Category: Media bias

Reporter Gushes about being selected to carry Obama’s talking points.

Reporter Gushes about being selected to carry Obama’s talking points.

Now if you understand our media now and what the media was intended to do. This is not a good thing. The reason the alphabet networks go to such lengths to deny their lefty bias is they are supposed to be watching the rulers and reporting what they find. When they stop doing that valuable service, they become as untrusted as the people they are supposed to be watching. When the News on a channel is no longer “Unbiased” it loses viewers. Not the ones that believe in what they believe. But the ones that are expecting unbiased news, they are also known as the MAJORITY.


Local TV Reporter Gushes About Being “Chosen To Carry” Obama’s Talking Points

Justin Farmer is a reporter for Atlanta’s WSB-TV, and he’s exactly the kind of local-news reporter Barack Obama’s been looking for — the kind that’s too star-struck to be objective. Farmer talked of Obama with the traditional media tingles on the station website (since removed, but preserved by Politico): ” I took in the man himself, this man, President Barack Obama. Regardless of one’s political leanings, there’s no doubt this is a gifted and complex man. Think about what he ponders in any given day?”

Farmer also boasted that while Obama is shifting into reelection mode, he was “carefully chosen by the administration, along with a few others, to take his talking points back to Atlanta.” Being happy you were “carefully chosen” to carry talking points? That’s the line most editors might want to unpublish.


I’ve said it before and I’ll continue saying it. The MEDIA gave us Barack Obama. Now, the GOP helped, the previous administration helped but the real propulsion device was the Alphabet Networks. They alone hid, spun, turned their head and LIED in their reporting in order to further a PROGRESSIVE agenda. FACT.

You want to know the truth about what’s going on? Watch the FOX NEWS channel during the Obama regime. IF we get a “Republican” in office in 2012, watch CNN. They both are news channels, they both have a bend one way. But they research and report on their opposition much better than they do on their guy.

IF we allow our media to “Carry the message of the POTUS” no matter who it is, we have lost America. American media is supposed to be free, as of right now it’s heavily slanted LEFT and how’s that working out for you?

Walking on Eggshells… Or stomping on them?

Walking on Eggshells… Or stomping on them?

Over at “The Blacksphere” Kevin Jackson posts a great article called “Stomping on eggshells”

Stomping on Eggshells By Hatfield Nuff with editorial contribution from Kevin Jackson

Several years ago, I represented a client who was being sued for employment discrimination. The former employee—a black man—in front of the clientele loudly and vulgarly had voiced his dismay over not getting a promotion he felt he deserved. Though warned to return to his work station, he continued with his tirade, cursing his manager and accusing him of being racist.

The employee was terminated for his behavior. He decided to sue his former employer, alleging racial discrimination.

As trial neared, I found myself debating the relative merits of the case with his attorney, who also happened to be black. I contended that the jury would certainly understand the firing of an employee who mouthed off to his boss in front of customers.

“You didn’t just go there,” came the disapproving voice on the other end of the phone. “What?” I inquired quite innocently.  It was then that I learned that the term “mouthing off” carried with it racial baggage – akin, apparently, to “being uppity.”

“Uppity” I get.  I’ve heard it used before – most notably by Democrat Senator LBJ in grudgingly giving black people a little something.


Read that full post then come back, I’ll wait.

Now, the reason I mention that article is the latest in “Outrage” by the liberal/Progressive race baiters.

Chimp email energises Obama birth debate

An email depicting the American president as a chimp has reignited an explosive race debate as well as sparking fresh questions about Barack Obama’s birth place.

The leaked email, written by a member of the Republican Party, has shone a light on what is being called an “ugly wave of birther-ism”, a reference to extremist allegations that Mr Obama was not born in Hawaii and is therefore an illegitimate president.

Now let’s look at the photo… Please no children need to be exposed such racism…

HOLY CRAP!!!! I must say that’s about the most racist thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Obama as a chimp… Damn it republicans!!! How would you feel if YOU’RE President was depicted as a Chimp? Oh wait….

That was then I guess… Never Mind, I guess that picture of Obama is only racist because Obama is black… I mean it couldn’t be used in the same way liberals did it with Bush right? Is it possible that there could be, I mean a slim chance that there was NO RACISM at all in that picture of Obama as a chimp? Could it be that it was meant to just show he was dumb as a chimp? I never heard any outrage about Bush being “Chimp’d” so can we get an apology? Just askin…

More “faux outrage” by the race watchers… Those that can find racism in everything will find it everywhere. Now for my opinion on the photo.. Good likeness, however the ears should be bigger and baby Obama should have his hand out. Same could be said for Bush in chimp outfit, and other than the ears his hand should be outstretched too… Not much difference between the two chimps in my book… But I don’t see color everywhere I look I see character, I see a person who by his actions gains or loses my respect and trust. Both have lost both. Cry racism please liberals cry it loud. The more you do it, the easier it is to debate because the sting is gone… Long Gone.

