in office right now is a direct result of the MSM deceiving the public. The truth was out there, but since fox news was the only one reporting it, they were deemed crazy. It’s kind of like the neighbor that has a problem with loud music in the neighborhood and complains, but no one else in the neighborhood does. It’s the basic principle of numbers to get action. The tea party, Neighborhood watches community organizations all understand this concept. The media understands it too. As long as Fox is the only network reporting the problems with Obama and co. Fox comes off as a partisan network or crazy.

One of our biggest challenges over the next couple years and beyond will be to get the MSM to start doing their jobs and reporting facts without bias. We do that just like we have been. Stop watching them. I haven’t watched an alphabet network for years. The reason is they are pushing an agenda and they are ALL doing it. CNN to MSNBC and all of the MSM as well as FOX. BUT FOX has more liberals on their news shows than any of the others have conservatives. IF you look at the payroll of FOX news you’ll see SEVERAL liberals on it. Count the Conservatives on the other networks…

Media needs to be held accountable for their actions. IF you are a liberal watch a way, have fun, feel good and keep your head in the sand. IF you are a conservative, don’t click the channel they are on.

You can tell by the ratings who is the most popular…Fox News, the crazy neighbor.

The world is UPSIDE DOWN!

The world is UPSIDE DOWN!

Okay this will be the first time I’ll say this: Well done Chris Mathews. 😯

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A lot of pundits and analysts have nailed the movement. Most of them have come from the right. This is the FIRST time someone that is carrying the baggage for the POTUS has been so dead nuts on about the Tea Party and voter anger.

Don’t let this go to your head tingles, I’m sure you will be hammered by your own for that statement. And we really have a good memory about what you have said regarding the tea party. I’ll give you kudos for this “Let me finish” segment, but I’d still like to see you covered in honey and dropped in a bear pit.

Cynthia Tucker calls us all Racists… Again….Yawn

Cynthia Tucker calls us all Racists… Again….Yawn

Well, I am shocked, shocked I tell you, that Cynthia Tucker believes all of us opposing the liberal/progressive agenda are RACISTS. I am utterly surprised!! (I hope you detected a bit of sarcasm)

So I guess if Obama were a white socialist we would be okay with what he’s doing? I guess the anger toward Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid is only because Obama is black? I also must conclude that during the Clinton years the anger that booted the Democrat party from power in 2000 was just because we envisioned a black man coming to power eventually….WTF?

The idiocy of Cynthia Tucker is apparent in her writings. She is every bit as much of a racist as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Her columns appear in our local paper sometimes and she is thoroughly destroyed in the reader opinion section ALWAYS!

Her brand of opinion is racist in it’s own right. Her opinions of Bush during his 8 years must have been RACIST. Cynthia Tucker has NO CLUE about the anger swelling in this nation and she is far from correct in her assumptions that race plays a part.

Cynthia Tucker has just showed the world exactly why MLK would be a very big player in the tea party if he were alive today. The content of a persons character means nothing to folks like Al, Jesse or Cynthia…Its all about the color of one skin.

Howard Dean is an idiot

Howard Dean is an idiot

So Howard Dean (D-ipshit) Goes on Chris Wallace’s Sunday morning show and calls Fox News Racist.

The time line of the Shirley Sherrod incident actually EXONERATES Fox News from any blame in this. Fox never mentioned the video or Shirley Sherrod UNTIL AFTER she was forced to resign. The liberal spin on this is epic. Unfortunately, the viewers of the liberal state run media will never know the truth because they are being fed bullshit.

Glenn Beck defended Shirley Sherrod on his show, he took the stand that “Context Matters” and within an hour of his shows end the apologies flowed from the Administration. Then the damage control started. Blame Fox! What?

Any person with any lick of common sense ingrained in their being see this as a cover your ass story now. And who better to carry a LIE and liberal message (I know that’s the same thing) to the masses than the one DEMOCRAT who has done so since his birth. Howard Dean actually got in a “Sotomoyer” reference too…Special.

So basically Howard Dean just dropped the entire Democrat rallying cry in one clip. RACIST. IF you don’t agree with us. It doesn’t matter the facts, you either toe the line and believe everything the democrats tell you or you are racist. IF you disagree with any policy, RACIST. if you don’t like our pick for SCOTUS, RACIST.

How long will America tolerate this bullshit?

Fact is the MSM is complicit in the lies. They JUMPED to the racism charge of the tea party’s they have JUMPED to the LIES of the black caucus members that they were called the N-Word, LIES…but they can’t come out and say it, or their credibility would be shot. As if they had any left after the Journalist controversy.

WAKE THE HELL UP AMERICA! The fight is now.