WikiLEAKED… How do you feel?

WikiLEAKED… How do you feel?

I gotta say I actually think WIKILEAKS is doing a valuable service to this world. I know a lot of my friends will be shocked to hear that. Let me explain…

For the last 60+ years the only information we citizens of the world receive is through media. Over the last 20 years, the media has been decidedly BIASED in its reporting of vital issues. Case and point is the election of Barack Hussein Obama.

In our nation, we have been told what was happening around us by a government and it’s puppets in the media on both sides of the issue. The internet provides opinions on various issues and the information is so vast the truth is buried among the false, the lies, the stretches and the spin. There is NO CENTRAL agency or entity that is watching out for us anymore. During the 30’s and 40’s there were actually unbiased media entities that searched for the truth. They had integrity in their reporting. What we have now is ZERO integrity among the elite media. So we look for ourselves to try and find truth. We fail often.

NOW Wikileaks comes along and shows proof of all kinds of underhanded, backroom lies and cheats. They detail a lot of the stuff we suspected but couldn’t prove beyond a shadow of a doubt. We have been awash in debate over various issues across the globe and because of information overload, deliberate “Disinformation” spin and outright lies, there is no end to it. Wikileaks comes out as hero in my book for shining a light on the cockroaches within our own Government.

That being said Wikileaks also comes out as the villain because they put lives at risk by carelessly dumping names and ongoing operations that can get people killed. Information is power and if use the power in the wrong way, you become no better than those you criticize.

The U.S Government comes across with having egg on it’s face because of these document dumps. For that I can’t fell bad.

If the NY Times can print State Secrets and no charges are brought against them I have a tough time seeing how Wikileaks can be charged with anything. They obtained information and reported it unedited. No worse than any other tabloid or NY times rag in our nation. The only difference is WIKILEAKS has CREDIBILITY. The others don’t and our government has lost all credibility…So instead of trying to get back to transparency with secrets they have decided to shoot the messenger. To me it all sounds pretty sad.

What is also sad is I agree with Ron Paul on this issue. I am starting to Ron Paul as someone that actually is standing on the right side of a lot of issues these days. 😯

8 Replies to “WikiLEAKED… How do you feel?”

  1. Nobody was more shocked than I when I came to this realization. But after seeing the files, and seeing the lies we’ve been fed in UNDENIABLE Fashion I have decided that wikileaks is providing a service. A debatable service but a service.

    IF the NYT came out with these files would we believe them? Would they just get spun as lefty drivel and be dismissed as such? I think they would. I also think it’s a damn shame that some internet hackster has more credibility than our MSM.

    What really bothers me is the damage they have done to individuals that are following orders from our lying government. When the first leaks came out, there was little “outrage” by the Obama faithful because it was only our soldiers and Bush’s policies who were threatened. Now Wikileaks has put the finger on Obama’s cronies and holy crap thats cause for killing anyone associated with Wikileaks… I find it utterly hypocritical and typical.

    Would I like to see wikileaks shut down? I’d like to see everything they have on our government and our banks. I’d like them to leave any ongoing operational details out of anything they release but I’d like to see how deep the rabbit hole goes. IF we are truly an open and transparent society then bring the pain.

    Yeah maybe I have lost my mind.

  2. No government can operate in the clear. There must, by nature, be secrets. You have to try to trust that a government utilizes its power to the benefit of the people. Taken a step further, no one can operate in the clear. You cannot, I cannot. I have my secrets and so do you. Some of my secrets will never, ever be revealed, not to my wife, not to my best friends, not to my brothers. Some secrets should never, ever be revealed to those with whom we negotiate. Invariably those who pay that ultimate price are our soldiers, our cops, our public workers, our citizens and not the power brokers themselves.

    It is THIS reason that I castigate Assange. Isn’t it odd that he focuses predominantly on the free countries and not on Islamic countries or North Korea or Russia or China? If all of those countries found their deepest secrets suddenly in the public domain, he knows his life on this planet wouldn’t be worth a globule of phlegm.


  3. BZ, I disagree with part of that statement. There does need to be secrets, and those secrets should be carefully guarded. IF they were then Assange wouldn’t be an issue. The problem isn’t Assange, the problem is the leaker. He has connections inside the free worlds government, he evidently doesn’t have any in China or NK or Iran.

    My secrets and yours are carefully guarded. And if our media would do their job and report unbiased and we believed in them to do what they were designed to do, Wikileaks wouldn’t be such a big deal. What’s happening is a total lack of trust in our Government and our media. IF we had that trust, perhaps the WH would be able to spin the WIKILEAKED Documents as false. But since they can’t do that we have a serious breech.

    My point is this in simple form. IF the NYT can publish operational details of Iraq and Afghanistan WHILE we have boots on the ground. WHY should our government be so quick to jump on a “Blogger” with connections? The reason is NOW it’s not our soldiers in danger as much as it is the image of Hillary and Obama…

    Obama and all of our intel services knew way in advance that Assange had secrets. They believed they only stuff that supported their bases arguments… Oooops. What came out was damning to them and now they are outraged.

  4. You and I will just have to have a philosophical difference over this one. I don’t think is so much about Obama and Clinton as it is about the purposeful attempt to embarrass and, further, emasculate or even behead western countries. This guy, in Australia, the UK or even America would have been the overeducated, arrogant “leaker” were he in the employ of an intelligence utility — who believes that he can best decide what should be classified or not. He is THE prototype of a Kim Philby or a Hanssen or Walker.


  5. That’s okay BZ if we agreed on everything one of us would be unnecessary. I agree with you on few things. Yep it’s a deliberate attempt to embarrass western culture, I agree the guy is an idiot and as I said I don’t agree with the leaking of material that can cause harm to our soldiers in the field. What I don’t want to see is this be used for a reason the internet needs to be regulated. And that’s exactly what will happen with our current crop of leaders.

    I also don’t want us to be sanitized to the realities of the world. Some things need to be secret, things like Iran’s ambitions are well known, Saudi’s playing both sides of the fence and other things we already knew… The left acted like they didn’t. Now it hurt them to see the truth…. For that I’m grateful for the leaks.

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