Pretty soon it will be like the N-word among black dudes. We’ll all be slapping each other on the back sayin “What’s up Racist?” “Not much Racist”


The face of Islam…

The face of Islam…

Jewish Couple and 3 children SLAUGHTERED in West Bank.

A Jewish couple and three of their children were stabbed to death in bed in a West Bank settlement in what Israeli officials said Saturday was an attack by one or more Palestinians who broke into their home.

Pay real close attention folks, this is what we are dealing with. This is what is NEVER MENTIONED by our current leaders. This is what Islam is. This is how they roll:

I make NO apologies for showing these pictures. I make NO apologies for not warning you first. I want people to SEE this. (HT Theo Spark)

This was not done by your average run of the mill serial killer going nuts, this was not done by some estranged family member over a debt or relationship problems. This was done in the name of RELIGION. This was done in accordance with the Koran and it was done by the followers of the death cult of ISLAM.

I know you guys are saying “You are way off base, Islam is the Religion of Peace and you are just Islamaphobic” Well then see who took responsibility for it:

Al-Aqsa Brigades claims responsibility for West Bank killing

Nablus, West Bank – The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the armed wing of the Palestinian Fatah movement, claimed responsibility on Saturday for killing five Israeli settlers near the West Bank city of Nablus.

A member of the al-Aqsa Brigades attacked a house in the Itamar settlement, south of Nablus, the group claimed in a statement sent to reporters.’The mujahid killed all who were in the house at around 1:15 am local time (2315 GMT) at predawn on Saturday’, the leaflet said adding that the attack was carried out successfully thanks to Allah.

‘This heroic operation is part of the natural response to the massacres of the fascist occupation against our people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip,’ said the leaflet. ‘We tell the criminals of the (Israeli) occupation that their crimes won’t pass without punishment.’

Thanks to Allah? Um, I wonder exactly how long it would take for the media to go nuckin futs if ANYONE, ANY GROUP wasted ANY FAMILY ANY WHERE IN THE WORLD and Claimed responsibility for it saying THANK GOD WE WERE SUCCESSFUL in murdering 3 kids. They held BIBLES when talking and used terms like “Jesus Christ is our savior he will be pleased we slaughtered these Muslims”…. Yeah wouldn’t be much more than a blurb I’m sure. Sarcasm OFF.



Allen West, Japan, Wisconsin and Moore….

Allen West, Japan, Wisconsin and Moore….

I figured since there was so much going on today I’d grace the net with my wisdom on a few items all at once. Lets get started.

Allen West is IMO the second coming of Reagan. He has his bearings right, he’s extremely bright and he is UNAFRAID to go head to head with the opposition while remaining civil unless called to be otherwise. I would support this man for any position of leadership that he so chooses.

Rep. Allen West slams military diversity report

The Military Leadership Diversity Commission’s (MLDC) conclusion this week that there are too many white men in senior positions in the military “is a slap in the face” to those minorities who have achieved seniority, according to retired Lt. Colonel and Florida Republican Rep. Allen West.


Find more photos like this on Lt. Col. Allen West for President 2012

Read that article if you don’t believe the man has integrity, honor and a sense of self that is unrivaled in today’s politicians. The only people that see color anymore are LEFTISTS/SOCIALISTS/COMMUNISTS and Progressives. All of which are ANTI-AMERICAN.

Japan Rocked by Quake and Tsunami:

This is a very bad situation for Japan, and it’s a very good learning possibility for those of us in the danger zone. Japan has been waiting for the “Big One” to hit and they have done about all they could to shore up their nation because of it. They have very strict building codes, and they have some of the worlds best architecture relating to earthquakes. This fact saved a lot of lives I’m sure.

Tsunami hits Japan after massive quake

A powerful tsunami has swept across a large area of northern Japan causing major damage, flooding towns and sweeping away buildings.

It was triggered by a 8.9-magnitude earthquakePolice say up to 300 bodies have been found in Sendai, the city that was worst-hit. Many more people are missingTsunami warnings were issued for virtually the entire Pacific region. The first waves have now reached the mainland of the United States along the Oregon coast. Earlier, tsunami waves about 1m high flooded several beaches on HawaiiRelatively minor waves also reached the Philippines, the Kuril Islands and Taiwan.

We have around 100k American Service men and women and their families. These folks need our prayers and support. They will be on the front lines of any recovery because that’s what GOOD FOLKS DO, and they are our best.

Wisconsin Governor KICKS BUTT!

Wis. governor officially cuts collective bargaining

MADISON, Wis. — Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has officially taken away nearly all collective bargaining rights from the vast majority of the state’s public employees.Walker signed the bill to do so privately Friday morning. He planned an afternoon news conference in the Capitol.The Wisconsin law will take effect the day after it is published by the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State has 10 days from the signing, excluding signings, to publish it.

I linked to MSNBC because I want the ENEMY to see this. Scott Walker is the MAN! The progressive agenda took a smack in the mouth today and it was delivered by men in their own house. The UNION GOONS showed their true colors over the last week or two. The American people saw their actions, their tantrums and they saw WHO stood with the Unions in protest. Michael Moore, Je$$e Jackson and the SOCIALISTS/COMMUNIST movement all showed up in support of the UNIONS. I gotta ask WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?

HT to the creator of the above photoshop Serr Serr8d


The Tea Party was accused of being racist because there were more white than black (Actually it was pretty evident that most of the engaged people at tea party events were white) But there were very few black folks in the union protests too… SO are they racist? Must be using the same standard, but I guess it’s typical liberal speak. “Do as I say not as I do”

Note to Wisconsin Unions: good job guys, thanks. You did more damage to your cause in 2 weeks than Obama has done in 2 years. He tried hard but it’s real hard to compete with what you guys did. You guys were so stupid even the MSM couldn’t bury your actions, they tried, they gave it their all but even they realized you were acting stupidly.

I can’t wait for your next stunt. Popcorn is always ready.


Do you still think BIASED Reporting is not harmful?

Do you still think BIASED Reporting is not harmful?

One thing that seems to be escaping the general public is this: Media bias is destructive to freedom.

Obama Intelligence Official Prepared For Congressional Testimony On Egypt…By Watching CNN:

Mr. Obama watched Mr. Mubarak’s speech on board Air Force One, returning from a trip to Michigan, the press secretary, Robert Gibbs, said. As soon as he arrived at the White House, Mr. Obama huddled with his national security aides. The administration appeared as taken aback by Mr. Mubarak’s speech as the crowds in Tahrir Square. The director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Leon E. Panetta, testified before the House of Representatives on Thursday morning that there was a “strong likelihood” that Mr. Mubarak would step down by the end of the day.

American officials said Mr. Panetta was basing his statement not on secret intelligence but on media broadcasts, which began circulating before he sat down before the House Intelligence Committee. But a senior administration official said Mr. Obama had also expected that Egypt was on the cusp of dramatic change. Speaking at Northern Michigan University in Marquette, he said, “We are witnessing history unfold,” adding, “America will do everything we can to support an orderly and genuine transition to democracy.”

Our intelligence folks are learning of world events on CNN, the Administration has been known to quote CNN, ABC,NBC and CBS reporting….

IF GWB was still POTUS and his security team used Fox news as their “Window” to the worlds issues, would this be as hush hush?

I’m seriously disgusted with the way the MSM has acted since “Duh WON” got elected. They are carrying his water, they are pissing on America. They talk about revolution in Egypt like it’s great without looking at the potential for disaster. The MSM is complicit in everything Obama and his cronies have done, and they have done so much damage to their credibility that NOBODY trusts them. They have cause us to lose trust in our elected officials by hiding their shortcomings, and they will not recover that lost trust.

Do you think having our elected officials getting their world affair news from a BIASED reporting source is a good thing? Time will tell and guess what? The Alphabet Networks will not share in any of the blame WHEN this all goes south. May I suggest that if you find your TV channel on one of those networks, you change it immediately.

25 Conservatives Arrested.. Oops, They were “Progressives”

25 Conservatives Arrested.. Oops, They were “Progressives”

More media bias, in other news the sky is blue and water is wet…

25 arrested at California conservative meeting

LA QUINTA, Calif. – Authorities in California say 25 protesters have been arrested for trespassing outside a strategy session of conservative political donors at a Palm Springs-area resort.

Riverside County Deputy Melissa Nieburger (NEE’-bur-gur) said Sunday that the protesters were being booked at Indio Jail and released.

Hundreds of people participated in the mostly peaceful demonstration that had been arranged with authorities, but some protesters crossed the street to the Rancho Las Palmas Resort.

I love the “MOSTLY PEACEFUL” part in the story. IF it were ol ladies in wheel chairs and ol men walking with canes, and it was a “Tea Party”event AND there were no arrests; it would be titled “Extremely radical Sarah Palin-Glenn Beck rally may turn violent”

Can’t wait too much longer for the waking up of America, our media has effectively become the very thing our founders feared. They are an arm of Government now… Is it too late to fix it?

Here’s a video of the “Peaceful Protesters”

Bring on idiot.

Fun with Liberal hypocrisy..

Fun with Liberal hypocrisy..

Just perusing the web today and found so much hypocrisy from the liberal media my mind went blank. I damn near began chanting “Obama is dear leader, he is perfect” like the rest of our elite media…

A few examples:

Here in California, Jerry Brown has taken over as Governor. He’s came into the office and started making plans to cut cut and cut spending to solve our deficit problem. Looking at the cuts he’s planning, they are eerily similar to those Arnie tried to cut about 4 yrs ago. The difference? Well for one, the media isn’t bashing every cut, the protests on the street haven’t materialized, and the local news isn’t interviewing every poor unwed mother of 8 who works two jobs and will lose her bus pass….Hypocrisy? You betcha.

Nationwide, GAS prices are going up, oil price is closing in on 100 bucks a barrel. When oil reached 100 dollar a barrel under the Bush Admin. The liberal media screamed foul, they cried about the gas prices, they blamed Haliburton, the war in Iraq, they blamed the republican oil mongers….NOW, gas headed to 5.00 a gallon and SILENCE… Oh and the war in Iraq was over oil right? if so why are the prices going up? Hypocrisy? Um yep.

A republican congressman mentions that Obama’s birth record is in question, the media howls and demands retractions, a democrat calls republicans Nazi’s and there is silence from the media.. Hypocrisy? Check.

A gunman opens fire on a congresswoman and others in a meeting killing 6, the media assigns blame immediately to the Right Side of the aisle. A gunman opens fire on a military base killing 12, the left assigns no blame other than to not jump to conclusions…. Hypocrisy? check…

Man this is fun, and there are SOOOOooo many more examples. if it were a movie, it would be titled fiction. Since it’s true I can only hope more people see this for what it is. A lack of integrity, a loss of trust and the complete removal of the media as America’s watchdog as it was intended.

People wonder: Why is it when Obama speaks people automatically discount him? Because he, along with MOST other politicians have lost our trust. The media has lost our trust and the consequences of the loss are questions. The questions are much tougher because we are starting with a “Disbelieving” foundation.

It’s no longer OUR responsibility to prove they are lying, it’s up to them to prove they are telling the truth. That is a sad state of affairs.

M.L.K’s REAL Legacy

M.L.K’s REAL Legacy

Wondering around the blogsphere last night I stopped by one of my favorite writers.

Kevin Jackson says what so many of us on the right side of the aisle understand is the real Martin Luther King. His legacy has been hijacked by the likes of Sharpton and Jackson and those worse than them. Take a look:

Kings Real Legacy By Kevin Jackson

As the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr approaches, I began thinking of what he might think about the time we live in.  I believe Dr. King would be disgusted at how his legacy is being used as a double standard, a sort of have your cake and eat it too by Liberal blacks, and how Liberal whites are prostituting his dream.

When MLK fought for civil rights back in the ’60s, there weren’t a lot of black mega-millionaires, or black industry moguls like Oprah Winfrey, Jay Z and so on. If BET existed at all, it would have only been because black people would not have been able to appear on “regular” TV.

Two score and three years later, the Liberal black man in America is still a prisoner. Liberal blacks are no longer “sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination,” as King wrote,  but have become prisoners of their own minds.

America has made good on that bounced check due to “insufficient funds,” and black people were made whole and then some. The black man is no longer an exile in his own land, as King suggested in the ‘60s. When King spoke of the shameful condition of the black man, it was real and at the hands of white Democrats. Today however, if there is a shameful condition of the black man, it is a condition of the black man’s own creation.

There can be no argument that black people have advanced to the highest possible levels in America, and black Liberals know in their hearts that the sky is the limit as far as the potential for black achievement. No longer do black Liberals need to feel disingenuous when encouraging their children that they could one day be president of the United States. Despite all the overwhelming examples of achievement by blacks however, Liberal black people still complain more than any other culture about America; calling America racist, and saying that the black man is being kept down. They are right. But it is Liberal blacks keeping Liberal blacks down.

Read the rest Here

Well said Kevin, Well said…. :clap: :clap: :clap: